In Memory of are Baby's

William James Berry Gamble:
September 19,1985-October 30, 1985:

In Memory of Mother's

MY LAST WORDS TO MAMMA: I called you up to talk one day, I really had nothing important to say, Just wanting to chat for a minute I guess. The wearther, the dog, and family is all, We talked about in that call, Keeping up to date on home more or less. I wish I had knew when we hung up the phone, It would be the last time in a few days I'd be home, The thought of you dying never entered my mind. I never knew I could be this sad, I didn't know pain could hurt this bad, You had went away and left me behind. So many words left unsaid, All these thoughts running through my head, Of things I wanted me and you to do. On that fateful day what I hope you heard, Before we ended that call was my very last words, Mamma....................... I love you. BY JEWL292528:
Frances E Scott Gamble:
December 21, 1929-August 1, 1997:
Sharon A Ginsburg:
July 27, 1944-March 22, 1996:

In Memory of Father's

What would I do if I didn't have you to love me, to advise me, to talk to me when I'm down, and to celebrate with me when I'm happy? Thank you for being the best dad I could ever have. Thank you for giving me life. Thank you for your undying love. Thank you for your influence, your example. I see you in myself and my ways, and I appreciate the positive characteristics you passed on to me. :
Robert L Gamble:
September 28, 1935-November 26, 1982:

In Memory of Grandparent's

Eugene E Scott:
1900-October 23, 1985:
Frances J Zickgraf:
June 21, 1921-September 4, 1980:

In Memory of Family & Friend's

Richard Scott Jr:
January 8, 1967-August 27,1998:
Hit By a car on U.S. 40:
Harold D DuBois Jr:
June 23, 1930-October 10, 1992:

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