Sometimes a lot of things happen all at once...

Living Caverns (#392)

The rough-hewn majesty of this cavern far outpaces any delight in the multitudes of curves that form its enclosure. The glabrous grey granite is shot through with translucent obsidian, lending subtly-veined sparkle to the walls and the foot-trodden smoothness of the floor that shows centuries-old placements of the scarred trestle tables; carven hollows give homes for the glow baskets and the coat-pegs that line the walls. No mosaics, no painting, no tiles: just a few well-done tapestries mark the pathway that lead to the kitchen to the north and the inner caverns to the west, and frame the nighthearth's stew and snacks, while a heavier strip of oiled canvas shields the unwary from the wind in the bowl.

Tucked into a glowlit niche are Pollina, Tiramisu, Maksim, Dogma, Denver, Nebo, Sun, RazorThorn, Litza, Tristano, Nimble, Ozu-Zarkh, Fiannan, Denim, Guardian, Leimur, Autumn, Inaho, Maynard, Searcher, Butterfly, Kelpie, Natsume, Aztek, and Tremayne.

You see Old Auntie sit-by-the-fire, Fluffernut, Brat, Fruity White Wine, Missy, Fantastic Triple Layer Bubbly Surprise, Azlan, Saphron, sketch, PeaGreen, and Endymion here.

Sarhai, Thesy, Ragis, and Lis are here.

Obvious exits:

Bowl Kitchens Inner Caverns Crafting Area

Ragis steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.

"Tyara!" gets called brightly across the cavern by Lis, fingers waggling at the nanny. A welcome distraction from googly-eyes, indeed. Pushing her chair around, the greenrider manages to balance herself between that and the footrest.

Oh Faranth... a bright, pregnant greenrider. Is she getting into labor again? Tyara sends Lis a suspicious look, but since she doesn't appear to be bursting, the nanny sends a slight smile in return. "Morning, Lis." Oh, food. That's why she came. Her and Eneryp, yep. "Hi Liiiiiiis!" That would be Eneryp. "Are ya gunna pop soon?"

D'renn strides in from the Central Bowl.

Lylia walks in from the Central Bowl.

D'renn walks in, swathed in his raspberry leathers, and unpeeling green gloves as he heads towards the klah pot. "Anyone want some?" he calls out, giving the world a cheerful grin.

Auri arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

Lis peers down at Eneryp with a lopsided grin. "Oh, I hope not. Tyara would kill after I popped, wouldn't you, Tya?" Her look is all innocence as turns that grin up at the nanny - just don't look at her eyes, glinting evilly. "'Lo D'renn!" chirps the greenrider in his direction with a broad waggle of fingers, which gets cast Lylia-wards as the browner is spotted.

Lylia slips in, bleary stare on her face. She's trailing somewhat after D'renn... Close as she can, at least. Nrrrgggg. "'Iya Lis, Auri, Tyara." Add another 'nrg' and you'd have the assistant weyrlingmaster's typical morning attitude. But she managed a finger-waggle at least.

"Hmm, you know me too well, Lis," retorts Tyara in a dry tone, sending the greenrider a slight smirk. "Morning, Lylia, D'renn, Auri. And Eneryp, be nice!" Just look at her, she's the perfect rolemodel for that. Yep. "And shut up, or you'll have to do without breakfast again." That's a good threat, apparently, because the brat leaves the nanny and Lis, instead heading for the food - and D'renn. "Hiiii D'renn!"

"Make 'im shovel snow again." Grumping, Lylia gives the brat a proper scowl, before drifting over towards a chair, plunking herself down. She'll stay here, yep. Happily.

"D'renn, Ly, Lis, Tya," pipes Auri cheerfully and crisply. "How're you all doing? Aren't mornings /great/? And afternoons. And evenings." Gold curls shake as the girl spews out optomistic ramblings. Eyes fall upon foodstuffs, and Auri is off in a blur of pink. But seriously, how could you deny that smile?

Lis sends another lopsided grin up at Tyara flippantly, not fazed in the least. Free of encumberances of the weyrbrat kind, the greenrider casts a grin at Auri and turns back to Lylia with a squint as she notices a new-looking knot. "Oh, dear Faranth, Lylia, you're one of /them/!" announces the pregnant one as her eyes balloon in size.

"I /hate/ mornings," Eneryp declares in a loud voice, sending Auri a charming grimace that includes sticking out his tongue and rolling his eyes back so only the white is showing. "Morning, Auri," greets Tyara, sinking into a chair near Lis. "Lis, you only just noticed?" the nanny muses. Really. She knew from the gossiping /days/ ago.

Auri goes home.

