Frankfort - 1860 Index House-Family Nos. Page A Agen, Lary (2) 686-703 38 Allen, Samuel (4) 505-518 13 Ames - See Fames Anglan,Laurance (5) 693-710 39 Arey, Benjamin (4) 533-546 16 Atwood; Alexander (3) 465-479 7 Atwood, Charles C. 457-471 6 James N. 676-793 36 John 5. 457-471 6 Auspland, Stephen (7) 730-748 44 Averell, Francis (3) (545)-559 18 Nathaniel (10) 551-564 19 Seth (8) 544-557 18 Avery, Betsy 470-484 8 B Bartlett, Maria 458-472 6 Battles, John (7) 584-597 23 Beal, James (6) 637-652 31 Benson, Moses (8) 671-688 36 Black, Henry 5. (8) 797-816 54 James (5) 783-801 52 Sewel (2) 784-802 52 Blaisdel, Ebeneazer F. (8) 493-506 11 (3) 494-507 11 Blake, Ester (5) 536-549 17 John F. (3) 613-627 27 Wade (6) 480-494 9 Blithen, Abigail (5) 744-762 46 Bolton, Eunice 751-769 47 William (10) 423-437 1 Boody, Hannah J. (3) 565-578 21 Bowden, Stephen (12) 728-746 44 [See Buden] Boyd, Louise F. (2) 722-740 43 Simon F. (3) 723-741 43 Buden, Robbert (10) 501-514 12 Budson, Joseph F. 438-452 3 Burk, Patrick (8) 692-709 38 Burrill, George W. (4) 535-548 16 C Campbell, Daniel 436-450 3 Francis 606-619 26 George (2) 603-616 26 John(8) 606-619 26 Robbert (8) 446-460 4 Theodore M. (7) 445-459 4 William M. (2) 610-624 27 Frankfort - 1860 Index -2- House-Family Nos. Page Cane, Patrick (4) 699-716 39 Canedy, Patrick 509-522 13 Cannon, James (3) (662)-679 34 Carli, Benjamin 601-614 26 Carr, William 728-746 44 Carter, Asa (5) 791-810 53 Emery (4) 794-813 53 James 791-810 53 James, Jr. (7) 795-814 53 Samuel (5) 792-811 53 Chick, Elisha (6) 470-484 8 James B. (5) 497-510 11 Clark, Albion K. P. (3) 636-651 31 Alfred (8) 751-769 47 Charles (2) 644-659 32 Chn. of Cyrus & Rebecca (4) 803-822 55 Freelove 666-683 35 Henry (4) 804-827 55 Isaac (6) 758-776 48 James (6) 667-684 35 Jeremiah (3) 643-658 32 Jeremiah, Jr. 639-654 31 767-785 50 John C[harles] (4) 614-628 27 Lyman (4) 721-739 43 Nathaniel (2) 811-834 56 Patience (6) 638-653 31 Sarah T. 453-467 5 Thomas (4) 642-657 31 William A. (2) 800-819 54 Clements, Daniel 0. (6) 448-462 4 Clone, John (7) 700-717 40 [Cloon-1870] Cody, Patrick (2) 509-522 13 [See Cuddy] Coffee, Mary 553-566 19 Coffin, Samuel (4) 747-765 46 Coin, Thomas (2) 513-526 14 Colburn, Abram (4) 434-448 2 Cole, Jesse (6) 455-469 5 Nehemiah R. (4) 423-437 1 Collings, Samuel (4) 764-782 49 Colson, Ann M. 546-560 18 Jdnathan (9) 441-455 3 Conant, Jacob (3) 537-550 17 Cookson, Frank (6) (607)-621 27 Louis (4) (607)-621 27 Frankfort - 1860 Index - Costelow Thomas 3 498-511 pag 11 CraneParker C. (5) 468-482 7 Sewel L. (9) 458-472 6 CrockettAllard (4) 538-551 17 Elmira J. (3) (790)-809 53 CrossCibbel J. 611-625 27 Sebella (463)-477 57 Oliver (8) 755-773 48 Crowley1 John K. (7) 439-453 3 Cuddy, James 518-531 14 Michel 519-532 14 Patrick (5) 521-534 15 [See Cody] Cunningham, John (3) 736-754 45 Curtis, Adoniram (5) 774-792 51 Caroline [Widow of Peter] (4) 781-799 52 Charles (5) 594-607 25 George A[lbert] (9) 659-675 34 Harrison (4) 631-646 30 Levi (5) 629-644 30 Lorenzo (5) 463-476 7 Maria 649-664 32 Mathew (9) 647-662 32 Sarah (4) 774-792 51 Sarah 550-564 19 William (5) 805-824 55 Cushing, Peter (6) 495-508 11 D j Davis1 Belia K. (6) 734-752 45 Eunice (5) (463)-477 7 Dean, Freeman (2) 488-502 10 Laura (3) 488-502 10 Decuher, Antone (5) 481-495 9 Deering, Andrew (4) 557-570 20 1 Dewey, Henry (2) 440-454 3 -~Dockam, Daniel (7) 800-819 54 Osmon (5) 608-622 27 Dodge, Ananiah (8) 621-636 28 Doile, Catharine 502-515 12 Hiram (5) 657-673 34 James (2) 725-743 43 Susan 657-673 34 Dollif, James S. (4) 701-718 40 Donelin, Edward - (6) 663-680 35 Timothy (6) 508-521 13 Donevan, Andrew (0) 609-623 27 Donley, Michel (10) 599-612 25 -4 Frankfort - 1860 Index -4- House-Family Nos. Page Downs, James (4) 788-806 52 Doyle, Hyram (2) 561-574 20 [See D6ile] Dudly, George (4) 471-485 8 Dutch, Arther (9) 738-756 45 Duval, E~gene (3) 461-475 6 Dwelley, Luther (4) 737-755 45 Dyer, Nancy 603-616 26 E Fames, Albert J. 565-578 21 Eldredge, Benjamin F. (4) 545-558 18 Elliott, Peter (4) 769-787 50 Emery, Abijah F. (7) 685-702 38 James (5) 680-697 37 Everett, Isaac (6) 426-440 1 Ewell, Dodge N. (9) 550-564 19 Ruth (5) 550-564 19 F Faha, Catherine 696-713 39 Winnie 622-637 29 Fairbanks, Samuel W. (3) 450-464 5 Fayhe, Pataric (2) 516-529 14 Fernald, Andrew (4) 437-451 3 Cyrus 747-765 46 Edward (5) 438-452 3 Josiah (4) 443-457 4 Ferrin, Hannah 496-509 11 Field, Abigail 804-823 55 Lucy F. (3) 430-444 2 Fling, John 468-482 7 Foly, John (7) 514-527 14 Mathew (9) 506-519 13 ò Foss, John H. (2) 425-439 1 G Garland, Charles (4) 745-763 46 Garvain, James (5) 515-528 14 George, Samuel P. (7) 576-589 22 ò Gerry, Sylvanus (4) 765-783 49 Getchell, Elijah (4) 780-798 51 Gipson- see Jipson Goodnow, Andrew (3) 526-539 15 Fred (8) 524-537 15 Rynatrus (2) 525-538 15 Gorden, Hannah (2) (463)-477 7 Frankfort 1860 Index -5- House-Family Nos. Page Gould, Daniel D. 548-562 18 Dennis F. Mary F. ) 718-735 42 Rinaldo A.) Grant, Ann M. 443-457 4 Edward (6) 711-728 41 Elisha (5) 717-734 42 Hannah 539-552 17 Jonathan (8) 713-730 42 Joseph (7) 714-731 42 Joseph W. (13) 539-552 17 Mary A. 746-764 46 Nathaniel (11) 702-719 40 Richard (3) (718)-736 43 Gross, Irena (6) 806-825 55 H Hadican, Mary 528-541 16 Michel (5) 527-540 15 Hadly, John W. (3) 541-554 17 Hair, Dennis 680-697 37 Hairher, Patrick (6) 696-713 39 Haley, Catharine (6) 664-681 35 John (9) 486-500 10 Patrick (8) 661-677 34 Freeman U. (4) 735-753 45 Hall, Frances (5) 807-830 56 Joshua 653-669 33 Halley [Kalley?]Catharine 599-612 25 John (7) 504-517 12 Hallowell, Lydia F. 740-758 46 Ham, Benjamin J. (4) 442-456 4 Thomas (8) 767-785 50 Hamilton, Aaron (6) 793-812 53 Hardy, Abijah W. (3) 482-496 9 Billings P. (8) 483-497 9 Eli za 471-485 8 Peter (6) 479-493 9 Harris, Thomas (4) 670-687 35 } Hary, Edward (5) 718-735 42 Hayes, Charles A. (3) 612-626 27 Jonathan (3) 611-625 27 Herriman, Benjamin (3) 805-828 55 Dustin (5) 689-706 38 Joseph F. (8) 668-685 35 Hicks, Henry 473-487 8 1 Frankfort - 1860 Index -6- I House-Family Nos. Page Holmes, Arthur G~ (7) 471-485 8 George (7) 703-720 40 Hannah 471-485 8 Hiram (8) 727-745 44 Holt, Tobias (2) 597-610 25 Hopkins, Albion (7) 634-649 30 Andrew W. (7) 684-701 37 Barzilla (11) 626-641 29 Cordelia 592-605 24 George N. (6) 592-605 24 '4 John C. (5) 590-603 24 Houston-See Hustin Howes, Harrison (7) 447-461 4 Nalissie 464-478 7 Solomon (6) 427-441 1 Sylvanus (2) 530-543 16 Hoyt, George (2) 569-582 22 George (2) 743-761 46 John P. (5) 574-587 22 Huse, Darby (4) 687-704 38 Hussy, Nary (3) 478-492 9 Hustin, John B. (4) 433-447 2 Hutchinson, Thomas (4) 534-547 16 Ide, Hannah 676-693 36 Stephen (2) 763-781 49 Jebow, Edward (8) 476-490 8 Jellerson, Nathan (2) 748-766 47 Jipson, Howard (3) 474-488 8 James (6) 466-480 7 Jypson, William (7) 753-771 47 [Gibson?] Johnson, George 444-458 4 Kalley - See Halley p Jones, Sally 622-637 29 Kelley, Albert L. (8) 453-467 5 Lucilla P. (5) 554-567 19 Patrick (6) 520-533 15 Kenney, Joseph (4) 581-594 23 Kidder, Clarrie 537-550 17 Riliman, Henry (8) 625-640 29 Mary A. 617-632 28 p - Frankfort - 1860 Index -7- ò House-Family Nos. Page Kingsbury, Annie 570-583 22 Augustus 565-578 21 Clarissa 565-578 21 David (4) 673-690 36 Eleazer (2) 739-757 45 Eleazer, Jr. (6) 742-760 46 Fred JEames] (3) (651)-667 33 George W. (4) 740-758 46 James R. (6)804-823 55 Joel (9) 650-665 33 John (11) 565-578 21 John D. 565-578 21 William (10) 803-822 55 Willia 2 (5) 731-749 44 Kinney, Benjamin (2)674-691 36 James (4) 588-601 24 Rufas (7) 675-692 36 Samuel (2) 633-648 30 Knowles, Andrew J. (4)472-486 8 Isaac (2) 428-442 1 L Lancy, James 689-706 38 Lane, Anger R. 772-790 50 Charles (4) 770-788 50 Daniel 717-734 42 Diana 655-671 33 Elinor 763-781 49 Hannah 771-789 50 Mary (5) 645-660 32 Nathaniel (7)773-791 50 --,- Stephen (5)782-800 52 Timothy (7) 617-632 28 William (3) 708-725 41 Lanpher, John (2) 757-775 48 Larrabee, Isaiah (4)522-535 15 Oren (5) 595-608 25 Sewel (5) 571-584 22 