Encounters with the Unknown Main Page


If we wish to understand the nature of the Universe, we have an inner hidden advantage: we are ourselves little portions of the universe and so carry the answer within us.

Jacques Boivin
The Single Heart Field Theory


Anne (pseudonym) is now in her forties. Her first memory is of a childhood dream.

Well, the first memory is a dream I had when I was five years old. It was on Long Island. We moved from Brooklyn to the house on Long Island when I was four. So I was -- and it was -- I hadn't gone to school yet so I must have been four or five or even six. But I think I was about five. And I dreamed about I was on an airplane and there were other people on the airplane. And it was like normal size seats because it was too big for me. And there was two rows and maybe 20 people. It was real small. And there was this thing walking up and down the aisle of this airplane. And it's moving like this (waves her arms jerkily up and down), and it's got real skinny arms and it's all white and it's got this big head. And it's just it's like it's telling us something but I don't know what it's telling us. I'm just looking at it.

So this is all of the dream and then I wake up, I'm in bed, and I wake up laughing. I couldn't stop laughing and my mother rushes in. She's always rushing. "Oh, my God. What's the matter? You're laughing."

"I had a nightmare. It was scary. I don't know why I'm laughing. I can't stop laughing." And she stays and she calms me down and I go back to sleep. And ever since then I'm trying to rationalize what is that white thing I saw. And since it had white skin I thought it was a clown because clowns have white makeup. It didn't have a wig or anything, but ever since then I was deathly afraid of clowns. I don't like the circus. Nothing like that. And to this day, you know, clowns, there's something funny about them.

And it's just it's like it's telling us something ...

Reversal: Puffs of light. Pick up did the trick.

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Throughout her adolescence and young adulthood Anne had many paranormal experiences. There were many poltergeist manifestations in the different places she lived. They first appeared in her parents' house when Anne was fifteen. They followed her when she moved out and got married. Anne attributed all these weird happenings to something outside herself. She was quite shocked to find out through her reverse speech that she herself was causing all the mischief. An incident involving her new husband is a good example:

It was bilocation. He was in the bedroom and he said I picked up this book he wanted to read that he had laying there and I took it. And he was mad at me because he was just gonna use it. Maybe he said something, maybe he didn't. But I come in and I pick up the book and take it away. I think I'm downstairs in the kitchen or downstairs doing something and I don't know anything about it. And he comes and, "Where's my book. Where'd you put my book?"

And I said, "Well, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Where's my book? You just came in and you took it and I was just gonna read it."

I said, "I don't know. I was down here. I didn't touch your book." And then we're looking all over, you know, couldn't find the book. So we finally found the book and it was an older book. So he got the book and he was mad at me for taking the book. I said, "No it wasn't the real me, but something went in there and it looked like me or was a double of me and went and picked up and took it."

... or was a double of me and went and picked up and took it.

Reversal: Kid's got the budget. We don't need no bicep to do it.

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In 1990 Anne told her dream of a little boy to a group of researchers. It was an informal meeting at a local restaurant. She concluded it wasn't a little boy and it wasn't a dream. (There are restaurant noises in the background of the sound files.)

I was in this house or building. I, it was just dark. And I went by this table and there was this little boy at it. It looked like kind of a dining room table, maybe. And he looked at me go by and somehow I thought -- and he looked real mad at me, just real mad. He was looking so mad at me. I didn't know what I did to him, but I wasn't worried about it. I mean he was just a little kid, who cares, right? So I walked on.

Then I saw this little boy coming at me. I didn't see him real clearly, you know, but he was coming at me. And then all of a sudden he had his hands on my head. And I'm awake. I just know I'm awake. And I feel like I'm in bed but I'm not sure. And he's over this side (indicates to her left) and he just holds my head. I can't move. I just can't move, not a muscle. It's like this total veil and I can't see anything and I can't move. Then I hear this noise that sounds like a sucking noise and I don't know, I feel this pain in my head. And then I could move, suddenly I could move and I said, "Ow, that hurt!" loud. I didn't wake up my husband but I know I said it out loud. I know I was awake in bed. And there wasn't anything there.

But after I was thinking about it I could remember what the little boy looked like and why I think he might be mad. Cause this, this memory popped into my head that I saw this little -- I took him to be a boy cause he was little you know, three feet tall, the usual type of description, big eyes, no hair. Why I thought he was mad was his big eyes. And his mouth was square. It looked like he had a piece of something in it, like he has something in his mouth that was absolutely square. It almost looked like a death mask, you know?

... move. I just can't move, not a muscle.

Reversal: Little something ugly entered that room.

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And I'm awake. I just know I'm awake. I ...

Reversal: That gay old monster. That gay old man.

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Anne has devoted her life to researching UFO and paranormal phenomena. She states bluntly:

Well, I'm just obsessed. I don't even have a job now.

Reversal: White bars. They're making a mirror outside. It's in their aura.

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