"Mornings are bad." Mumble, raaaawr. Lylia manages a sharp glare, before giving nanny and greenrider alike a stare, eyebrow raised. "One of 'them'?" The mysterious 'them'. Oh. /Them/. "Yeah. And you're pregnant. So?" Stare turns into a pointed glance in Lis's direction. Nyah.

Bristling at Lylia's comment, Lis shifts around in her seat uncomfortably. "It's not the same thing as being one of... them," the greenrider mumbles under her breath, arms folding across her chest in utter annoyance. Humph.

"No, certainly not the same thing." Tyara can agree to /that/, although she's probably not meaning what Lis is meaning. Probably not, no. "So Ly, looking forward to the eggs'll hatch, hmm?" asks the nanny innocently, glancing around for a klah beaker. "Maybe there'll be another Ko'en or Ditzee this clutch." One can always hope... smirk.

Lylia is too tired to manage to wrap around the idea of an insult. The 'rider just gives a little shrug, biting her lower lip as she examines the table near her. Food? Nah. "Not the same. But still." Lis is just another 'them'. And would Tyara rather have more assistant weyrlingmasters or more brats around? "Nrph. Eggs. Hatch. Bad. No more Ko'ens. Ever." She'll screen the candidates if she has to.

Tyara would certainly rather have assistant weyrlingmasters than brats. In fact, maybe all the brats could become... naw, maybe not. "One can always hope," the nanny sighs in reply to Lylia, finding an acceptably warm pitcher of klah. "Anyone for klah? Lis?" she offers to the pregnant greenrider, holding the pitcher towards an empty mug after filling one for herself.

"Can't have klah when I'm pregnant, Tyara," Lis mutters sullenly in the nanny's direction, still giving Lylia a wary eye. "Now you'll be in charge of weyrlings, I'll suppose. And candidates, or whatever it is your weyrlingmaster sort of people do." Fingers drum across her upper arms from where they're folded, lips pursed into a thin pink line of annoyance.

D'renn has disconnected.

D'renn falls asleep.

"Oh, I forgot," Tyara says lightly, shrugging as she puts aside the pitcher. Not /her/ fault Lis had to go and get herself knocked up, is it now? "I thought everyone was in charge of Candidates," the nanny drawls - at least that's what she'd like to believe when she assigns them chores.

"Whatever us 'weyrlingmaster sort of people do'?" Lazy grin sweeps up on her expression, and Lylia offers a slight shake of the head. "Candidates not as much. Weyrlings... Nrrrg." She's already had a little too much of the weyrling-training life. "And there's positions that have more to do with candidates than mine." Thankfully.

Lis scowls venemously at Tyara beneath her brows, arms resettling on her chest as she 'humphs' again. "Sure you did... And, yes, Lylia. You've got actually resposibilty now, bringing up the young riders and making fine Threadfighters out of them." It sounds like a noble cause, but Lis' derisive tone turns it into something petty.

"Oh, D'renn seems to handle it pretty well - why shouldn't Lylia be able to?" Tyara asks of the greenrider, head tilting as she smiles her innocent smile. "Don't tell me you think lowly of the job your child's father occupies?" Lylia gets a glance out of the corner of the nanny's eye - what is /wrong/ with Lis? Not her usually, cheerful self. Maybe she's going into labor? Meep.

"Certainly." And what's Lis's responsibility again? Putting on her slightly chipper smile, Lylia lounges in her chair, one hand stretching out to snatch a nice lil cookie. "It's a lot of work you know. Makes me appreciate D'renn's tolerance for people more." Her emerald eyes turn towards Tyara as well... Greenriders are scary. But pregnancy's enough to make Lis a little odd.

Lis glares around some more, especially now that everyone seems to be latching onto her words. "I'm not! I mean, oh, shells, why are you all so mean to me just because I'm pregant?" demands the greenrider, her gaze starting to lose it's edge and become more intreating.

"Doesn't it talk for itself?" The comment comes before she can prevent it, honestly. But Tyara doesn't have the decency to look ashamed - maybe because she isn't at all. "But, Lis, we're not mean..." Really. They're not. Eneryp comes trudging back with his juice and porridge, bluntly adding to the conversation: "Heyyyy, Lissie, when your child grows up is he gunna be a vicious bluerider? Pyrene says that's what all blurider children become!" And Pyrene's word is the law, of course.

"We aren't being /mean/." Lylia's not mean. She's too shardin' cute to be mean, after all. She gives a friendly smile towards the greenrider, rosy lips cheerfully curved upwards. See? Nice rider.

Lis is too tired to bristle or glare up at Tyara, instead sending her a pained look. "Humph." Turning back to Eneryp, the greenrider pins the poor child with a stare of pure evil. "Pyrene ought to be careful of what she says. And you should be more careful not to listen to her too much." The kid probably didn't deserve that, but starting dissent in the nurseries is always fun.

