In this site, I will try to acquaint you with myself, my family, some of my interests and hobbies, and as well as links to some of my favorite sites.
Weather in my area

Hi, I'm Paleface!
I'm from Texas-just a cowgirl at heart!
I collect any kind of eggs, like Minnie Mouse better than two spotted pups, and as you can tell - like Coca Cola. Have collected a lot of coca-cola stuff around the house and will try to constantly update my page to keep up with all the new acquistions.
So grab you a coke as I take you on a tour of the range I call my homepage.

Aren't I cute?
Aren't we cute ? 

For all you Marines
out there, the Marine Page 

For all you Chevy Lovers out there , the
Longhorn Harley-Davidson 
Harley-Davidson Home page 

A great place to buy posters 
add your site to search engines??? Try 

This is a great Garth Site 
Jerry's Coca-Cola Room is an awesome Coke site!
Other Links & Banner Exchange

Write me and tell me what you think or sign the Guestbook