Thomas (6) 806-829 56 Lear, Margaret J. 755-773 48 p Lee, William C. (2) 577-590 22 Lent, William (5) 451-465 5 Leonard, Eliza 689-706 38 John (5) 697-714 39 Thomas (4) 694-711 39 Lewis, Emma F. 454-468 5 George (5) 809-832 56 Frankfort - 1860 Index -8- House-Family Nos. Page Littlefield, Daniel [2d] (5) 473-487 8 Goodwin (5) 676-693 36 Hannah 676-693 36 Lord, Nathaniel (4) 628-643 30 Nathaniel P. (6) 548-562; 18 James (8) 681-698 37 Lucy 446-460 4 Low, Asa (5) 712-729 41 Low, Aurora] Chn. of Oliver Elijah 2d (4) 720-738 43 Oliver) & Martha 788-806 52 Chn. of Bisby & Sarah J. (4) 716-733 42 George ) 717734 42 David W.) - James A. (3) 808-831 56 James C. (8) 449-463 5 Lewis L. (5) 715-732 42 Sewel C. (6) 523-536 15 William F. (5) 709-726 41 Lunt, Betsy (4) 543-556 18 William (7) 761-779 49 M L Manter, [Dr.] Ezra (4)459-473 6 V Massure, Albert 708-725 41 James (3) 669-686 35 Joseph (3) 641-656 31 Maxwell, John L. (6) 567-580 21 Mayo, Albert B. 447-461 4 Ebenezer (4) 775-793 51 Howes [Jr.] (4) 531-544 16 Howes (9) 707-724 41 Robert (2) 775-793 51 McCarty, Polley 568-581 21 Polly 744-762 46 MeCormic, Daniel (8) 519-532 14 Laurance (3) 511-524 14 Michal (4) 517-530 14 Pataric (4) 512-525 14 McCorrison, Lorenzo (3) 756-774 48 McDermot, David (11) 509-522 13 James (2) 475-489 8 NcDonugh, Thomas (7) 510-523 13 McGee, Betsey (5) 505-518 13 William - (4) 477-491 9 McGlathery, Charles (3) 456-470 6 NcKeen, Ephraim (5) 779-797 51 McKennon, Daniel (4) 424-438 ò 1 Frankfort - 1860 Index -9- ò -I House-Family Nos. Page D McLaughlin, Augustus539-552 17 Thomas (6) 499-512 11 McMan, Julia 709-726 41 McNeal, Ellen 598-611 25 McNeale, Mary M. (7)500-513 12 Merrill, Ami C. (7)457-471 6 Emeline (4) 578-591 23 Marcus A. 578-591 23 Metcalf, Mary (2) 801-820 54 Miller, George (7) 465-479 7 Millerkin, Amos (4) 585-598 23 Mogan, John (2) 507-520 13 Moody, Joseph (5) 583-596 23 Joseph (2) 814-837 57 Moor, Caroline E. (2) 497-510 11 George (2) 785-803 52 George, Jr. (7) 785-803 52 James (5) 786-804 52 John (4) 706-723 41 Lorenzo D. (2) 704-721 40 Otis (8) 789-807 53 'K Perlina (6) 787-805 52 Robbert W. 676-693 36 Morgan, Thomas (5) 528-541 16 Morrill, Hiram B. (4) 492-505 10 Morrisey, Thomas (7) 502-515 12 1; Morse, Emma F. 458-472 6 Morton, Seidron (4) 570-583 22 Thomas (5) 586-599 24 Mudget, John (4) 746-764 46 Murphy, Alfred (9) 716-733 42 Murry, Daniel 468-482 7 N Nason, Charles (8) 529-542 16 Nelson, Elbridge (2) 485-499 10 Moses (7) 485-499 10 Moses (3) 485-499 10 Nippis?, Miguel 464-478 7 Norton, John C. (5) 616-631 28 Owen (7) 518-531 14 0 Oger, Sarah 423-437 1 Omarra, Thomas (6) 503-516 12 Otis, John (8) 698-715 39 Frankfort - 1860 Index -10- House-Family Page . P Page, Benjamin (12) 759-777 48 Harriet W. (6) 489-502 10 James (10) 596-609 25 John (4) 603-616 26 Patience 760-778 49 Chn. of Wm. H. & Nary A. (5) 702-719 40 Parker, Freeman C. (7) 540-553 17 George W. 565-578 21 Lucy M. 722-740 43 Richard (3) 749-767 47 Samuel (9) 750-768 47 Thankful 446-460 4 '1 Parmer, Edward 680-697 37 Pattee, George W. (5) 490-503 10 Peirce, Catharine (5) 553-566 19 Charles H. (4) 491-504 10 George A. (9) 552-565 19 Pendleton, Joseph (6) 652-668 33 Joseph (6) 733-751 45 [Repeat] Nason 565-578 21 Mason 740-758 46 Perkins, Holley M. (3) 630-645 30 Trueworthy P. (9) 729-747 44 Perry, Elijah (5) 705-722 40 George W. (3) 710-727 41 Mary A. (3) 705-722 40 Philbrook, Lemuel (7) 556-569 20 Job (8) 651-666 33 Pike, Elijah P. (2) 487-501 10 Potter, Hugh (6) 656-672 34 1 Powers, Peter (5) 766-784 49 R Rancoe, Mary 476-490 8 Rankin, Isaac F. (9) 436-450 2 Raynolds, Edward (4) 452-466 5 Reynolds, Annenious (4) 607-620 27 Rich, Elizabeth 448-462 4 Elizabeth (2) 553-566 19 George W. (Jr.) (2) 558-571 20 Richards, David (3) 803-825 55 Riley, James (7) 762-780 49 Roger, Josephas (7) 682-699 37 Rowe, John T. (5) 542-555 17 Rowell, Aaron (5) 605-618 26 Lorenzo (6) 532-545 16 Prescot 598-611 25 Frankfort - 1860 Index -11- 4 House-Family Page Nos. Sanborn, Noah (4) 690-707 38 Seavey, HarrisERichard H](5)658-674 34 Jefferson L. (3) 660-676 34 John (6) 724-742 43 John W. 665-682 35 Mark 565-578 21 Nathaniel (2) 624-639 29 Thomas (6) 555-568 20 Thomas (4) 726-744 43 Skinner, Alfred L. (2) 470-484 8 Smart, Daniel (8) 752-770 47 Smith, Edwin (2) 634-649 30 George W. (4) 582-595 23 Snow, Abram (4) 602-615 26 Solomon (4) 691-708 38 Sparrow, Benjamin (3) 593-606 24 Laura 472-486 8 Spaulding, Chancy (11) 772-790 50 Spearing, Rachel 523-536 15 Spinney, Leonard W (5) 484-498 9 Sprague, John (3) 732-750 45 Joseph (6) 547-561 18 p Sprowl, Amos (6) 598-611 25 Susan (2) 598-611 25 John W. (6) 460-474 6 Staples, William(9) 600-613 26 Stephens, Wheelwright(8)796-815 54 Stinson, Mary 616-631 28 Stoddard, Lucy A 548-562 18 Sullivan, James 639-654 31 Swain, Harriet H.(2 490-503 10 Sarah R. 473-487 8 -Sweeney, James (3)662-678 34 T Taner, James (8) 639-654 31 Tapley, John 5 604-617 26 Sewel W. (7) 604-617 26 Teanan, Cecelia 552-565 19 Thair [Thayer], Mary 805-828 55 Matilda (5) 591-604 24 Tyler (6) 432-446 2 Thomas, Alvin (2) 422-436 1 Ester 5 778-796 51 Man am 432-446 2 Josiah - (6) 741-759 46 Simeon (8) 733-751 45 Thompson - See Tompson Frankfort 1860 Index -12A House-Family Nos. Page Tibbets, Elmira 615-630 28 Frances (4) 575-588 22 Henry A. (3) 580-593 23 Jessie (4) 677-694 36 John (5) 679-696 37 Reuben (6) 640-655 31 William (4) ò 579-592 23 Tompson; George (9)666-683 35 Stephen (5) 635-650 30 Torry, Lozier (5) 601-614 26 Amos B. (5) 619-634 28 Towle, Mary (2) 790-808 53 (4) 623-638 29 Treat, Adams Edwin P. 589-602 24 Elisha (5) 653-669 33 Elmira 622-637 29 George (2) 573-586 22 Henry (8) 627-642 29 Hiram (7) 754-772 48 James 779-797 51 Joann (5) 564-577 21 Jonathan (2) 572-585 22 Lucy A. (7) 683-700 37 Robbert (4) 563-576 20 Upton (5) 622-637 29 Webster (4) 562-575 21 Tredwill, Jacob (6) 776-794 51 Trevett, Alfred N. (4) 469-483 7 Henry S. (5) 462-475 6 Lucy L. (6) 649-664 32 True, Jacob B. (9) 648-663 32 Trundy, Frank[lin] L. (4) 799-818 54 Meshack (9) 802-821 54 Theodate 799-818 54 òTumball, Joseph (9) 429-443 2 Tyler, Andrew (10) 810-833 56 John (4) 546-560 18 Sarah R. (2) 431-445 2 V Varnham, Stephen (4) 695-712 39 Vose, Thomas W. (3) 454-468 5 W Waldron, Daniel (10)560-573 20 James (2) 559-572 20 Nathaniel (3) 617-632 28 William (4) 672-689 36 Wallis, George 593-606 24 Jonathan (4) 568-581 21 Frankfort - 1860 Index -13- House-Family Nos. Page Walton, Saphronia (2)614)-629 28 Waning, John (5) 798 817 54 Ward, James 701-718 40 Wardwill, James (7)435-449 2 Webster~ Nathaniel (7)813-836 57 Weed, Hepsiba 624-639 29 Moses (7) 760-778 49 Nathaniel (2) 760-778 Wentworth, William (8)632-647 30 West, Amos 755-773 48 Amos W. 778-796 51 Catharine 643-658 32 Deering (3) 719-737 43 Eli C. (5) 778-796 51 George (3) 620-635 28 James H. 812-835 56 Moses (4) 678-695 36 Nicholas (4) 618-633 28 Rufas (11) 812-835 56 Whelden, Alfred(3) 467-481 7 Whidden, Rufas(4) 566-579 21 Whitmore - See Witmore Whitney, Wm. W. (7) 549-563 18 Wiley, Wm. (4) 768-786 50 Williams, Fannie (2) 438-452 3 Wiswell, John (3) 654-670 33 John, Jr. (7) 655-671 33 Lyman (6) 496-509 11 Witmore, James (5) 464-478 7 Woodman, Josiah (8) 615-630 28 Wm. (4) 587-600 24 York, Hiram (7) 777-795 51 Philow J. (3) 646-661 32 William (8) 688-705 38 1860 Census - Frankfort George White, Ass't Marshal Post Office, Frankfort Mills 23 July, 1860 House-Family Age Occupation R.E. -Pers. Born Nos. Property 422-436Thomas, Alvin 60 Farmer $2000 - $500 Me. Ruth 67 [mar. Ruth Whitman] 423-437Cole, Nehemiah R 34 M. Mer. 1200 - 300 Abby 30 Edwin 6 Charles 4 423-437Bolton, William 50 S. Carpenter 300 - 100 sic Presilla 34 [40 in 1850] Betsy 24 Domestic [William] Edward 22 Mer. Seth 18 Mary 16 Ellen 12 Grace 7 Waldo 5 Oger, Sarah 64 [widow of John?] N.H. 424-438McKennon, Daniel 39 S. Carpenter - - 200 England Jane 37 " Mary 3 Me. John 9/12 425-439Foss, John H. 38 M. Mer. Me. [son of William B. ae 20-1850?] Maria 31 Ireland 426-440Everett, Isaac 45 Mer. - - 200 Mass. Lucinda 39 Me. Everline 18 Willard 16 Mer. Alvin 11 Colby 7 427-441Howes, Solomon [Jr.]46 H. Carpenter 1000 - 300 Annie 44 Atherton W. 15 Charles 14 Lydia 12 Edwin 5 428-442KNOWLES, Isaac 44 S. Carpenter 300 - 100 Marthy[jane] 30 1860 Census - Frankfort 23 July, 1860 -2- Age Occupation R.E.