
Mirage is music for an imaginary dancer. His dance is consealed in the sounds of the instruments and the reflexions thrown back by the computer through the loudspeakers. A mirage for all those who on and off loose the foothold in persuit of a solid form. Groping about, the dance searches for a direction, a structure seemingly materializing in rythms and leaps, only to vanish in the next moment. All that is solid…… Music runs by, leaving fleeting traces in the membranes of memory. A mirage for the ear. The dancer moves towards the illusive goal of reaching the absolute balance of movement. And then to terminate, without ceasing. I catch a last glimpse of him just before the lights goes out in the hall...

Mirage was comissioned by NOMUS for the norwegian ensemble "Cikada"
in 1995. It was premiered in Oslo during the Ultima Festival 1996 and 
has since been performed in Holland, Ireland, Norway and Sweden.
Mirage was recorded by Cikada and put on their CD released in 1996.

	Christian Eggen
	Roland Klüttig

Mirage is published through SMIC (Swedish Music Information Center).
The piece is delievered on a CD-ROM containing all material necessary
to perform the piece.

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