Lylia can resist rolling her eyes, yep. Leaning back, the rider decides to stare at the ceiling. That may keep her out of trouble for a few minutes.

"Pyrene's /weird/!" Surely, Eneryp is only brave enough to say that because the head nanny is nowhere to be seen. "Watch your mouth, Eneryp, or I'll have to wash it again." Tyara seems to be good at handing out threats today - the boy shuts up instantly, settling down to eat his porridge with a sour expression. "Hrm, Lis, you're not exactly a role model for the children either," the nanny notes, sending Lis' stomach yet another one of those pointed glances.

"As if you are, Tyara?" the greenrider snaps back, blinking in silence for a few moments before that firey gaze lands on Lylia this time. Robbed of anything stinging to say, the greenrider just /glares/ before subsiding into impotent disgruntlement.

"I never claimed I was," Tyara retorts smugly, her eyes gleaming at Lis. The greenrider doesn't have the monopoly on evil glares. "Naw, as if I wanna be like /her/!" Eneryp mutters, only loud enough for Lis to hear. After all, a nanny is a nanny, and Tyara might just tell on him to Pyrene.

"Gotta go finish some work." The pain of being one of D'renn's assistants. Shuffling towards the door, Lylia gives a wince and a grin, adding in a little wave. "See you later."

Lis' good mood seems to return for the moment - but just barely - in the smirks she casts over at the nanny. "I suppose I might have to talk to Pyrene about your capacity to be nanny, then, Tyara." That said, she raises ginglerly from her chair to strut across the caverns, idly flapping a hand after Lylia.

Wait, this must be an evil scheme. Tyara sends Lis a dark scowl - as the greenrider's mood goes up, the nanny's ditto seems to decrease. "Hrm, talk to Pyrene all you want," she states in a haughty tone, tilting her chin upwards. The head nanny must have had plenty of complaints over her already as it is, so one more or less couldn't hurt... as if Pyrene would listen to anyone who bears D'renn's offspring anyway!

"I'll be sure to," Lis quips back just as haughtilly, strutting around the cavern some more to peek outside at the weather - cold, but now sunny. "Hopefully she won't be too hard with you, not like that one nanny she sent away all those Turns back..." Nothing like an ominous statement to crack someone's snooty facade.

"Ha! I've been here longer than you, /dear/ Lis. And Pyrene hasn't even been head nanny in all the Turns I've been here." Ok, four Turns, but she still hasn't been head nanny in the whole period. "And I haven't heard any of the parents complaining," Tyara continues, her voice taking on something remotely close to pride - or is it a smug self-assurance? "But I'm sure you'll do your best."

Lis casts an evil glare back over her shoulder at the nanny, barking, "Oh, would you just shut /up/ already? If you hate being a nanny so much, then why do you still do it? And it's not like I had a /choice/ in getting pregnant, or a plan!" The greenrider choses to face out into the bowl then, one hand resting on the edge of the cavern's opening to hold herself up.

"You always have a choice," Tyara hisses back, her cheeks getting flushed either with anger or surprise at the at the sudden attack. "And I don't /hate/ it!" How /could/ Lis ever get such an idea?! "And what else should I do?" No adult would stand up to her charming character, that's for sure.

"That's up to you, isn't it?" Lis doesn't even bother to turn her head back to who she's addressing - Tyara - and watches the scene in her bowl with considerably more interest than the scene in the cavern.

"Well until someone gives me advice I can /use/ for something," ha, take that, greenrider, "I'll just stay where I am. And /you/ can't do anything to change it," Tyara states, her voice a mocking, haughty sneer. Faranth save her from pregnant greenriders...

Now Lis whirls back on Tyara, self-made skirt flying in a cirle as she spins. "How about 'Don't get pregnant'? Or 'watch out for the brats'?" offers the greenrider faceitiously as she storms up to Tyara, gesticulating with each suggestion. "Or 'take your green stuff'. Or 'blueriders are evil'." Once she reaches the nanny, Lis puts her hands on her hips and cocks her head up angrily at Tyara. "Really, Tyara, I wouldn't mind if you'd ask for advice rather than give it, for once."

Tyara scrambles to her feet as she's approached by one piece of angry-looking greenrider. Some things are scarier than the brats! "I was talking about my /job/," the nanny states through clenched teeth, crossing her arms over her chest in defense. "And /I/ am taking my green stuff, thank you very much, and I'd never be so senseless as to get pregnant by /anyone/ - not even a 'rider," is stated, now outright haughtily, though her voice has taken on it a derisive tone harsher than usual.