-Pers. Born ~ 429-443Tumball, Joseph 46 Cooper $800 - 300 Ireland Ellen 44 Frances 19 Cooper James 17 Martin 16 Cooper Mary 14 Ellen 10 Catharine 10 Eliza 8 430-444Field, Lucy E. 39 - 300 Me. Phebe 12 Edward 8 431-445Tyler, Sarah R. 44 [39 in 1850] - 300 Elizabeth 22 [ae 20 432-446Thair [Thayer), Tyler 44 Doctor 4000 - 2000 Me. Clarissa 44 Albert 17 Mer. Holis 6 Joshua 3 Thomas, Mariam 22 Domestic 433-447Hustin [Houston], John B. 61 Cooper 1000 - 500 Ruth 55 [nee Brown] Thomas 23 Trader Carrie 19 [wife?] 434-448Colburn, Abram 58 Farmer - 100 Sophia 57 Hannah 26 Domestic Nancy 22 435-449Wardwill, James 40 [ae 34 in 1850] Trader 1500 - 500 Zibiah 36 [sophia ] Roxanna 18 Domestic Annie 16 James 14 Joseph 10 Charles 2 ò1860 Census - Frankfort 23 July, 1860 -3- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 436-45Rankin, Isaac F.45 H. Carpenter - - 300 Me. Hannah 43 Abby 19 Domestic Fannie 16 Isaac 12 Elizabeth 10 James 7 Albert 5 Campbell, Daniel 76 Farmer 437-451Fernald, Andrew 44 H. Carpenter 1000 - 300 Me. Cynthe 43 [Cynthia R.-1850] Zerusiah 15f Willie 11 [William R.-1850] 438-452Fernald, Edward 42 Trader 4000 - 2000 Elizabeth 40 Budson, Joseph F. 16 Mer. [Butson-1850] Williams, Fannie 24 Domestic Walter 2 439-453 Crowley, John K. 50 [44-1850] Trader 400 - 200 England Mary 50 [ae 43 I'] " Charles 24 Mer. Me. Ella 20 Domestic Susan 18 Margret 16 Clarrie 9 440-454Dewey, Henry60 [55-1850] Cooper 400 - 200 Mass. Ruth 56 [58-1850] Me. 441-455Colson, Jonathan 65 Farmer 200 - 100 Me. Mary 60 Joseph 40 Mer. Harriet 38 Domestic Winefred 36 Amos 34 Mer. Clarrie 32 Domestic Mary 24 " Freeman 22 Mer. page -4- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 442-456Ham, Benjamin J. 45 Porter - - 100 Me. Josaphine 32 Brittany 15f Isaiah 12 443-457Fernald, Josiah 73 Blacksmith 1500 - 200 Hannah 33 Domestic Daniel 27 Grant, Ann M. 17 Domestic 444-458Johnson, George 71 Boot & Shoe - - 200 N.H. 445-459Campbell, Theodore M. 47 Farmer 1500 - 400 Me. Barbary 45 [Martha-l850] Daniel 19 Far. Laborer James 18 '' Charles E.15 Sarah 8 Ada 1 446-460Campbell, Robbert 42 Farmer 3000 - 1000 Emeline 37 Horns 14 [Horace P.-1850] Willie 10 Abbott 8 Annie 3 Lord, Lucy 23 Domestic Parker, Thankful 60 [widow? of William] 447-461Howes, Harrison 44 Trader 800 - 200 Charlot 38 Josephine 14 Amandy 11 George 9 Moses 6 Mayo, Albert B. 27 Trader - - 1000 448-462Clements, Daniel 0. 36 Livery Stable 800 - 800 N.H. Harriet 30 Me. Mary 6 Florana 4 Hazen 1 Rich, Elizabeth 20 Domestic Page -5- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 449-463Low, James C48 Cooper - - 200 Me. Rosilla 50 Webster 25 Mer. Benjamin 21 William 18 Fred 16 Cooper Elvira 14 John 6 450-464Fairbanks, Samuel W. 31 S. Carpenter 800 - 200 Mass. Mary 23 Me. Albert 8/12 451-465Lent, William 28 Corker - 250 England Sarah 32 Me. George 4 Fred 2 William4/12 452-466Raynolds, Edward 30 Mer. - 400 Me. Eliza 30 Whitman6 Henry 3 453-467Kelley, Albert L. 56 Lawyer 50,000 - 15,000 N.H. Caroline 54 (nee Peirce) Me. [Julia] Caroline 23 Frank 19 Attends School Waldo 17 " Silas 15 " Fitzrora 13M [Fitzrory] Clark, Sarah T. 27 Domestic 454 -468 Vose, Thomas W. 30 Lawyer 1300 - 4000 Ellen 31 Lewis, Emma F. 8 455-569Cole, Jesse 50 M. Mer. 1000 - 500 Me. Abby 45 Henryetta 21 Domestic Mary 19 Jesse 16 Day Laborer Hannah 14 Page -6- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 456-570McGlathery, Charles 71 Farmer $4000 - $2000 Mass. Nancy 60 Elizabeth 28 [30 in 1850] Domestic Me. 457~47lMerrill, Am[m]i C. - 44 [38 in 1850] Painter 1000 - 200 Me. Lucy 47 Atwood, John 5. 22 Mer. Charles C. 20 Cooper Merrill, Arther B. 15 Mer. Willard W . 10 Louisa B 9 458-472Crane Sewel L. 55 Trader 1500 - 1500 Vt. Elizabeth 55 Me. Sewel H. 21 Trader Albert A. 17 Marcia L. 15 George 12 Ellen N. 10 Morse, Emma F. 18 Domestic [Married Sewel H. in 1861] Bartlett, Maria 30 Domestic - - 2000 459-473Manter, Ezra 47 Doctor 3000 - 300 Me. IEllen C[ecelia] 27[2d wife nee Roberts] Amarena 17 [Roberts-adopted by Ezra] E_ward P. 11 460-474Sprowl, John W. 42 M. Mer. - - 400 Maria 37 [nee House] Theopholus 14 Henry 9 Fred 5 Willie 2 461-475Duval, Eugene 25 Mer. - - 150 England Artemizia 20f [nee Hopkins] Me. Charles 2 462-475Trevett, Henry S. 70 Farmer 1500 - 200 Dolly 62 Mass. Moody 24Farmer Me. Wineford 22 [Winfield-1850] Rosco 17 Farmer 1860 Census - Frankfort 25 July, 1860 -7- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 463-476 Curtis, Lorenzo29 S. Carpenter - - 200 Me. Corrisand 25 (nee Crockett) N.B. Henry 6 Me. Loiza 4 Franklin 2 (463)-477 Davis, Eunice28 [Widow of James E. Davis?] -300 Me. Isaac 8 [or 3] Gorden, Hannah 52 Mass. Ephraim A. 20 Far. Laborer Me. Cross, Sebella [Cybil] 57 464-478 W[h]itmore, James 40 Sail Maker - - 5000 N.Y. Wittee Jane 45 N. S. Howes, Malissie 23 Domestic Me. W[h]itmore, Henry D. 4 N.A. Nippis?, Migeul 16 465-479 Miller, George 62S. Carpenter 600 - 300 Me. Nariam 52 Martha 22 Domestic George 18 Cooper Atwood, Alexander 38 Farmer Lusetta 24 Sarah M . 3 466-480 Jipson, James 42 S. Carpenter - - 300 Me. Ruth 40 Laurenna 19 Abigail 16 [Abijah-1850] Simon 14 Franklin 6 [Gipson in 1850] 467-481 Whelden, Alfred 36 Farmer - - 300 Mary 30 Lewis P. 1 468-402 Crane, Parker C. 30 Sail Maker 200 - Loraina 20 Llewellyn 2 Fling, John 23 Day Laborer Ireland Murry, Daniel 16 Me. 469-483 Trevett, Alfred N. 35 Mer. - - 300 Susan 30 Albert 11 Ella 8 1860 Censu~ - Frankfort 25 July, 1360 -8- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers . Born 470-484Chick, Elisha 61 Trader $3,500 - $500 Me. Ruth 63 (Avery) [Mary] Jane 22 Skinner, Alfred L. 33 Con. Clurgy - 500 Ruth 30 (nee Chick) Avery Betsy 65 471-485Holmes, Arthur C. 31 Trader 10,000 - 5000 Me. Hannah 53 (nee Child-widow of Jeremiah) Dudly, George 37 N. Mer. - 5000 Caroline 33 (nee Holmes) George 3 Willard 4/12 Hardy, Eliza 45 Domestic 472-486Knowles, Andrew J. 29 Farmer - 200 Flora 28 Sparrow, Laura 15 Domestic Knowles, Mary E. 1 473-487Littlefield, Daniel [2d] 31 H. Carpenter - 200 Orilla 21 (nee Chatham) Clarrie 2 Hicks, Henry 19 Domestic England Swain, Sarah R. 20 Domestic Me. 474-488Jipson, Howard 26 Ship Carpenter - 200 Me. Lydia 24 (nee Larabee) Henry 5 [See Henry Gipson-1850] 475-489McDermot, James 49 Farmer 1000 - 300 Ireland Catharine 47 476-490Jebow, Edward 36 S. Carpenter - 100 Eng. Angeline 37 " Isaac 12 Me. Joseph 11 Caroline 6 Mary 3 Samuel 5/12 Rancoe, Mary 70 England 1860 Census - Frankfort 26 July, 1860 -9- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 477-491McGee, William 30 Farmer $400 - $100 Ireland Catharine 24 " William 3 Me. David 1 473-492Hussy, Mary 44 School Teacher100 - 50 Charles 11 Frank 9 479-493Hardy, Peter 42 Farmer 1500 - 600 Sarah 42 Rozilla 18 Thomas 16 Far. Laborer George 12 Eliza 8 480-494Blake, Wade 39 Farmer 800 - 200 Sarah 33 Sarah 10 Julia 8 Deborah 6 John 4 481-495Decilher, Antone40 Mer. 100 - 100 England Mary 25 Amelia 10 Me. Henry 8 Wheeler 4 482-496Hardy, Abijah W. 40 M. Mer. 1200 - 300 Joanna 34 Fanny 16 Domestic 483-497Hardy, Billings P. 50 M. Mer. 1000 - 500 Me. Comfort 44 Louise 22 Domestic Jonathan 20 Mer. Lizzie 18 Domestic Lucy 16 Dudly 11 Lydia 4 484-498Spinney, Leonard W. 44 M. Mer. 300 - 250 Mass. Maria 30 Me. William 10 Mary 5 -John 2 485-499Nelson, Moses 70 Farmer [55in1850]$400 100 Me Melinda 60 Moses 23 Mer. Nancy 21 William 10/12 Nelson, Elbridge 20 Elizabeth 20 Domestic 486-500Haley, John 50 Farmer 3000 - 600 Lizzie 40 Albert 22 Farmer John 16 Frank 14 Lyman 12 Caroline 10 Alice 8 Lucy 5 487-501Pike, Elijah P. 72 Civil Engineer 1200 - 350 Mass. Nancy 65 Me. ~88-502 Dean, Laura 24 Domestic Dean, Freeman 74 Farmer 1200 - 100 