John and Penny's Infertility and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Page

I want to apologize for not updating the page sooner. I have been experiencing severe pain from the endometriosis and have not been on the computer for longer than 5 minutes a day in the past 3 weeks. I will try and update the page again as soon as I can. In the mean time, Please scroll down and read the updated story and letter to our child. Also please check out our new endometriosis web page, the address is listed below.

******This page is not intended for use as medical advice. If you think that you are in need of medical advice, please contact a physician.******

This page is dedicated to all of those who are suffering from Infertility. PCOS and/or Endometriosis.

I have started an e-mail list for those who are going through the roller-coaster of primary infertility. It is also for those who are suffering from PCOS and Endometriosis, in addition to Primary Infertility. To join the list, please use the following address.



Commonly Asked Question and Answers


1. What is infertility?

Answer: Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse.

2. What is the "Basic Workup?"

Answer: The basic workup is a series of initial tests to try and determine the cause of infertility. Some of these test are: LH Surge test (to test if you are ovulating), an endometrial biopsy (to test the quality of the uterine lining), semen analysis, and a hysterosalpingogram.

3. What is a hystersalpingogram?

Answer: A hysterosalpingogram is a test that uses a dye that can be seen by X-ray. The purpose of the test is to see if your fallopian tubes are open, and if your uterus has a normal shape.

4.What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

Answer: PCOS is a common type hypothalamic pituitary dysfunction. It is characterized by irregular or nonexistant periods, many small ovarian cysts (commonly called the "ring of pearls")--this can be seen by a pelvic ultrasound, annovulation, abnormal weight gain, hirustism (abnormal hair growth on the face and trunk of the body), insulin resistance, and other symptoms.

Ultrasound Photo of Polycystic Ovaries


Vitex (also known as chaste tree or chaste berry): This is taken preovulation to help get the blood circulation flowing in and around the ovaries to produce a healthier egg.

Dong Quai:Take n pre-ovulation to help get the uterus prepared for pregnancy.

Wild Yam: Taken post-ovulation to help keep progesterone levels up to sustain a pregnancy.

False Unicorn Root: Taken post-ovulation to prevent a miscarriage.

Magnesium: Helps with the use of insulin.

Chromium GTF: Helps with the absorption of glucose by the cells and the insulin.

Prenatal Vitamins: Take all the time to aid in achieving pregnancy.

Chamomile Tea: For prevention of infections. Can also use it to wash with if you have a yeast infection.


This is our Story

Well, let me start out giving you a little background on us. I am 23 and John is 22, we have been married for almost 3 years. Our family consists of us and our cat, Oscar.

Now on with the fun stuff :o) When I was 15, I began having terrible abdominal pains. I went to see several doctors, and noone could tell me anything. The most that I ever got told was that I was having AF cramps and to "quit being a baby." After the pain getting so bad that I was passing out from it, I finally found a Dr. that ran a test. He did an ultrasound on me and found out that I had a cyst the size of a softball on my right ovary. At this point I was 16 and scared to death. He referred me to an OBGYN and I immediately was in emergency surgery to drain the cyst before it ruptured. After the surgery I was put on birth control pills to help keep the cysts from growing again. Even though I was on the birthcontrol pills, I kept getting the cysts. The OBGYN could never give me a reason for this.

I didn't pursue it anymore until John and were married. Two months after we were married, I began to have awful abdominal pains again. We had to wait 2 weeks for the OBGYN to get back from vacation. When we finally saw the OBGYN, he said that it was time for surgery again. If I wanted to ever have children, it was best to remove that ovary. When I came out of the anesthesia, my husband told me that my whole right side had been messed up. My ovary was inside my fallopian tube and my fallopian tube was growing to my pelvic bone. At my post-op check-up, my OBGYN told me that our chances of concieving were cut in half and to start trying as soon as we could.

We switched to another OBGYN that was closer to us and began the fertility work-up. The first test that he wanted to do was an HSG to check and make sure my remaining tube was open, and some hormone tests. All the tests came back fine and he started me on 100mg of Clomid and told me to lose some weight. I lost over 100 pounds in about 5 months. Didn't diet, it just came off. I had gained all the weight after my 2nd surgery. I had 3 cycles of Clomid and no response. After this we took a couple of months off to rest and then went back to the OBGYN. This time he upped my Clomid to 150mg and said that there should be no problem. That cycle I had 5 good eggs and received my first HCG to induce ovulation. Still no luck with that cycle.

We decided that we should go to a Reproductive Endrocronologist, because I had a feeling that I did not have just unexplained infertility. At my 1st appt. with the RE, she diagnosed me with PCOS and wanted to do a fasting blood sugar to test my insulin levels. After the test, I was then diagnosed with Insulin Resistance as well. I am presently on 1500mg of Metformin (glucophage) a day to help control that. We were relieved that we finally had a reason for the infertility, but then we found out how much harder it was going to make everything in our lives. The RE told us that Clomid alone would not work for me and that I would have to add Fertinex to it.

We just finished a cycle with 150mg of Clomid and 75IU of Fertinex a day. On cycle day 15 we went in for an ultrasound to check follicle size. We were very excited as this was our first injectable cycle. We came out very disappointed. We only had 2 eggs and they were both too small, so the RE gave me a shot of Repronex in the office and upped my Fertinex to 2 shots a day for 2 more days and then have another ultrasound. This time we were very worried. Well, at the second ultrasound only one of the eggs had matured enough to ovulate. We did have an IUI scheduled for the next day, but that had to be cancelled because we only had one follicle. RE gave me a shot of HCG to induce ovulation and we are presently in the 2-week waiting period and very nervous.

