ParentsChoice in Chattanooga

This is the local page for Chattanooga, TN. Here is where you will find information on homeschooling in Chattanooga and the surrounding area. You will also find list of events for our local group and other events which might be of interest to local special needs homeschoolers.

CSTHEA Curriculum Fair

The CSTHEA ( Chattanooga Southeast Tennessee Home Education Association ) is having it's 17th Annual Curriculum Fair July 23-24, 1999 at Camp Jordan Arena. If you haven't been before you don't know what you are missing. It is a great chance to check out the many products, books and curriculums out there for homeschooling and to meet other homeschoolers.

It is also a great time to join CSTHEA if you aren't already a member. For more information on CSTHEA you can call 423-266-4663.