Mass. Desire 65 489-502Page, Harriet W. 47(Widow? of Charles S. Page1000-200 M Charles 24 Clerk Ruel 20 Alice 18 Domestic Harriet 15 James 8 490-503Pattee, George W. 33 M. Mer. 800 - 200 Me. Chariot 26 George 2 Swain, Harriet H. 53 Clarrie 9 491-504Peirce, Charles H[enry] 50 Lawyer 2500 - 2500 Ellen 49 (nee Kelly) Webster 18 Attends School Ella 9 [Pierce in 1850] 492-505Morrill, Hiram B. 38 Mer. 800 - 500 Sarah [Ann] 35 (nee Blaisdell) Annie 10 Frank 6 1860 Census - Frankfort 27 July, 1860 -11- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers . Born 493-506Blaisdel, Ebeneazar F[errin] 36 Far. $1000 - 200 Me. Nancy 37 Walter 11 Mark 10 Frank 8 Joseph 6 Silas 4 Philo 2 494-507Blaisdel, Ebeneazer 75 Farmer 2000 - 500 Ann 60 Latinas C. 32 Far. Laborer 495-508Cushing, Peter 53 H. Carpenter 800 - 300 Mass. Eunice 40 Me. Peter 12 Callie 9 Minnie 7 Volnie 4 496-509Wiswell, Lyman 45 M. Meriner 2000 - 500 Me. Statira 30 (nee Small) Ada 8 Lyman 6 Minnie 4 Ferrin, Hannah 75 497-510Chick, James B. 64 Trader 1500 - 300 Caroline 59 Mar~ia R. 26 Domestic Moor, Caroline E. 35 Domestic [wife of James Moore-1850] Louisa P. 11 496-511Costeliow, Thomas 24 Mer. - 200 Ireland Ella 22 N.H. William 4/12 Me. 499-5l2McLaughlin, Thomas 46 Day Laborer 300 - 100 Ireland [see McGlothlin-1850 -Thomas age 46-1850] Catharine 18 Domestic Me. /|\_Mary 45 Ireland Sarah 15 Domestic Me. John 13 Jonathan 5 1860 Census - Frankfort 27 July, 1860 Frankfort Mills -12- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 500-513McNeale, Mary M. 43 [Widow? of John] 200 - 100 Me. George 18 Mer. Caroline 16 Domestic Charles 13 Ellen 11 Elizabeth 8 Sarah 5 [Mary married Levi Curtis in 1863] 501-514Buden, Robbert 56 Day Laborer 500 - 100 Me. Dolly 31 Jane 25 Dom. Mary 21 Levi 18 Day Laborer Robbert 13 John 11 William 8 Dora 12 Hannah 3/12 [See Bowden in 1850] 502-515Morrisey, Thomas 65 [50 in 1850] Farmer 600 - 200 Ireland Ellen 53 " Mary 24 Dom. Me. Margaret 21 John 18 Day Laborer Thomas 16 Doile [Doyle] Catharine 13 503-516Omarra, Thomas 54 Day Laborer - 100 Ireland John 23 " Me. Patric 21 " Annie 16 Domestic Catharine 18 Dom. Thomas 12 [See Mora - 1850] 504-517Halley, John 54 Day Laborer 100 - 100 Ireland Catharine 48 " Margaret 18 Dom. Me. James 16 Day Laborer. Mary 11 John 8 Catharine 6 [See Michael Haley family 1850 338-406] 1860 Census - Frankfort 28 July, 1860 -13- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers . Born 505-518McGee, Betsy 50 $200 - 50 Ireland Allen, Samuel 30 Mer. - 200 Me. Catharine 25 Ireland Flora 4 Me. Cora 1 506-519Foly, Mathew 45 Day Laborer - 300 Ireland Barbery 35 " Ellen 14 " John 13 " Hannah 10 " Bridge 7 Me. Thomas 5 Mary 3 Edward 1 507-520Mogan, John 45 Day Laborer 300 - 100 Ireland Bridget 28 " 508-521Donelin, Timothy 35 Day Laborer 200 - 100 Ireland Sarah 30 " Thomas 10 Me. Timothy 5 Mary 3 Martin 10/12 [Donelly in 1850] 509-522McDermot, David 50 Far. 1000 - 500 Ireland Mary 48 " Mary 13 Me. William 11 John 9 Catharine 6 Ellen 4 Margaret 2 Canedy, Patrick 52 Day Laborer Ireland [Kenady age 45 in 1850] Cody, Patrick 23 Day Laborer " Mary 22 " 510-523McDonuoh, Thomas 42 Day Laborer 200 - 100 Ireland Mary 35 [age 33 - 1850] " Walter 12 Me. James 10 John 7 Thomas S Bridget 1 1860 Census - Frankfort 28 July, 1860 -14- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 511-524 McCormic, Laurance26 Day Laborer $300 - $50 Ireland Julia 23 " Julia 3 Me. 512-525 McCormic, Pataric 32 Day Laborer 200 - 100 Ireland Mary 40 " John 11 Catharine 7 Me. 513-526 Coin, Thomas 40 Day Laborer 100 - 50 Ireland Maria 35 " 514-527 Foly, John 40 Day Laborer 150 - 100 Ireland Mary 35 " James 11 Me. Margaret 9 Catharine 7 Mary 5 Julia 3 515-528 Garvain, James 40 Day Laborer 200 - 100 Ireland Elizabeth 38 " James 6 Me. Margaret 3 Maria 1 516-529 Fayhe, Pataric 40 Day Laborer 300 - 100 Ireland Mary 35 " 517-530 McCormic, Michal 30 Mer. 200 - 300 Ireland Hannah 27 Mary 4 Me. Michal 9/12 " 518-531 Norton, Owen 60 Day Laborer 100 - 50 Ireland Mary 54 " Catharine 7 Me. Otis 5 Margaret 3 John 1 Cuddy, James 16 Day Laborer Ireland 519-532 McCormic, Daniel 45 [40-1850] Day Lab. 150-100 Ireland Sarah 43 Catharine 19 Domestic Sarah 10 Me. Michal 8 Daniel 5 Mary 2 Cuddy, Michel 14 Ireland 1860 Census - Frankfort 30 July, 1360 -15- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 520-533Kelley, Patarick 35 Day Laborer $500 - $100 Ireland Mary 32 Bridget 6 Me. Mary 5 patarick 4 Martin 1 521-534Cuddy, Patarick 40 Day Laborer 200 - 100 Ireland Julia 30 " Thomas 15 Day Laborer Catharine 4 Me. Peter 2 " 522-535Larrabee, Isaiah 31 M. Mer. 1000 - 500 Me. Mary 23 Edward 3 James 1 523-536Low, Sewel C. 52 M. Mer. 1000 - 300 Me. Elizabeth 47 Annie 20 Domestic Rebecca 16 Minot 14 Spearing, Rachel 77 524-537Goodnoe, Fred 45 Day Laborer 500 - 200 Conn. Polly 33 " Mary 13 Me. Andrew 11 William 9 Permelia 6 Reynatrus 3m Joseph 2/12 [Goodenough-18 50] 525-538Goodnow, Rynatrus 36 Day Laborer 300 - 100 Me. Sarah 25 526-539Goodnow, Andrew 34 Day Lab. 500 - 300 Conn. Mary 22 " Alice 7/12 Me 527-540Hadican, Michal 30 Day Laborer 200 - 100 Ireland Bridget 24 " Thomas 2 Me. Mary 1 Michal 5 1860 Census Frankfort 30 July, 1860 -16- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers . Born 528-541Morgan, Thomas 29 Day Laborer $300 - $100 Ireland Catharine 24 " John 1 Me. Mary 3 Hadican, Mary 38 Domestic Ireland 529-542Nason, Charles 46 Porter 400 - 200 Me. Mary 40 Julia 18 Dom. James 16 Mercy 12 Elizabeth 8 Ella 6 , Charles 5 530-543Howes, Sylvanus 65 Far. 1500 - 100 Me. Mary 68 531-54 Mayo, Howes [Jr.] 25 Mer. 300 - 200 Mary 19 Hannah 1 Ellen 3 532-545Rowell, Lorenzo 49 H. Carpenter 800 - 200 Susan 42 James 18 Merinor Charles 16 Emma 14 Walter 1 533-546Arey, Benjamin 26 M. Mer. 600 - 200 Me. Deborah 25 Fred 5 Benjamin 3 534~547Hutchinson, Thomas 35 M. Mer. 800 - 200 Elsa 30 Edwin 9 Rozina N. 7 535-548Burrill George W. 48 H. Carpenter - 200 Me. Elizabeth 39 Adella 8 Galen 3 1860 Census - Frankfort 30 July, 1860 -17- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers . Born 536-549Blake, Ester 38 $300 - $100 Me. Isabell 22 Annie 20 Augusta18 Sears 15 Domestic [2d book-11Sebra M."] 537-550Conant, Jacob 48 Mason 1500 - 500 Me. Nancy 46 Kidder, Clarrie 15 Domestic 538-551Crocket, Allard 37 Farmer 1600 - 500 Martha 29 Emma 6 Etta 3 539-552Grant, Joseph w. 45 Far. 2500 - 500 Me. Julia 40 Rozilla 21 Mary 19 Lemuel 18 Far. Laborer Aderson 16 " Leonora 14 Flavilla 12 James 9 Laura 5 Gilbert 7 McLaughlin, Augustus26 Mer. Grant, Hannah 75 Mass. 540-553Parker, Freeman C. 36 Far. 3000 - 700 Me. Olive 30 Carrie 8 Fred 5 Martha 4 Mary 2 Amos 1 541-554Hadly, John W. 34 H. Carpenter 100 - 50 Me. Arzilla 30 Susan 8 542-555Rowe, John T. 43 Stone Cutter 1000 - 200 N.H. Sarah 42 (nee Odom) Mass. John 20 Stone Cutter Me. [Benjamin]Frank. 17 Inez 4/12 Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 543-556Lunt, Betsy 71 [Widow? of William]$200 - $100 Me. Sally 46 Elizabeth 36 Ellen 11 [Ellen Ham in 1850?] 