October 15, 1998: Well, we are still in the 2 week waiting period, and are getting even more nervous as each day passes by. If AF doesn't show up by Tuesday, we will then take a blood test. I have been having some spotting and some major cramping, but still no sign of AF yet. I have heard this could be a sign of possible implantation, but I am not going to get my hopes up too much. I have been scaring John to death the last couple of days, as the cramps have kept me in the bed pretty much all day.

We have gotten so many wonderful responses to this page, telling us how much it helped them and touched them. We are so grateful to all of you for visiting this page. We made this in hopes that it would help others.

October 28, 1998: Well, after beginning to have awful abdominal pains, the dr ordered a pg test for me and the result was a big fat negative. She also told me that she wants me to lose a lot of weight. Even after I heard the negative results, I still didn't believe it until AF showed up. I really hate seeing her. GRRRRR! We have decided to take a 6 month break, because of all dh's back problems and WC problems.

I am so depressed right now, that it is a struggle to get out of bed everyday. I am hurting so bad right now. I told myself last year at this time, that I would be pg by now. Now I have to face the fact that it is going to be 6 months before we even start trying again.

November 25,1998: Well, this month has been a trip LOL. I have been having awful stomach and back pains ever since the last update. I have went to 3 dr's so far. It took me until the 3rd one to find someone who would listen. He diagnosed me with endometriosis. My first reaction was "great with the PCOS, this is all I need." But now I am trying to educate myself on it. We were going to take a 6 month break because of financial concerns. But I just got contacted by someone who is donating the Fertinex to me, so thanks to this wonderful person, I am getting my wish of trying one more time before Christmas. I am on 200mg of Clomid on cd's 4-8 and then on cds 9-12, I will be taking 150IU of Fertinex. Maybe I will respond better to this increased dosage.

December 23, 1998: Well, I responded better to the Clomid/Fertinex combo. I had 4 eggs on my left ovary. We were so excited that it worked this time. With the way that things had worked out this cycel: donation of meds at exactly the right time, good response, etc.. We were sure that it had worked this time and we would be pg for Christmas. Well, everything ws looking good. I was having all the right signs. And then bam! Af came on Sunday. I really hate AF. I was so stunned. I woke up at 5:30 Sunday morning and there it was. I was so shocked that it didn't affect me until later that day. Then it hit me like a bomb. I was so angry the whole day. I kept wanting to throw and hit things. Now I am just so depressed that I can't stand the thought of Christmas. I hate looking at the tree and the decorations. I made presents for all of our nieces and nephews this year and after AF came I could barely stand to finish them.

January 26, 1999: Happy New Year Everyone. The year did not start out well for us. I have been in pain from the endo for the past 3 weeks. 2 weeks ago the pain became very severe. I called my dr and she told me it was all in my head. AAARRRGGGHHH. I am now switching RE's. I know when pain is in my head. I got a job 2 weeks ago to try and help out financially. Well, I had to quit it today because the pain was so unbearable that I haven't been to work in a week. I have an appt with a new Dr. on Feb. 1 and hoping that he will do something for me. The dr's visit is an hour and a half away and I am very worried that I won't be able to sit in the car the whole way.

March 6, 1999: I am sorry that it has been so long since I have updated the page. I have been in a tremendous amount of pain and have had the flu also. The Dr.s appt did not go well. The Dr. told me that the pain was in my head but I did need surgery. He was also only in there with me for 15 minutes and they had told me that he would be available for me for 1 hour. The pain has become alot worse. John has had alot of problems with his job and our health insurance got cancelled on the first of the month. So now we are waiting to get health insurance and then I will be having a surgery with a different Dr. I have also been told that a hysterectomy is going to be an option for me. I am getting very depressed and scared. I know that we can adopt later. But I have to mourn the child that may never be ours. I am going to try and update as much as I can. But I do not know if I will be able to write the letter to our child for awhile as it is very painful to me.



Please use the link below to see the archived letters.

***This is our way of expressing our feelings each week to our child, you may find that this may help you too. I will change the letter each week***

A Letter to Our Child


Hello Angel,

How are you doing today? I hope you are doing well. Mommy is doing very bad. I am in alot of pain from the disease that I have and it doesn't look like it is going to get any better. I am going to be having surgery for it soon and after that surgery you may not be able to come to me. That surgery may take my chances of having you away from me and I am very scared.

I don't want to give you up my angel. I know that it is a very real possibility that I am going to lose you. I cannot stop crying all the time and Daddy is very upset too.

Please take my darling. I am so sorry for disappointing you and I hope that you will still be coming to us. Even if you are not, please know that I love you and will never forget you.





Our List of Helpful Links

https://members.tripod.com/~Endometriosis/endo.htm: Please use this link to go to my new page on endometriosis. I was just recently diagnosed with severe endo.

https://members.tripod.com/~Peejay_2/index.html: Please use this link, to see the archived letters to our child, we have just added a glossary of terms, we are also adding a list of side effects of some of the meds that we all have to take. Also, please use this link to sign our guestbook.

http://www.fertilethoughts.com: Lots of information on all different types of infertility, including bulletin boards, and chats.

http://www.inciid.org: also lots of information on infertility, with bulletin boards and chats.

http://www.ivf.com: Great site that includes fact sheets and also a letter to family and friends to try and help them understand.

http://www.hannah.org: For christian women going through infertility.

http://www.pcosupport.org: This is a great site for information and support on pcos.

http://www.resolve.org: This is the national infertility organization. We are members of this and also have started a support group in the Northwest Ohio area. If you are interested in coming to those meetings, please e-mail me.

There are also newsgroups that you can subscribe to. Some of these are:






We would love to hear from you :o) Please e-mail us at peejay@bright.net .


I would like to thank all of those that helped me put together this web page :o)