Lis' hands are folded just under the bulge of her belly as she smirks up at Tyara shamelessly. "It'd only be senseless if /you/ got pregnant, Tyara. No one's telling you to go hop in this or that rider's bed all the time. Or giving you the impulses to pounce one every six months." That stated sweetly, the greenrider brushes by in search of some sort of pastry, skimming over the trays from her kitchen expertly.

Ragis arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

"At least I'm not deluded about my own maternal skills," Tyara snaps after Lis, her eyes glinting green steel in her fuming expression. "And what's it to you whose bed I'm in?" the nanny continues, not caring one egg-shell if other people are hearing this. "As long as you've no weyrmate I don't see it's any of /your/ business!"

"Good that you haven't been here," Thesy whispers behind a hand to Ragis, giving Sarhai a wink, "Those two have been like felines gone mad, attacking each other with fangs and claws, so to speak." She laughs, obviously having enjoyed the scene to no end.

Creampuffs in hand, Lis ambles aimlessly over to an unnoccupied chair, grinning at Tyara all the while. "None of my business, Tyara? Why? Would I suddenly have to get jealous of you?" Fingers reach for the back of chair to spin it around, and the greenrider's all ready to plop into it backwards before she remembers there's a head-sized lump in the way. Flipping the chair around once again, she puts her feet up on the table as soon as she's got some seat under her

Ragis raises an eyebrow at the two and looks a bit dubious of his safety even yet. "I guess I should have stayed away a bit longer." he murmurs. "Though I don't see any reason for Lis to be jealous of Tyara, unless the nanny happened to wake up in D'renn's sheets?" He can't help the little jibe.....he's still a bit giddy and the frustration has to come out somehow.

Auri arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

Pia arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

Sarhai, who has been watching all this with a kind of horrified fascination and almost hid behind Thesy, tries to laugh also, "I'm darned glad you came back Ragis, they looked pretty dangerous." And it wouldn't do to hide behind a female, no? Not where /he/ comes from.

Pia trudges up from the shadowy depths of the inner caverns, eyes half-lidded in an only half-conscious way. Klah pot gets her attention first, as she pours a generous mug with a liberal addition of sweetener.

"In D'renn's.... what?!" Tyara practically explodes as she overhears Ragis, her hand clenching into a fist. Uh oh, watch out... "And why should you get jealous of /me/? You've everything I have, and more so," the nanny answers to Lis, a bitter edge sneaking into her voice.

Lis' eyes sparkle with amusement until Ragis' answer, when they suddenly take on a... jealous tinge? "Oh, Tyara wouldn't go /there/," the greenrider announces confidently, bouyed by the nanny's initial reaction. "Now, Tyara, I was just hinting that you might have someone I was fond of waking up between your sheets. After all, I wouldn't put it past you..." The greenrider props up her arms on those of her chair, booted feet wiggling on the table in front of her.

Ragis grins mischeviously at Tyara and winks at Thesy as he sips at his klah. He doesn't withdraw the comment or apologize. He shrugs a shoulder at Lis and murmurs, "You never know, right? She might, just to see if everything she's heard is true......" He contrives to look innocently around the caverns as he says it, just loud enough to be heard.

Klah mug cradled in her pale hands, the Candidate offers a half-smile to the group -- klah inspired, to be sure -- and slides into a nearby seat. "Morning."

"And who might that someone you're fond of be?" Tyara asks in a sullen tone, her anger having flared down a little. And she can't keep that natural curiosity of hers from impaling itself upon her. Hrm. "And you're certainly right, I wouldn't go /there/! I have /taste/, you know." Snort.

Auri has disconnected.

Auri slips into slumber.

A look of sheer panic takes over Lis' face as Ragis continues to talk, the greenrider sitting bolt upright. "But I only told Pyrene!" she blurts, hands going over her mouth before any more words decide to pop out of it. "Wouldn't you like to know, Tyara? You won't even tell me what happened to you and M'rin, and that was nearly a Turn ago!" Still, the greenrider looks mollified by Tyara's adamant refusal that she's done anything with D'renn.

Ohhhh, looks like they're getting serious. And Thesy has a seat in one of the front rows. Perfect. /And/ Ragis seems to have fun to pour oil on the fire. Only Sarhai looks close to panicking. "Don't worry, they're not after /you/," the bluerider chuckles, quite amused by the happenings. It's been some time since they could watch a good catfight. "Sometimes I'm realy surprised that any male is daring enough to get involved with any of them."

Ragis nods slightly at his fellow candidate, still not used to thinking of himself in that fashion. "Morning, Pia...." he says politely. He turns as he hears Lis outburst, quickly smothered and grins knowingly to himself. Mmmhmmm, just as he thought. He lets his gaze slide over to Sarhai and chuckles softly. "It's okay, nothing terrible's gonna happen, sweetling."