544-557Averell, Seth 60 Miller 600 - 200 Me. Abby 53 Mass. Seth 22 Day Laborer Me. George 19 James 15 Carrie 13 Herbert 9 Mary 6 545-558Eldredge, Benjamin F. 29 Corker 300 - 100 Me. Maria 30 Charles 3 Abby 1 (545)-559 Averill, Frances 26 Miller 400 - 100 Margaret 18 Jane 5/12 546-560Tyler, John 47 Farmer 600 - 300 Phebe 34 (Colson) Edgar 6 Colson, Ann M[ary] 22 Domestic 547-561Sprague, Joseph 49 Far. - 200 Cyrena 44 Horatio 13 Volney 12m George 6 James 4 548-562Littlefield, Nathaniel P.28 H. Carpenter - 200 N.H. Catharine 18 Me. William 2 Everett 1 Gould, Daniel D. 23 Blacksmith - 200 Me. Stoddard, Lucy A. 43 549-563Whitney, William W. 42 Farmer 1000 - 500 Me. Catharine 32 N.H. Flavilla 15 Me. Joseph 14 Rada 12f Scot 10 Ida 2 1860 Census - Frankfort 31 July, 1860 -19- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 550-564ElwellDodge N. 42 Innkeeper 2000 1000 Me Clarinda 11 Major 9 Ewell, Ruth 60 Ester 24 Lawinda 19f Joseph 32 Mer. Charles 25 Curtis, Sarah 19 Domestic 551-564Averell, Nathaniel 56 Blacksmith 2000 - 1000 Mary 54 Mary A. 22 [ae 18 in 1850] John 23 16 in 1850 Blacksmith Charles 21 Blacksmith William 14 Eliza 11 Hattie 10 [ae 22-1850, Henry] Henry 30/ N. Mer. Franklin 28 " 552-565Peirce, George A[lbert] 48 Trader 8000 - 2000 Louisa 36 [Louise Tenny Pike] George 10 John 6 1860 Census - Frankfort 31 July, 1860 -20- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born ~555-568Seavey, Thomas 44 Millman $500 - $150 Me. Profinda 43 Mark 21 Millman Charles 19 Hepsabeth 14 Byron 12 556-569Philbrook, Lemuel 38 N. Mer. 500 200 Rosanna 24 [19 in 1850] Flora 11 John 9 Emma 7 Hannah 6 George 1 557-570Deering, Andrew 30 Blacksmith - - 300 Martha 28 Eva 7 Ellen 4 558-571Rich, George W. [Jr.] 57 Far. - 200 Elizabeth 62 (Thomas) 559-572Waldron, James 36 Trader - - 400 Julia 25 560-573Waldron, Daniel 49 Far. 800 - 400 Mehitable 51 (nee Tyler) Nathaniel 26 Day Laborer Charles 24 " " George 21 Jane 15 William 19 Day Laborer Mary 13 Sidney 11 Daniel 7 561-574Doyle, Hyram 27 Blacksmith - 100 Me. Lucy 22 Ella 4 Evva 3f 1860 Census - Frankfort 1 Aug., 1860 -21- Age Occupation R.F. - Pers. Born 562-575Treat, Webster 32 Trader Me. Hannah [Jane] 28 (nee Parker) Helen 7 Hayward 4 563-576Treat, Robbert 30 Trader Annie 25 [Ann Eliza Tyler] Florence 5 Minnie 3 564-577Treat, Joann 56 [nee Crosby-Widow Robert) Frank[lin] 28 Trader Albert 26 Eveline [Maria] 23 Waldo [Peirce] 19 Trader 565-573Kingsbury, John 70 Farmer 5000 - 1000 Boody, Hannah J. 30 (nee Ames) Kingsbury, Clarissa 56 Eames, Albert J. 25 Far. Laborer [Ames-1850] Boody, Elino 2 John 2/14 Kingsbury, John D. 29 Trader Parker, George W. 39 Seavy, Mark 21 Millman Kingsbury, Augustus 23 Day Laborer Pendleton, Nason 24 School Teacher 566-579Whidden, Rufas 39 Stone Cutter 700 - 500 Me. Cenath 32 Orrin 13 Elden 6 [See Whitten in 1850] 567-580Maxwell, John L. 52 Stone Cutter Minna 40 Elmira 15 [Theresa] Maria 10 John 8 Hugh 5 568-581Wallis, Jonathan 68 Blacksmith Tilley 55 [Silence in 1850] George 22 Day Lab. McCarty, Polly 80 1860 Census Frankfort 1 August, 1860 -22- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 569-582HoytGeorge 22 Day Laborer $800 - $200 Me. Frances 20 570-583Morton, Seldron 39 Porter 1800 - 400 Me. Hannah 37 Sumner 10 Kingsbury, Annie 23 Domestic 571-584Larrabee, Sewel 52 S. Carpenter 500 - 150 Me. Jane 53 Mary 15 Taylor 13 Elizabeth 11 572-585Treat, Jonathan 73 Grader 6000 - 2000 Deborah 65 (nee Parker) 573-586Treat, George 44 M. Mer. 1000 - 3000 Harriet 42 (nee Andrews) Fertinand 2 574-587Hoyt, John P. 55 Boot & Shoe M. 800~- 500 Me. Hannah 53 Goram 17 Day Lab. Augusta 15 Howard 12 575-588Tibbets, Frances 31 S. Carpenter - 200 Me. Mary 24 Edward 4 Annie 1 576-589George, Samuel P. 43 Livery Stable 300 - 200 Me. Eliza 43 Clarrinda 16 Arrilla 12f Rozilla 12 Luther 9 Ellett 6 577~590Lee, William C. 60 Boot & Shoe N. - 300 Delina 40 -.1860 Census - Frankfort 1 August, 1860 -23- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 578-591Merrill, Emeline 46 [nee Treat wido.Jonathan] 2500-2500 Me Marcus A. 29 [son of Jonathan & Alice Treat, sister of Emeline] Jonathan 15 ~Trader Florance 12 [chn. Jonathan and Emeline] 579-592 Tibbetts, William 65 S. Carpenter $200 - 150 Nancy 40 Rebecca 21 George 2 580-593 Tibbets, Henry A. 24 5. Carpenter 400 - 200 Me. Relief 22 Milford 2/12 581-594 Kenney, Joseph 35 Mer. - 100 Abby 32 Augustus 8 John 4 582-595 Smith, George W. 39 Painter - 100 Mass. Lucinda 35 Mass Augusta 8 Mass George 2 N.H. 583-596 Moody, Joseph 52 Day Laborer Me. Jane 38 Charles 12 Annie 8 Emma 4 584-597 Battles, John 30 Day Laborer - 100 Ireland Catharine 28 " Mary 8 " James 6 Me. Annie 6 " Michal 4 . Catharine 2 585-593 Millerkin, Amos 46 Stone Mason 1400 - 100 Eliza 46 Charles - 22 Mer. Emeline 20 1860 Census - ~ Page -24- 586-599Morton, Thomas 36 Livery Stable $400 - $400 Me. Amza 37f Ellen 14 Mary 12 Ida 8 587-600Woodman, William 74 5. Carpenter 400 - 100 Maria 57 Benjamin 20 S. Carpenter Catharine 18 588-601Kinney, James 63 Mer. 100 - 100 Me. Phebe 57 Robbert 24 Day Laborer Thomas 21 " " 589-602Treat, Edwin PEarker] 26 Trader 4400 - 4000 Me. 590-603Hopkins, John C. 31 Trader 450- 200 Harriet 31 Aganora 9 Estella 3 James age1 591-604Thair, Matilda 50 800 - 150 Hannah [Tyler] 23 Abbie 20 Charles 18 Day Laborer [Frank] Goram 15 [See Thayer - 1850] 592-605Hopkins, George 39 M. Mer. 200 - 200 Catharine 36 Hannah 7 George 2 Aurelia 1 Hopkins, Cordelia 16 Domestic 593-60.6Sparrow, Benjamin 39 Day Laborer - 50 Nancy 39 Wallis, George 22 Mer. 1860 Census - Frankfort 2 August, 1860 -25- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers . Born 594-607Curtis, Charles 61 Far. - 100 Me. Ester 57 Margaret 14 Olive 17 Ebeneazer 30 Mer. 595-608Larrabee, Oren 36 Mer. - 200 Emily 37 Charles 17 Mer. Amos 14 Newell 13 596-609Page, James 45 Day Laborer - 100 Maria 43 Henry 19 Mer. Sarah 17 Annie 16 Ellen 14 Abby 12 Melissi 10 Margaret8 George age 3 597-610Holt, Tobias 43 Mer 500 - 100 Me. Julia 32 [30 in 1850] 598-611Sprowl, Amos 68 Far.[48-1850) 7000 - 1000 Mary 61 [41 in 1850] Susan[M.] 28 Carrie 2 Rowell, Prescot18m Domestic McNeal, Ellen 10 599-612Donley, Michel 45 Farmer[28-1850 800 - 100 Ireland Bridget 34 [21-1850] Thomas 11 Me. Julia 9 Michel 8 Patrick 6 Margaret 4 Timothy 2 John 6/12 Halley, Catharine 6 [Kalley?] 1860 Census - Frankfort 2 August, 1860 -26- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 600-613Staples, William 49 M. Mer. - $100 Me. Thankful 39 Joseph 21 M. Mer. Clarrie 16 William 14 James 12 Charles 7 Henry 4 Jennie 2 601-614Torry, Lozier 56 Miller 1000 - 300 Eliza 50 Mary 22 Sarah 16 Carli, Benjamin 56 Domestic [sic] 602-615Snow, Abram 36 Blacksmith 1000 - 200 Me. Sarah 32 Abby 8 Albert 4 603-616Page,John 57 Trader 1000 - 200 Dyer, Nancy 56 Campbell, George 36 Clothier Charles 6 604-617 Tapley, Sewel W. 34 Clothier 1000 - 500 Me. Nancy 32 (nee Campbell) Dealia - 10 Charles 6 Myra 3 Caro 1 Tapley, John S. 19 Clothier 605-618Rowell, Aaron 39 H. Carpenter - 200 Mary 32 Frank 8 Hattie 2 Laura 7/12 606~6l9Campbell, John 54 Farmer 1500 - 400 Abigail 54 Alexander P. 28 Clerk Abbie 26 Nancy 21 John B. 19 Clerk Mary 17 Campbell, Francis 77 -~ - 1860 Census - Frankfort 2 August, 1860 -27- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers . Born 607-620 Reynolds, Annenious 40 Day Laborer - $200 Me. Phebe 27 George 6 Luis 1 f (607)-621 Cookson, Frank 21 Day Laborer - 50 Ellen 19 [Married within the year] Cookson, Louis 56 f Joseph 19 Day Laborer Benjamin 17 " Charles 14 608-622Dockam, Osmon 35 [ae 34-1850] Farmer - 150 Elizabeth 34 Fostena 4 Mary 2 Abby 8/12 609-623Donivan, Andrew 50 Day Laborer - 100 Ireland Margaret 36 " Joanna 15 Me. Jeremiah 13 Mary 10 John 8 Thomas 6 Andrew 3 610-624Campbell, William M. 50 Day Laborer - 400 Jane 42 611-625Hayes, Jonathan 64 Farmer 200 - 200 N.H. Hannah 57 Cross, Cibbil J. 57 Me. 612-626Hayes, Charles A. 36 Farmer 900 - 200 Me. Mary A. 25 Lizzie 2 6l3~627Blake, John F. 51 Farmer 900 - 200 Celestia 37 George - 4 6l4~628Clark, John C[harles] 28 Stone Cutter - 200 Sarah [M] 26 Rogers Hattie 3 Albert 1 1860 Census - Frankfort 3 August, 1860 Page 28 Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born (614)-629 Walton, Saphrona 57 $400 - 100 Me. Adelade 17 615-630Woodman, Josiah 38 H. Carpenter 200 - 50 Clarinda 36 Lemuel 16 H. Carpenter George 14 Charles 10 Lucy 7 Louisa 5 Tibbets, Elmira 17 Domestic 616-631Norton, John C. 38 H. Carpenter 500 - 150 Sarah 40 Mary 11 Eveline 5 Stinson1 Mary 73 617-632Lane, Timothy 28 Farmer 2000 - 500 Elizabeth 22 Nathaniel 8/12 Waldron, Nathaniel 26 Stone Cutter - 150 Hannah 24 Charles 2 Killman, Mary A. 1 618-633West, Nicholas 63 Farmer 1000 - 500 Me. Salley 56 Henry 23 Mer. Ann 17: 619-634Treat, Amos B[uck] 52 Trader 5000 - 1000 Caroline 41 [nee Mclntire] Theodore [Augustus] 19 Trader Silas [Herbert] 13 Mary [Rich] 10 620~635West, George 26 Farmer - 150 Hannah 17 (nee Clark) James 2 