Penny Allen Nelson
 A Few of My Favorite Links
- Kathy's Songs!
- Kathy Johnson... and old high school friend and a wonderful songwriter and folk singer. Her imaginative lyrics never fail to bring a smile to my face!
- Cindi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
- When I don't know where to find an ancestor, I start here!
- The Library of Congress Catalog
- Research and receive instant email results!
- Welcome to Bibliofind
- For those hard to find out of print books
- The Samoa News
- My employer during our 16 months in the South Pacific
- The Official Alliance, Ohio, Homepage
- Where we lived for 9 wonderful years and home of the "Purple Raiders" & Glamorgan Castle
- Mary Rice Hopkins Homepage
- Mary is our FAVORITE Christian children's musician.
- The Official Naomi Homepage
- This one's for my friend Naomi Henning, who doesn't own a computer.
- Mac Orchard
- A great site for everything Macintosh
b. February 1990 - d. July 2004
Hillary (age 14) & Bonne (age 7 mo.)
b. April 2004
Bonne (age 5) Too bad there’s no “spook eye reduction” for dogs!
b. Dec 2008

Moving On . . .
(After 12 years, it’s time for an update!)
I had just turned 50 when I first created this and other websites. Since then, we moved from Ohio to Washington State, I am now 62, retired and my kids are grown (one will be getting married in less than a year), which means I finally have some time to bring everything up to date. Please be patient as I consider what in my life is no longer important – and what is. Just like “down-sizing,” (which I also need to do in REAL life) this may take a while!
Other Webpage Projects
 About 250 relatives of this famous author of the "Little House" books as well as historical information about Laura's family.
A tribute to an amazing man, my grandfather, CHARLIE "POP" HERMANN
ALLEN-NELSON GENEALOGY See if your surname is on this extensive list and watch for links to individuals and families from our 12,000+ person database.