"Oh, shut up, Thesy!" The hiss comes from, of course, Tyara, who seems to caught up in her anger to think about rank and insulting and... not good. "And what happened to me and M'rin is /my/ personal business! Just because /you/ revel in telling people about how your bedpartners are doesn't mean I have to do the same," is snarled at the greenrider, the nanny's eyes flaring up again.

Sarhai does look like he'd rather be anywhere else than right here right now. A hand sneaks to Ragis' forearm (for whatever reason) and he leans closer and murmurs, "Does this happen often?" Pia is on the receiving end of a swift, curious end and a polite nod before the lad returns his inquiring glance to the young man.

"Does anyone around here /ever/ talk about anything else?" inquires Pia archly. "I mean, honestly!" Faintly annoyed expression dissolves after a long draw from her klah mug, but green eyes still glower over the rim of the mug.

Oh, look: it's Pia. Lis spots the candidate out of the corner of her eye, and her hands try to motion for Tyara to keep it down for the sake of the girl's innocent ears. But... at Thesy's words, Lis loses all will to subside, rage stirring anew. "I'd say it's his personal business too," quips the greenrider snappishly, "And I only told Pyrene because she /asked/, though Faranth knows why she would want to know what D'renn was like." That in itself is odd enough.

Ragis's eyes sparkle with delight as he nods at Sarhai, covering the young man's hand with his. "Almost all the time.....and it gets better each time it happens. It's usually with someone new too." he says leaning close enough to brush the boys cheek with his lips as he's whispering in Sarhai's ear.

"Pardon me?" Suddenly all wingleader, Thesy glares at Tyara, her mug set down with some noise. "I think I didn't hear you correctly?" But she's not going to make a real fuss and Lis' mentioning that Pyrene wanted to know about D'renn makes her laugh. "Oh no! She really did ask you, Lis?" Gathering her mug again, she winks at Pia, "You better get used to it, Pia. It /is/ Pia, right? Well, it's our subject #1 here."

"You heard me very well," Tyara snaps at Thesy, her jaws setting in a defiant motion. Greenriders. Hmpf! A chair is snatched for the nanny, as Lis is no longer standing in her face. And besides, when she's sitting down she can more easily scowl at everyone, which is exactly what she does. And it's /not/ always with someone new. On the contrary, it's always Lis and Tyara ending up in these situations. Gee, wonder why.

"Really? But isn't that ... ummm, making things quite uncomfortable for the people who have to watch this?" Silly question, they all seem to have a great time. A quick blush flares up but he leans into the caress. His glance, though, darts to Thesy again. Ahem.

Lis finally casts a glare at Ragis and Sarhai, getting the distinct feeling she's being talked about - and, if not, well, she's getting the irrational suspcion. "Yes, she /did/, Thesy. And apparently it's been going around the weyr," states the greenrider through gritted teeth, eyes still on Ragis evilly. There's always got to be /someone/ getting glared at, so long as Lis is in a bad mood.

The Candidate inclines her head. "I am Pia, that is correct," she answers stiffly. "I was under the impression that Weyrs spoke of Threadfall, and care for their dragons, and not of their many, rumored, indiscretions." Charming? Hardly. The girl pastes a scowl on her lips, gaze flicking from person to person.

Ragis smiles and shrugs a shoulder as he settles back in his chair. "They aren't always that descriminate, sweetling." he murmurs as he catches the glare sent his way. "Yes, Lis......we're talking about you. Anything you'd like to add?" He keeps his voice low and without the sarcasm that should have come out. He takes a sip of his klah, eyes sparkling at the greenrider over the rim of his mug.

"I certainly did and I won't have you telling me to shut up, that clear, Tya?" Thesy can look down her nose just as haughtily as anyone and that's exactly how the nanny's treated at the moment. Still, she won't let that girl bring her down, she's being in far to good mood. She just can't let her go away with it. Anyway. "Yes, we do talk about Threadfall and dragoncare, Pia. But not when we're off duty. We then need something to distract us and what better would the be than rumors and scandals. I don't think it is really that different in a Hold, no?" she asks sweetly.

"/No/!" is Pia's icily stated reply. "At least not at Fort Hold. There, people did not leap into each other's cots with such... abandon." Klah mug thumped to the table, the Candidate leans back in her chair, her legs demurely crossed. "Holders know how to behave themselves." Ooo, see the Candidate make herself /extra/ popular.

"Clear as water, /wingleader/." The use of Thesy's title is certainly not made pleasant by Tyara's derisive tone, and her almost hostile expression doesn't exactly do anything to soften her words. Pia just gets a snort - really. Holdbred. Gotta love them, no? "Liiiis? How /was/ D'renn?" Eneryp wants to know. Pyrene never tells /him/ anything. "Liiis? Didja do it with Ko'en too?" From how the riderbrat is talking, you should certainly think so.

