My Dominic and Gabe are Gods Webring!

This is the webring that Ali and I came up with (well, she gave me the idea at least), join it! Now, when you have, please email me and I will add you to the ring. Muchos gracias!

Submit site to The Dominic and Gabe are Gods Webring!
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Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

&It;P>&It;Center>&It;table border=7 cellspacing=7> &It;TR>&It;TH>&It;a href="" target="_top"> &It;img src="" align="left" WIDTH=110 HEIGHT=100>&It;/a>&It;/left> &It;a href=";id=your_site_id;next" target="_top"> &It;img src="" align="right" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=100>&It;/a>&It;/right> &It;br>&It;center>&It;h5>This &It;a href="">Dominic and Gabe are Gods Webring!&It;/a> site is owned by &It;a href="mailto:your_email">your_name&It;/a>. &It;P>Want to join the Dominic and Gabe are Gods Webring? Click &It;a href="">here&It;/a>!&It;/TH>&It;/TR> &It;TR>&It;TH>&It;h5>[&It;a href=";id=your_site_id;prev5">Prev 5&It;/a>] [&It;a href=";id=your_site_id;sprev">Skip Prev&It;/a>] [&It;a href=";id=your_site_id;prev">Previous&It;/a>] [&It;a href=";id=your_site_id;next">Next&It;/a>] [&It;a href=";id=your_site_id;skip">Skip Next &It;/a>] [&It;a href=";id=your_site_id;next5">Next 5&It;/a>] [&It;a href=";random">Random&It;/a>] [&It;a href=";list">List&It;/a>]&It;/TH>&It;/TR>

I'm sorry 'bout the &Its...I'll try to fix it later! But for now, just replace them those other thingies, ok? Thanks!

Back to the scary area I call home!!!