62l~636Dodge, Ananiah 53 Boot & Shoe M. 600 - 200 Sarah 53 George 31 Mer. Harriet 29 Domestic Martha 27 William 19 Mer. Sarah 25 Domestic Caroline 17 1860 Census - Frankfort 3 August, 1860 -29- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 622-637Treat, Upton 44 Trader $2500 - $1000 Me. Sarah 42 (nee Jones-ist wife) Jones, Sally 78 (nee Woodman) N. H. Treat, Elmira 40 (nee Jones, widow Ezra) Me. Faha, Winnie 30 Domestic Ireland 623-638Treat, Adams 42 Trader 2500 - 1000 Me. Russell 16 Attends School Laura 40 [Laura Jane Treat] Berther 4 [Bertha Hortense] 624-639Seavy, Nathaniel 42 Mer. Sarah 38 Weed, Hepsiba 73 Mass. 625-640Kiliman, Henry 55 Blacksmith 200 - 100 Me. Clarinda 44 Arnald 25 Mer. George 17 Far. Mark 14 Mahitable 12 Smith 10 Fannie 8 626-641Hopkins, Barzilla 45 M. Mer. 1000 - 1000 Me. Mary 41 (nee Johnson) Edwin 22 Trader Susan 20 Nancy J. 18 Mary A. 14 [Isaac] Smith 13 Caroline 10 Rozella 8 Joseph 7 Webster 5 627-642Treat, Henry 42 Merchant 3500 - 5000 Me. Caroline 37 (nee Boyd-2d wife) Charles [Henry] 19 Trader Abbie [Harriet] 19 Bradford 17 Mer. Ada [Caroline] 8 George [Carroll] 6 Fred [Boyd] 3 l860.Cen~us - Frankfort 3 August, 1860 -30- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 628-643Littlefield, Nathaniel 27 5. Carpenter $200 - $150 Me. Catharine 20 William 3 Everet#r lf 629-644Curtis, Levi 46 D. Laborer 500 - 200 Sophrona 40 Metilda 8 Lyman 17 Mer. Joseph 3 630-645Perkins, Holley M. 28m S. Carpenter Emily 26 (nee Clark) Webster 3 631-646Curtis, Harrison 28 S. Carpenter Mary 22 Abby 6 Mary 4 632-647Wintworth, William 42 Corker 300 - 100 Elizabeth 33 Joseph 15 Mer. William 13 Lucy 10 George 8 John 6 Louisa 2/12 633-648Kinney, Samuel 29 H. Carpenter - 150 Me. Harriet 25 634-649Hopkins, Albion 28 5. Carpenter - 200 Me. Susan 24 Joseph 6 Charles 4 Albert 2/12 Smith, Edwin 28 S. Carpenter - 500 Nancy J. 26 635-650Tompson, Stephen 54 S. Carp. - 300 Lydia 52 Caroline 19 Abby 16 Stephen 25 Mer. 1860 Census - Frankfort 4 August, 1860 -31- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 36-65lClark, Albion K. P. 27 N. Mer. - $200 Me. Susan 22 William 8/12 37-652Beal, James 44 S. Carpenter 500 - 200 Hannah 30 (Thompson) Oliver 13 Albert 11 Charles 8 Flora 6 638-653Clark, Patience 46 [48 in 1850-widow? William -200 Me. William 26 Day Lab. [20-1850] Eliza 22 18 " James 15 15" Sarah 13 10" Fred 5 639-654Taner, James 50 Day Lab. - 100 Ireland Mary 40 England Thomas 8 James 5 Me. Mary 3 William 2 Clark, Jeremiah, Jr. 25 Day. Lab. Sullivan, James 49 Domestic 640-655Tibbets, Reuben 56 Far. 800 - 400 Me. Cynthy 33 Simon 22 Mer. Josephas 19 James 4 Mary 3 641-656Massure, Joseph 29 Farmer 200 - 100 Julia 24 (nee Clark) Welden 7/12 642-657Clark, Thomas 60 Far. 800 - 150 Sarah 60 Ivery 17 Far. Laborer Emeline 15 1860 Census - Frankfort 4 August, 1860 -32- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 643-658Clark, Jeremiah 67 Farmer 400 - 150 Rebecca 63 West, Catharine 14 644-659Clark, Charles 23 Farmer - 300 Sarah 17 See page27 645-660Lane, Mary 51 600 - 250 Andrew 21 Far. Lab. Oliver 18 " George 16 Joshua 10 646-661York, Philow J. 26 Farmer 500 - 100 Alice 20 Charles 3/12 647-662Curtis, Mathew 38 Farmer 1000 - 300 Hulda 35 Samuel 11 Olive 10 Albert 8 Eliza 6 Russell 4 Mary 2 Judith 3/12 648-663True, Jacob B. 45 Farmer 500 - 400 Ann 46 (nee Brown) England William 18 Farmer Me. Wilbert 18 Charles 17 Elizabeth 14 Martha 11 Laura 6 - ~James 4 649-664Trevett, Lucy L. 59 2000 - 500 Lucy A. 34 Mehitable B . 26 [Melville C ae 16-1850] Emeline 24 Albert 21 Far. Laborer Curtis, Maria 17 Domestic 1860 Census - Frankfort 4 August, 1860 -33- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 650-665Kingsbury, Joel 59 Farmer $1500 - $400 Me. Jane 55 Clarrie 30 Jane 24 Edward 23 Stone Cutter Mary 21 Nancy 19 Joshua 15 Stone Cutter Abby 8 651-666Philbrook, Job 55 N. Mer. 1500 - 800 Alace 54 Martha 25 School Teacher Isaac 22 Mer. Rinaldo 18 " Varnham 16 Rosenso 14 [Lorenzo-1870] Darias 12 (651)-667 Kingsbury, Fred J[ames] 26 Stone Cutter - 200 Eliza A. 21 (Pendleton) Alice 2 652-668Pendleton, Joseph 60 Farmer - 150 Eliza J. 47 Nason 24 Stone Cutter Lewis 17 " Mercy 11 Julia 8 [Listed again 733-751] 653-669Treat, Elisha 49 Farmer 1000 - 200 Mary A[nn] 43 (nee Hall) Alma [Althea] 18 Ruth E[mma] 16 Hall, Joshua 92 Meth. E. Clurgy 654-670Wiswell, John 69 Farmer 3500 - 800 Me. Lucy 66 Rumerann 26 [Reumah Ann mar. Upton Treat] 655-671Wiswell1 John, Jr. 40 Blacksmith 1500 - 200 Ellen 37 Juletta 12 Arther 10 Ann 6 (Alice] Eveline 2 Lane, Diana 20 Domestic 1860 Census - Frankfort 6 August, 1860 -34- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 656-672Potter, Hugh 30 Blacksmith - $200 Me. Laura 27 2* Charles 8 Livona 6 Hugh 4 Augustus 2 657-673Doile, Hiram 30 Blacksmith - 400 - Emily 25 Carrie 5 Ella 3 Doile, Susan 57 [age 43-1850] 658-674Seavy, Harris* 40 N. Mer. 1000 - 200 Lovana 36 Richard 12 Lowella 10 Almeda 1 *Richard H.-1850 659-675Curtis, George A[lbert] 43 Mer. - 200 Me. Olive 36 Sarah 19 Henry 16 Mer. Silas 15 Malzena 13f Richard 8 Franklin 5 George 1 660-676Seavy, Jefferson L. 25 Millman 1000 - 500 Rachel 20 Cora 3/12 661-677Haley, Patrick 50 Day Lab. 200 - 100 Ireland Catharine 40 " Patarick 16 " Mary 11 England Thomas 9 Michal 6 Me. James 4 Ellen 1 662~678Sweeney, James 32 Day Lab. 200 - 1000 Ireland Catharine 27 " Ann 4 Me. (662)~679 Cannon, James 40 Day Lab. 200 - 100 Ireland Catharine 40 " James 9 Me. 1860 Census - Frankfort 6 August, 1860 -35- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 663-680Donelin, Edward 35 Day Laborer $200 - $500 Ireland Mary 32 " Thomas 8 Me Michel 7 Margaret 2 Edward 6/12 664-681Haley, Catharine 55 1000 - 500 Ireland James 24 Trader Me. Catharine 21 Michel 19 Trader John 17 Margaret 10 665-682Seavy, John W. 28 Trader 300 - 500 666-683Tompson, George 45 S. Carpenter 200 - 500 Eliza A. 42 Albert 22 Stone Cutter Ammond 18 " Augustus 16 " Dealia 14 Edmund 11 Eva E. 1 Clark, Freelove 76 [Wife of James] 667-684Clark, James 70 Far. 150-100 James A. 36 " 250-100 Lucy 35 James E 13 Francis E. l1m Fred A. 8 668-685Herriman, Joseph E. 38 Farmer 300 - 100 Me. Harriet 35 Rozina 15 Harriet M. 13 Rozilthe 12f Alonzo 10 Charles 8 Barbary 6 669-686Massure, James [R] 39 Stone Cutter 250-100 Sarah 35 (Towle) Charles 15 670-687Harris, Thomas 38 Far. 500 - 150 Mass. Susan J. 36 Me. Thomas 7 Adelbert 5 1860 Census Frankfort 6 August, 1860 -36- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 671-688Benson, Moses 45 Far. $650 - $300 Me. Abigail 42 Sylvester 19 Far. Lab. George 18 " " Luther 13 Rozanner 11 Emery 9 John F. 1 672-689Waldron, William 39 Farmer 500 - 200 Ruth 31 Eliza 15 Sarah 10 673-690Kingsbury, David 31 Far. 800 - 200 Me. Harriet 27 Herbert 5 Josiah 1 674-691Kinney, Benjamin 28 Far. 400 - 100 Mary 26 675-692Kinney, Rufas 58 S. Carpenter 300 - 100 Mary A. 48 Martha 22 Henryetta 20 Freeman 19 Rufas W. 12 Hannah 11 676-693Littlefield, Goodwin 55 Far. 3000 - 1000 Hannah 87 Ide, Hannah 65 Atwood, James N. 35 S. Carpenter 1400 - 600 Moor, Robbert W. 22 Painter 677~-694Tibbets Jessie 35 Mer. - 100 Hannah 24 Caroline 6 Ella 3 678~695West, Moses 40 Mer. 200 - 100 Anna 34 Lydia 8 George 7 1860 Census - Frankfort 7 August, 1860 -37- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 679~696Tibbets, John 56 Mer. $300 - $100 Me. Margaret 45 Deborah 20 Annie 17 [Thankful-1850] Ama 14f [Ann-1850] 680-697Emery, James 66 Doctor 3000 - 2000 Sally 64 Josephine 18 Parmer, Edward 20 Domestic Hair, Dennis 14 " Ireland 681-698Lord, James 53 Millman 1600 - 1000 Me. Lydia 52 William 25 Miner Lydia 21 Sarah 17 Augusta 15 Hiram 13 Franklin 9 682-699Roger, Josephus 57 M.Mer 1200 - 600 Mass. Sarah 56 Me. William 28 Mer. James 21 Thomas 19 Far. Laborer Isriel [Hill] 16 " " George 14 683-700Treat, Lucy A. 46 [nee Ham-widow of Jonathan Buck Treat] Me. Susan [Emily] 19 1500 - 450 Me. Joshua [Dallas] 16 Far. Lab. Upton [Frederick] 14 Oliver [Parker] 12 Alice [Norrill] 10 Lucy 