Lis bristles visibly at Ragis' answer, eyes widening in silent anger as she draws herself up to her full - yet pitiful - height. "/Really/, Ragis, I'd never thought you would stoop to badmouthing me too!" This time, Sarhai's included in the glare before the greenrider whirls around with another swirl of fabric. Stomping off, the greenrider almost makes it out the caverns before she's confronted by Eneryp. "It's none of your business, you little dragon-dropping," she snarls in the poor boy's direction.

Sarhai is content to be sitting here with Ragis. And with this bluerider he finds rather fascinating, at least more than any girl he's seen here so far. So he just sits quiet, not really able to add something of interest to the conversation. Besides, listening so so much more fun.

Ragis blinks at Lis and frowns. "I never said a bad word about you, Lis....You know I wouldn't do that to anyone." he says, hurt evident in his voice. "Unlike several I know, I -don't- stoop that low." He settles back into his chair and stares into his klah mug, frown still creasing his brow. As if he'd be that mean or insensitive.

"As long as it's understood." Thesy's answer comes quite indifferently. She's not going to start another argument with a nanny. The one with Pyrene was bad enough.

"Whenever it's about me, it's always a bad word," states Lis sourly, rolling her eyes at Ragis before sinking into a seat dejectedly, arms folding over her chest once again as she sulks. It's the sad phase of Lis' daily bad mood.

Irritation wins, and the Candidate drains the rest of her klah. "Good day to you all," Pia says cooly, and heads off down into the caverns.

Pia steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.

"Not at all, Lis - I heard several good things about you from various of the male 'riders," Tyara notes sweetly, tilting her head at the greenrider. Of course, the malicious gleam in her eye gives her true intentions away.

Lis looks up only to send Tyara a hooded gaze. "Shut /up/, Tyara," the greenrider growls, eyes narrowing furiously to dark, lashes slits in her face. "You know I'm not like that... even if I can't quite honestly say the same for /you/." Even sulking, it's not impossible for Lis to deliver the odd stinging remark.

"Shut up yourself, /Lis/," Tyara hisses, her eyes narrowing. "Or, am I not allowed to say that to /you/ either?" Hrm. Really. "And at least I'm sensible enough not to get myself pregnant!"

"But they're not as bad as the things they say about D'renn. So don't fret, Lis." Thesy laughs, crossing her legs at the ankles, a danger for anyone passing her. "And isn't that a mercy to all of us, Tya?" The bluerider shudders at the thought of Tyara spawn. Worse than D'renn's.

Sarhai goes home.

"Any woman not getting herself pregnant is a mercy to all of us, Thesy," Tyara snorts, her arms remaining in their crossed state across the nanny's chest. Humpf.

At that, Lis sits straight up in her chair, chest now heaving with ire. "You know what, Tyara, you know what? I /liked/ pouncing D'renn. I wanted to pounce D'renn." Here, the greenrider stands. "I liked what happened /after/ I pounced D'renn." Now, she strides closer to Tyara. "I liked getting pregnant. I like /being/ pregnant. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I'd even move in with D'renn!" That stated, Lis tosses her hair arrogantly, once again strutting off in search of more food.

Lis must be losing it... "I'd say it's the hormones," Tyara drawls, sending Lis a scoffing glance. "Think about it, Lis: If you hadn't Impressed that green pack of hormones, you'd be an innocent, little Crafter-girl. Aren't you just /fortunate/?" That said, the nanny shuts up momentarily. After all, too much stress can provoke labor.

Thesy grins, winking at the greenrider, "And isn't the /getting/ pregnant part the most fun?" Her blue eyes are sparkling with laughter. "I don't think you can blame only Alymath's hormones, Tyara."

Lylia walks in from the Central Bowl.

Lis blithely ignores any comments coming from Tyara, a delightful tuneless hum floating off from her corner of the caverns as she shuffles by the tables of sweets. "Oh, most definately Thesy. /Most/ definately." Carrying a plateful of bubblies, creampuffs and cookies, the greenrider decides it best to find a seat at Thesy's table, a hand lifted to wave at Lylia as she enters.

"I blame what I see, Thesy," Tyara mutters in reply, gloomingly sipping from her now cool mug of klah. Lylia is spotted and acknowledged with a small nod, though the nanny doesn't make a move to talk to anyone just now.

Ragis watches as the greenrider changes tables and just sips at his klah, not saying a word till he's sure she's not going to take his words wrong again. He nods briefly to Lylia as she enters but turns his attention back to Thesy as she espouses the 'pleasures' of getting pregnant. Hmmm.

"Yes, the practising definitely is," Thesy nods, a false severe expression on her face, the twinkle in the blue eyes, however, giving her away. She just smirks at the nanny and beckons the brownrider to join them as well. "Morning, Ly!"

