PaBabe's HomepagePaBabe's Homepage

Welcome to my Homepage...I hope you enjoy your stay....Please check out my links pages....and sign my guestbook....Thank You

Here is a picture
of my husband Chuckie and I.
We met in a chatroom in Talk City,
called 32-to-40-chat.

We got married on April 15, 2000.
I am from Pennsylvania,
and Chuckie is originally from North Carolina.
Chuckie moved here to Pa, 4 years ago to be with me.

We have made alot of online friends,
and love you all very much.
We are always here to help anyone that needs help with anything.
Chuckie and I love to help others with their email,
and homepages.

Here is our most recent picture,
it is from Memorial Day, 2000.

some links may not work, sorry for the incovenience

Our New Pictures

Angel Links

My F-Key

Important Links

Our Homepage
I made this for my nieces

My Abuse Site
Women and Child abuse

Family and Friends Homepages

My Weather Page

Thank You Rita

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