7 684-701Hopkins, Andrew W. 41 S. Carpenter 1000 - 400 Me. Clementine 40 Andrew 16 Far. Lab. Ester F. 15 Reuben 12 Larphaett 8M Flavyous 8M 1860 Census - Frankfort 7 August, 1860 -38- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers . Born 685-702Emery, Abijah F. 37 Farmer $700 - $300 Me. Orissie 18 [2d wife] (nee Metcalf) Rowe 14 Charles 12 Evva 8f Belle 6 Ann 4 686-703Agen, Lary 40 Day Laborer - 100 Ireland Mary 38 " 687-704Huse, Darby 32 Day Lab. - 100 Ireland Harriet 28 " Margaret 3 Me. Charles 9/12 688-705York, William 45 Stone Cutter - 200 Me. Jemima 45 Joseph 19 Stone Cutter Nelson 15 Hellen 11 Edward 11 Julia 9 Annie 6 689-706Herriman Dustin 30 Mer. - 500 Me. Ellen 22 Ada 2 Leonard, Eliza 15 Domestic Lancy, James 25 Day Laborer Ireland 690-707Sanborn, Noah 43 Stone cutter 2000 - 500 N.H. Elizabeth 38 Me. Eveline 11 Everet 8 691-708Snow, Solomon 39 Day Laborer - 300 Elizabeth 33 (nee Curtis?) Freeman 8 Lucy 9/12 692-709Burk, Patrick 40 Day Laborer - 200 Ireland Mary 35 " Margaret 12 " John 10 " Mary 8 Me. Michel 6 Catharine 4 Patrick 4/12 1860 Census Frankfort 7 August, 1860 -39- Age Occupation R.E. Pers. Born 693-710Anglan, Laurance 28 Day Laborer $200 - $100 Ireland Hannah 24 " Thomas 5 Me. Joanna 3 Catharine 6/12 694-711Leonard, Thomas 35 Day Laborer 150 - 50 Ireland Ann 33 " Margaret 3 Me. Mary 1 " 695-712Varnham, Stephen 28 Day Laborer 300 - 100 Me. Sarah 27 Charles 7 Laura 6 696-713Hairher?,Patrick 35 Day Laborer 100 - 50 Ireland Bridget 35 " Dennis 14 " John 9 Me. Mary 3 " Faha, Catharine 50 Ireland 69714 Leonard, John 60 Day Laborer 400 - 100 Ireland Mary 50 " Joseph 26 Day Laborer " Patrick 22 " " " Mike 16 " " " 69~-7l5Otis, John 45 Day Laborer 300 - 100 England Margaret 43 Ireland James 10 Me. Henry 9 Mary 8 Ellen 7 John 6 William 1 699~716 Cane, Patrick 30 day Laborer 500 100 Ireland Julia 25 " John 4 Me. James 2 Me. 1860 Census - Frankfort 8 August, 1860 -40- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 700-717Clone, John 28 Day Laborer $200 - $100 Ireland Ellen 26 " Mary 7 Me Thomas6 Margaret4 Patrick 3 Anna 1 701-718Dollif, James S. 31 Farmer 300 - 200 Caroline T. 36 Frank 2 Ward, James 65 Farmer N.H. 702-719Grant, Nathaniel 60 Farmer 1200 - 500 Me. Mary A. 44 I Willard 23 Farmer Johnson 20 Page, Dudly 17 Farmer Albert 18 Mer. William 14 Hannah 13 Walter 11 ( Grant, Charles D. 6 Nancy E. 3 [See Wm. H. Page 1850 460-549] 703-720Holmes, George 49 Farmer 1000 - 600 Me. Sarah 46 George W. 20 Farmer John C. 14 Charles A. 1 Abby 9 Sarah E. 4 704-721Moor, Lorenzo D. 33 Farmer 1400 - 300 Me. Mary E. 32 (nee Durham of Belfast) 705-722Perry Elijah 29 Farmer 300 - 100 Ann 30 Mary A. 50 Celista 33 [Celestia died Feb. 1870 ae 41] Seth 21 Mer. 1860 Census - Frankfort 8 August, 1860 -41- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers . Born 706-723Moor, John 39 Farmer $2000 - 800 Me. Jane E. 36 (nee Mathews) Emma J. 6 Frank 4 707-724 Mayo, Howes 69 Farmer 600 - 300 Huldah 50 Martha A. 23 Maria 21 George 19 Farmer Austin 17 " Nathaniel 13 Eliza J. 10 Susan 8 708-725Lane, William 50 Farmer 500 - 100 Rebecca 59 Massure, Albert 9 709-726Low, William F. 29 Farmer 600 200 Me. Welthy 23 (Wealthy McMan) Rubie 3 Herriet 2 ( McMan, Julia 18 Domestic 710-727Perry, George W. 32 Farmer 200 - 100 Me. Mahala 26 Sarah [B] 20 (nee Verrill) Laura 1 711-728Grant, Edward 37 Farmer 100 - 75 Mahala 26 Rosanna 10 George 4 Betsy 3 Mahala 1 712-729 Low, Asa 63 Farmer 500 - 200 Jane 55 Deborah 17 Daniel 19 Far. Laborer John 14 1860 Census - Frankfort 8 August, 1860 -42- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born GrantJonathan 53 Farmer $500 - $200 Me. Lavenia 51 Sarah 26 John 22 Farmer Rufas 20 Jane 18 Susan 16 Ammon llm 714-731 Grant, Joseph 43 Farmer 400 - 150 Me. Mary A. 41 Adaniram 21 Farmer Wilson 19 " Wilder 14 Agnes 8 M? David 4 715-732Low, Lewis L. 31 Farmer 600 - 200 Clarrie 28 Mary 7 Judson 5 Major 2 716-733Murphy, Alfred 38 Farmer 300 - 100 Sarah [Jane] 39 (nee West-m (1) Bisby Low) Levi 8 Harris 4 Bisby 3 Low, Alonzo 21 Day Laborer Willard 19 " " Arther 14 Louisa 11 717-734Grant, Elisha 56 Farmer 500 - 200 Nancy 52 Low, George 25 Mer. David W. 20 Mer. Lane, Daniel 86 Farmer Mass. 718-735Hary, Edward 25 Mer. Me. Fanny 29 " Gould, Dennis E. 9 Mary E. 7 Rinaldo A. 5 1860 Census - Frankfort 9 August, 1860 -43- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers Born 718)-736Grant, Richard 23 Farmer $400 - $100 Me. Melinda 24 Leila 6/12 719-737West, Deering 30 Day Laborer 300 - 70 Rebecca 27 Mary 2 720-738Low, Elijah 2d 57 Farmer 600 - 300 Susan 53 George 20 Farmer Fred 15 " 721-739Clark, Lyman 30 Farmer 400 - 200 Nancy J. 28 Albert L. 3 Frances lf 722-740Boyd, Louise E. 63 Parker, Lucy N. 15 Domestic ~723-741Boyd, Simon F. 40 Farmer 2000 - 600 Lovina S. 40 Arther 17 Farmer 724-742Seavy, John 60 Farmer 1000 - 400 Abigail 53 John W. 24 Farmer Charles T. 22 Farmer Carrie 20 Adeline 17 725-743Doile, James 62 Farmer 300 - 100 Sarah 60 72744Seavy, Thomas 73 Farmer 500 - 200 Me. Sarah 64 Obid 31M Mer. John T. 23 " 1860 Census - Frankfort 9 August, 1860 -44- Age Occupation RE. - Pers. Born 727-745Holmes, Hiram 51 Blacksmith $500 - 300 Mary 21 (nee Avery) David 20Blacksmith Abbie 17 Isebella 14 Hiram 12 Henry 3 Flora 1 728-746Bowden, Stephen 56 M. Mer. 400 - 200 Me. Louisa 58 (nee Smith) Jane 17 Andrew 16 M. Mer. Ephraim 27 M. Mer. William 21 " [Richmond-1850] Mary 13 Nancy 12 George 10 Stephen 8 Rozella 6 Carr, William 68 Farmer 800 - 400 [Capt. Stephen Bowden m. Eliza Smith Feb. 26, 1857 by Jas. N. Atwood, J. P. -Rep. Journal 11Miss Louisa Smith] 729-747Perkins, TruworthyP.43 Carpenter 1200 - 300 N.H. Triphena 43 Me. Russell 2Carpenter Reuben 17 Phena 13 [Triphena] Joseph 9 Lydia 7 George 5 Edora 3f 730-748Auspland, Stephen 47 Farmer 1200 - 500 Sarah 37 Ann 18 Abbie 15 Stephen 12 Franklin 10 Flora 7 731-749Kingsbury, William2d 37 Farmer 500 - 200 Ester 36 (Ward) Rosina 14 Charles - 10 Abbie 4 1860 Census - Frankfort 9 August, 1860 -45- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 732-750Sprague, John 28 Farmer $800 - $200 Me. Ann 20 Eliza 7/12 733-751Thomas, Simeon 23 Farmer 250 - 50 Susan 52 Pendleton, Joseph 63 Mer. Eliza 42 [47] Nason 24 Stone Cutter Lewis 17 " Nancy 11 Julia 8 734-752Davis, Belia K. 34 Farmer 200 - 100 N.H. Susan F. 38 " Walter 12 " Abby A. 8 " Victor 6 " Warren 4/12 Me. 735-753Hall, Freeman U. 28 Farmer - 100 Me. Elmira C. 21 (nee Dunlap) William 3 Harris 7/12 (Horace-1870) 735-754Cunningham, John 34 Farmer 500 - 500 Me. Nancy J[ane] 22 (Treadwell) Martin F. 1 737-755Dwelley, Luther 58 Farmer 600 - 200 Mary 58 George 25 Farmer Martin 17 " 738-756Dutch, Arther 53 Farmer 1500 - 400 N.H. Mary J. 48 Me. Amos 27 Mer. Hannah 25 Ann 20 Rozella 16 Mary 13 Arther 10 Charles 8 739~757Kingsbury, Fleazer 68 Farmer 1000 - 400 Elizabeth 57 1860 Census - Frankfort 9 August, 1860 -46- Age Occupation R.F. - Pers.. Born 740-758Kingsbury, George W. 33 Farmer Nancy [J] 19 (Pendleton) Me. Hallowell, Lydia F. 13 Domestic Pendleton, Nason 24 " 741-759Thomas, Josiah 64 Farmer 1600 - 400 Effa [Affia] 57 Sarah 29 Uri ah 24 Far. Laborer Nelson 22 " Susan 20 742-760Kingsbury, Eleazer, Jr. 28 Farmer 600 - 100 Mahitable 24 (nee Sprague) Sarah 5 Eldora 3 Jane 2 Elvira 2/12 743-761Hoyt, George 23 Farmer 700 - 200 Frances 20 744-762Blithen, Abigail 53 - 100 George 18 Far. Laborer John 17 " " Joseph 16 " " McCarty, Polly 81 Me. 745-763Garland, Charles 36 Farmer 500 - 200 Eliza J. 33 Fmma 13 Carroll 10 746-764Mudget, John 68 Farmer 700 - 300 Me. Annie 65 Albert 16 Farm Grant, Mary A. 35 Domestic 747-765Coffin, Samuel 44 Farmer 1800 - 500 Lucy EJane] 32 (nee Littlefield) Fred 14 Fernald, Cyrus 18 Domestic 1860 Census - 'Frankfort 10 August, 1860 -47- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 748-766Jellerson, Nathan 82 Farmer $700 - $150 Me. Mary 75 749-767Parker, Richard 26 Farmer 800 - 300 Hannah 29 Mary F. 1 750-768Parker, Samuel 53 Farmer 300 - 250 Martha 45 Fred 21 Elizabeth 18 Lucy M. 15 Wilder 13 George W. 11 Algenora 9 Arletta 4 751-769Clark, Alfred 37 Farmer - 100 Julia 33 Augustus 13 Marcus 9 George 6 Wilbert 4 Charles 1 Bolton, Eunice 63 752-770Smart, Daniel 38 Farmer 500 - 250 Annice[T] 32 (nee Smart) Sarah 14 Henry 12 Francis 10 Robbert 8 Herbert 2 Daniel 1 753-771Jypson, William 44 S. Carpenter - 100 Abigail 38 Maria 16 William 14 Willincton 11 Annie 7 George 2 1860 Census - Frankfort 10 August, 1860 -48- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 754-772Treat, Hiram 52 Trader $700 - $400 Me. Betsy 38 Mira C. 16 John 11 James .7 Hiram 4 Eliza 1 755-773Crowell, Oliver 53 Dept. Sheriff - 400 Ann 49 Belle 22 John 20 Domestic Nancy 18 Clarrie 15 Lear, Margaret J. 25 Domestic West, Amos 14 756-774McCorrison, Lorenzo 32 Cooper Me. Hellen 24 Laforest 5 1757-775Lanpher, John 49 N. Mer. 600 - 200 Hannah 60 758-776Clark, Isaac 58 Farmer 1200 - 200 Angeline 57 Jane 22 Adderson 20 Mer. Harriet 19 Willard 17 Mer. 759-777Page, Benjamin 50 Day Laborer - 100 Elizabeth 49 Rachel 22 Thomas 20 Mer. Willard 18 " Rubie H. 15 Eliza 11 James 9 Charles 8 Arther 4 Triphena 2 Benjamin . 