Lylia receives a few nods upon her entrance. Not bad. The young woman gives a half-smile in return, fingers waggling Lis wards, then at Tyara. Ragis gets a bob of the head, frazzle-haird brownrider plunking herself in a seat. Nope, she's not gonna move at all now. "Hiya Thesy." She gives a bright grin to the bluerider, before turning her attention to important things: klah. Drink of life.

Lis has enough smirk on her face for three people, no doubt, but smirk she does all the while. Nibbling creampuffs and cookies, the greenrider revels in sweetener-induced happiness. Looks like the truth really /shall/ set you free.

Pyrene arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

"Helloooo Pyreeeeene!" Lis all but sings across the cavern in the Head Nanny's direction. Finally, someone who hasn't tormented, talked about or laughed at her. Pushing aside some extra puffs, the greenrider goes after cookies now, alternating nibbles with joyous little hums.

Tyara sits huddles in her chair, legs drawn beneath her and mug of klah being cradles in her hands. Occasional glances are sent towards Lis and her tablemates, but the nanny doesn't utter a word. One can only wonder what she thinks.... and it probably isn't something nice.

"Pyrene! We were just talking about you," Thesy snickers, stealing one of Lis' creampuffs. "Did you really ask about D'renn's flight performance? I had no idea you were interested at all." Tyara gets a brief glance now that she's stopped bitching.

Pyrene /hasn't/? Or are we just counting today? Or the past five minutes maybe.... "Morning," she greets cheerfully, wiping some blood from her skirt. Accidents will happen, you know. "Everyone in a happy mood, I see? Eh?" She blinks at Thesy and then shoots a glare at Lis.

Oddly enough, Lis doesn't even complain about her creampuffs being reduced in number. "Oh, don't you remember Pyrene? You asked me who caught Aly right after her second flight, and then I had to explain I ended up with D'renn, and I can distinctly remember you asking, 'Well, how was he?'." She finishes with a broad grin, occasionaly sprinkled with tawny cookie crumbs at the corners of her lips.

Ragis chuckles softly behind his klah mug, nearly cold and very nearly empty. He stands and moves back to the hearth for a hot refill before returning to his seat next to the bluerider. He seems to find the whole situation rather amusing.

"Hey Pyrene." Lylia can at least work up the energy to give wave to the entering nanny, bleary green eyes now having something new to keep watch on. Interesting... Nrg? Nearly choking on her tongue, the rider stare at Thesy for a moment, before resting her head on the table next to her. She didn't catch that part...

Tyara has not only stopped bitching, she also seems rather out of it. Pyrene's entrance is noted, but the only answer provoked is a blink of emerald eyes. Oh joy. Now she probably has to work as well...

Hidden behind the pastry Thesy chuckles, "Makes one wonder, right Pyr? Really, I thought you were interested in bronzers. So it's blueriders now, all of a sudden? And /D'renn/? Wow, what made you change your mind?" and a curious brow is raised at the nanny.

Pyrene rolls her eyes at Lis. She's sure she specified that Lis wasn't to /repeat/ the question! Still. She's Pyrene. She can cover. "Oh, I remember now," she says airily, and pours her juice, before turning around to blink at those stares. "Well, what's so surprising about that? Did you really think I'd miss the chance to get /that/ sort of ammunition against him?" She winks lazily, and settles down into a seat.

"Wasn't much ammunition against him," Lis informs all and sundry as she rids her fingers of crumbs using her tounge. "After all, he was quite good." There's Pyrene's ammunition if she wants it - and Tyara's not the only one in a world of her own.

Pyrene shrugs easily, "Well, it wasn't much against him, but against /T'sin/ on the other hand...." She trails off wickedly, smirking at Lis. That'll teach her to repeat confidential questions.

Ragis settles back into his chair, sipping at the now steaming mug of klah and listening to the women chatter. Hmm, look at all the estrogen swimming about, enough for a man to get lost in. He shrugs slightly and shakes his head at the topic of conversation. There's no -way- they'd get him to talk about this in public.

"Ammunition, huh? Just be careful that it doesn't backfire then." Thesy grins before watching her empty mug with a little frown. Ragis gets a pleading glance, "I'm sorry ... you just came back. But would you mind get me some more?" Though when he reaches for her mug, she adds somewhat hastily, "Thinking about it ... I'd rather have some of that peppermint tea. Do you think they have it down here? And lots of sweetener, please."

Eneryp has kept in the background, just listening to the rather /interesting/ adult conversation, but now the boy just has to interfere yet again: "Liiiis? You never said if'n you'd done it with Ko'en too... he says so!" Ok, so maybe he doesn't, but if you're a good word-twister like Eneryp, Ko'en could have said it.

