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Logic is a formal description of cause and effect. A machine is a logical device; a certain input results in a predetermined output. The output is determined by the structure of the machine. A known cause results in a reproducible effect. The universe is a logical device. The brain is a logical device.


"Reason" is not defined. It transcends logic. Along with awareness and will, we can call upon it but we cannot define it. The word "reason", as used here is only loosely related to the dictionary definition for that word. It is used here as a label for a higher undefinable aspect of mind or as a kind of anagogic metaphor. The equivalent Greek word would be "logos" which can have many meanings. In John 1.1 the Greek word "LOGOS" is translated as "The Word" in most bible translations and is associated with the Christ, the Son of God. (John 1:14 "And the LOGOS was made flesh, and dwelt among us...") In this paradigm the LOGOS is the source of reason.

Reason (Logos) is not in a book. A book is simply a collection of symbols which illustrate myths, paradigms, parables and stories which are meant to stimulate ones ability to reason. (Stimulate, not simulate!)


The brain is a logical device which uses electrochemical processes to compute logical results. Inputs are received from the senses and other thought processes and the results are manifest in bodily responses. A being which has no access to reason can still appear as a living, functioning, organism through these logical operations. Logic is used to regulate the wellbeing of the body and to make decisions concerning external bodily needs which manifest as desires such as hunger etc.


The life-form which has no access to reason is a slave to the logical functions of its body. It will always respond to the logical choices dictated by its brain. (assuming it has one) If a being has access to reason, along with will and awareness, it can choose to respond to higher motives than those dictated by pure logic. These higher motives are sometimes referred to as intuition, inspiration, conscience, hunches, etc. They are the basis for those human traits which are not shared by animals. They are the motives which result in the arts, theater, music, philosophy, religion, and any other human activities which are not solely dictated by logic.


Memory in the universe is absolute. All ideas, rules, laws, events, etc. are permanent and cannot be erased. Obviously, if we had access to all that memory, we would be hopelessly confused. We are born with a memory access system, our brains, which makes only relevant material accessible. It is a logical system. Personal, experienced memory is accessed through electrochemical codes much as computer memory is accessed from the central processor. Each memory is associated with a coded address, consisting of the physical positions of associated cells within the network of axons, which under ideal conditions can be accessed through logical sequences. The system becomes unreliable if we fall into a dream state because then the logical processes become randomized. The system also fails when parts of the brain become damaged. It is not the memory that is effected, but only the addressing system. Exceptions can occur if a person can somehow access memory directly by bypassing the brain. We do not know how this happens but such persons are usually labeled "psychics" and the process is labeled "psi". This so-called psychic sensitivity is not a logical process and is unreliable because that which is relevant is not separable from the non-relevant.


Intuition or inspiration is a process where one becomes aware of certain aspects of reason without using the logical processes of the brain. The logical churning of information that takes place in our brains is what we call thought. If this process can be quieted down, it may be possible to become aware of reason in a way that bypasses the brain and its thoughts. This intuitive or inspirational process does not use words or symbols of any kind. The resulting object of awareness is simply a kind "knowing" which is then interpreted by the thinking processes of the brain into thoughts, words, symbols, sounds, or whatever else ones thought processes are capable of producing. It should be remembered that these secondary effects of thought processes are only interpretations of the actual intuitive or inspirational processes. Meditation is a way of training ones mind to be more receptive to non-thought processes. The intuitive and inspirational processes should not be confused with so-called "psychic" processes because the latter do not involve reason (or logos).


The activities of the mind involve an interplay of many different processes which effect self awareness. These include input from the physical senses, memories, logical processes, imagination, intuition, psychic processes and influences from collective entities. All of these things interact with each other to form the thoughts which we are aware of. As human beings, we are learning how to sort these things out so that we can discern which are important and which are not. Again, the practice of meditation can help by allowing one to observe thoughts from a neutral perspective. A good meditation technique is to observe thoughts without reacting to them. A mentally ill person who "sees" frightening images, for example, can learn to observe these images without reacting to them. When one does not react to them, they will fade away. When disturbing thoughts impinge on your awareness, learn to observe them without reacting to them.


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