2/12 1860 Census - Frankfort 10 August, 1860 -49- Age Occupation R.E. Pers. Born 760-778Weed, Moses 77 Farmer 1000 - 200 N.H. Mary 63 Me. Nancy 21 Page, Patience 93 Weed, Reuben G. 26 Farmer Nathaniel 24 Sarah 21 (nee Harriman 761-779Lunt, William 40 Farmer - 400 Me. Augusta 34 Henryetta 9 John 7 Mary 5 Hannah 3 George 7/12 762-780Riley, James 45 Farmer 1400 - 500 Ireland Mary 28 " Bridoet 9 Me. George 7 Mary 5 Julia 3 Margaret 2 7~3-78lIde, Stephen 68 Farmer 2400 - 1500 Me. Lane, Elinor 47 Domestic 764-782Collings, Samuel 46 Miller - 500 Me. Eliza 36 Sarah 13 Charles 10 765-783Gerry, Sylvenus 34 Mer. 300 Ann 30 Annie 7 James 4 766-784Powers, Peter 48 M.Mer 1000 500 Johanna 33 Julia 13 Clarrie 10 Ashmun 4 1860 Census - Frankfort 10 August, 1860 -50- 767785Ham, Thomas 37 Farmer - $100 Me. Deborah 28 (nee Clark) George 9 Frank 7 Jeremiah 5 Cyrus 3 Ann 5/12 [Carrie M.-1870] Clark, Jeremiah Jr. 25 Domestic - Willey William 61 farmer 1000 400 Harriet 58 Susan 23 Richard 21 Farmer 769-787 Elliott, Peter 61 Farmer 1200 - 500 Nancy 56 Harriet 16 John 13 770-788 Lane, Charles 49 Farmer 1300 - 500 Lydia 48 Sarah W 23 Henry 18 Domestic 77~-789 Lane, Hannah 55 11 August, 1860 4 77~-790 Spaulden, Chancy 54 Farmer 1000 - 400 Me. Margaret 42 [Lane] [Spaulding Elvira 27 Chancy 17 Farmer Isaac 15 Robbert 13 Fred 3 Eliza 2 Manly 3/12 Addie F. 3 Lane, Anger R. 6 [Angier R. Spau1ding~1870] I,' ~~379i Lane, Nathaniel 61 Farmer 3000 - 900 Lucy 57 Joel 31 Farmer Deborah 20 Lucy 14 Caroline 10 Georgeanna 12 1860 Census - Frankfort 11 August, 1860 -51- -:1 Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 7~4-792 Adeniram B. 31 Farmer Curtis, Sarah 70 [Widow of John] $1500 - $500 Me. [Aurelia] Maria 33 '1 Allen 29 Farmer Albion 25 775-793 Mayo, Ebeneazer 72 Miller 4000 - 600 Maria 76 Ireland Robbert 38 Farmer Me. Catharine 28 ( Mayo) I - 776-794 Tredwill, Jacob 36 Day Laborer - 150 Lydia 33 Ellen 16 William 12 Francis 7f John 7m 777-795 York, Hiram 51 Farmer 500 - 150 Eliza 45 ( Clark) Benjamin 24 Farmer Sumner 23 Hiram 19 I' Vanburan 16 Sarah 12 778-796 West, Eli C. 27 Farmer 800 - 300 Me. Ann M. 22 Melven 1 Thomas, Ester 5 11 Domestic West, Amos W. 14 779-797 McKeen, Ephraim 33 Farmer 800 - 250 Sarah [Jane] 28 (nee Nickerson) Isaac 8 Melissa 1 Treat, James 40 Trader 5000 - 15,000 780-798 Getchell, Elijah 33 Porter - 300 Mercy 24 Alice 3 George 1 i 52-1 1860 Census - Frankfort 11 August, 1860 Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born ~ 78]-799 Curtis, Caroline 45 [widow of Peter M.] 600 - 300 Me. C'1 Alice 21 Libbeus 16 Far. Laborer Eliza 7 782-800 Lane, Stephen 40 Farmer 1000 - 400 Sarah 32 - Sarah 12 Naham 7 David 3. 783-801 Black, James 66 Farmer 2000 - 500 Mary 58 (Tripp) Benjamin 33 Farmer Sarah 24 Mary 22 784-802 Black, Sewel 29 Farmer 1500 - 400 Abby 20. (nee Moore) 785-803 Moor, George, Jr. 30 Farmer - 500 Susanna 30 Nancy 9 Fred 6 George 4 Moor, George 65 Farmer - 400 John 17 786-804 Moor, James 27 Farmer 1000 - 300 Elinor 21 Eli W. 23 Farmer Washington 28 Stone Cutter - 1000 Elias B. 21 Day Laborer 100 787-805 Moor, Perlina 60 1000 - 400 Me. Horatio 28 Farmer Ann M. 24 James 22 Catharine 19 Sarah 18 .3 788-806 Downs, James 40 Farmer 1000 - 500 Martha - 36 [Mrs. Martha J. Low] 1860 Census - Frankfort 11 August, 1860 -53- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 739-807 Moor, Otis 41 Farmer 800 - 300 Me. Louis 39 Melinda 17 Abby 15 Edwin 13 Everline 10 Howard 4 Elenora 2 71)0-808 Towle, Mary 60 100 - 150 John 14 (790)-809 Crocket, Elmira J. 40 - 200 Maria 15 Adeline 11 791-810 Carter, Asa 34 Farmer 900 - 300 Susan 30 Sarah J. 6 Edwin 4 Carter, James 64 Farmer ( 792-811 Carter, Samuel 36 Farmer 800 - 300 Mary 35 Annie 12 Laura 2 Wilber 6/12 793-812 Hamilton, Aaron 38 H. Carpenter - 150 Sally 40 I I Betsy 18 John 12 13 Ellen M. 8 Howard 6/12 13 August, 1860 794-813 Carter, Emery 44 Farmer ~;;o ~3;;0 Me. Eliza J. 39 Calista J. 16 Maria 15 ~95-8l4 Carter, James, Jr. 42 Farmer Catharine 44 I Lemuel 20 Farmer Elizabeth 16 George 13 John 8 Mary 5 1860 Census - Frankfort 13 August, 1860 -54- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 79()-815 Stephens, Wheelwright 48 Pedler $600 - $200 Me. Jane 48 Mira 20 Lewis 17 Far. Laborer Albert 14 Zelia 12 Hannah 10 Etta J. 8 $1 \\ 797-816 Black, Henry 5. 51 Farmer 1200 - 500 Me. Nancy 46 Fred 23 Farmer Caroline 21 Hollis 19 Farmer Austin 16 Henry [5] 14 Harriet 11 798-B17 Waning, John 68 Farmer - 400 Louisa 53 Nancy 24 Freeman 18 Farmer I, Albion 15 799-818 Trundy, Frank[lin] L. 25 Farmer 800 - 300 Sarah 26 (nee Waning) Lestly 8/12 [Ernest Leslie] Trundy, Theodate 67 N. H. I II~ 800-819 Dockam, Daniel 31 Farmer - 250 Me. ~Ip4 Hannah 25 (nee Dutch) ~It Ephraim 5 ;~ ~ Fred 3 Mary J. 1 Clark, William A. 55 Pedler - 100 Abby 51 301-820 Metcalf, Mary 51 250 100 ~iIj~ ;: Mary C. 12 802-~82l Trundy, Meshack 46 Farmer 1000 - 400 Me. Deborah 45 (nee Curtis) 1860 Census - Frankfort 13 August, 1860 -55- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born 803-822 Kingsbury, William 66 Farmer 1000 - 450 Rebecca 51 (nee Field-m (1) Cyrus C4ark) Jonathan 26 Farmer Abbie 22 Daniel 12 Izora 2 Clark, Fred 23 Mer. Benjamin 21 Emeline 26 [Cyrus] Martial 17 Mer. [Chn. Cyrus & Rebecca] 804-823 Field, Abiqail 73 (nee True-widow of Daniel) Kingsbury, James R. 33 Farmer 700 - 300 Hannah 31 Eliza 9 Rosco 8 Hannah 6 Martha 1 8C5-824 Curtis, William [Jr.] 48 Farmer 1100 - 500 Hann~~ AA ~ ~ 1860 Census - Frankfort 13 August, 1860 -56- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born ~ 806-829 Larrabee, Thomas 43 Farmer $400 - $200 Me. '1 Louis 43 William 17 Farmer Sarah 15 Mary A. 10 Lizzie 4 807-830 Hall, Frances 59 Farmer 200 - 100 Me. -Lucy 52 Ivery 19 Eulaly 17f James 13 I 4 8C8-831 Low, James A. 31 Farmer 450 - 200 Me. Susan 30 (Clark) Roswell 2 809-832 Lewis, George 56 Farmer 1500 - 100 Margret 55 Ann 17 George 15 Farmer Hartley 13 II 8]0-833 Tyler, Andrew 64 M. Mer. 3000 - 2000 Ann L. 50 N.Y. Andrew 24 Mer. Me. i~ Hannah 21 Sarah 19 William 18 Far. Charles 15 Far. Robbert 13 Frank - 11 Lewis 7 811-834 Clark, Nathaniel 65 Farmer 1000 - 300 Abigail 58 - I 8~2-835 West, Rufas 59 Farmer 3000 - 800 Mary 51 Joel N. 26 Farmer Rufas 24 Eli 22 Alexander - 20 i~. Mary E. 19 Lydia J. 17 West, James H. 28 Farmer - 1000 Ann M. 26 Mary E. 7 1860 Census - Frankfort 13 August, 1860 -57- Age Occupation R.E. - Pers. Born di~ 813-836 Webster, Nathaniel 46 Farmer - $100 Me. Lucinda 42 William 19 Farmer Susan 17 Dorathy 14 Ann 4 George 1 814-837 Moody, Joseph 30 Cooper 400 - 200 Harriet 25 (nee Houston) I hereby certify that the foregoing returns of my sub-division are contained on the 54 preceding pages and that the same were made accord- mg to my oath and instructions to the best of my knowledge and beLief. George White, Assistant Marshal