Ragis blinks at the rider and nods, setting his mug on the table and taking hers. He frowns slightly at the request changing from klah to tea and gives the bluerider a doubtful look. "Peppermint tea? You're......sure?" he asks hesitantly. He stands slowly, making his way back to the hearth for the hot water. He glances back at Thesy, an inquiring eyebrow on the rise.

Lis shrugs right back at Pyrene, moving on to the bubblies in her massive selection of desserts. "They're both good. What's there to say about it? And it's not as if I'd been spending all my time in D'renn's weyr or anything." Looking down at the fresh little Eneryp, Lis gives him and his gossip her usual dismissive snort. "I haven't. Yet." Key word.

"But, Liiis, Ko'en said that you and D'renn stayed in /his/ weyr for /days/!" Eneryp turns his innocent puppy-eyed glance on Lis, nibbling on a snatched cookie. It seems Ko'en's talking a lot... "An' you mean you're /gunna/ do't with Ko'en? Eww!" So much for interest...

Pyrene shakes her head at Lis. "You /said/ that D'renn was good compared to T'sin." Word-twisting again. "And /who/ would have thought /that/?" She chokes a little at Eneryp's words. The thought would normally be too horrible to contemplate, but all for the noble cause of keeping Lis in the hotseat.

"Ha, I doubt that," Tyara notes to Pyrene, breaking off her thoughts for a moment as she catches interesting conversation bits. And for once, Eneryp isn't corrected. She's too curious to hear Lis' answer.

"Yes, I am. Just make sure there's enough sweetener in it, please." Thesy calls after Ragis, reaching for another creampuff. They /are/ tasting good. "Well, T'sin has quite a reputation for being good. Wouldn't have thought D'renn's better than /him/. Especially since he's older." The creampuff's gone in no time and another one gets snatched before poor Ragis gets another request of the bluerider, "Since you're already there, pet ... there's some redfruit sherbet. Would you mind bring me a small bowl?"

Pyrene raises desperately amused brows at Tyara. "Well, Tya, you know there's only one way to find out.... Same for you Thesy." D'renn should /thank/ Pyrene, really, for encouraging people like this. "Somebody pass me a creampuff?"

Lis slides a part suspicious, part confused glance in Pyrene's direction sideways. "What, is T'sin supposed to be exceptionally good or something?" The pregnant greenrider really isn't as worldly as the rumors would have one believe but Thesy's statment confirms it. "Now, Eneryp! I didn't stay in D'renn's weyr for /days/." The exact details can probably be pried of her later, but now the greenrider watches Thesy with that suspicious gaze. "Peppermint tea, Thesy? Feeling a little queasy, or something, 'cause Catia also reccomended those biscuts of hers."

"As if!" Tyara exclaims, sending Pyrene an outraged look. "I'd rather chew firestone than find out that piece of information about D'renn!" Really. And hey, firestone's said to make females infertile, isn't it? That'd solve two problems at once. Hmm. "But... Ko'en said so!" Confusion is clearly readable in Eneryp's expression, the boy frowning at Lis.

Ragis shrugs a shoulder and turns to fill the mug, stirring in the sweetener....enough to make the bluerider's teeth rot. He shakes his head slightly at the request for sherbert and dips it anyway. He sighs as he takes the bowl and mug back to the table and sets them on the table before he settles into his chair and takes up his klah mug once more. "How you can stomach that sweet stuff in the morning I'll never know, Thesy......Makes me sick if I try." he murmurs.

Hyzen arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

"Queasy? No, not really." Thesy tilts her head at Lis and continues after another bite of creampuff, "More hungry." Suddenly she frowns and shakes her head, "Strange, I seem to be hungry all the time lately." But then she shrugs and smiles gratefully up at Ragis, "Thanks, dear." The creampuff finished, the sherbet comes next, the rider indulging in its sweetness, only pausing for one or two sips of the sweet tea.

"Ko'en's full of hot air. I definately would've remembered sleeping with him." Worldly, no; immoral, yes. Lis lets a smirk settle happily on her face at Tyara's averse reaction, eyes sparkling with shameless amusement. Watching Ragis hand Thesy over some peppermint tea, the greenrider cocks her head at the bluerider. "Y'know, Thesy, that sounds a lot like what happened to me..."

Pyrene chuckles softly, and muses over the topic for awhile a longer. "Y'know, Lis... You're probably in a unique position. After all, most of the girls who can get T'sin wouldn't look at D'renn twice. And those girls that D'renn can get, wouldn't have a chance with T'sin." She's going deliberately rude now, relying on the safety in the fact that neither man is present. Thesy's remark catches her attention though and she suddenly stares at the rider. "Hungry? If that's...." she doesn't finish, just staring balefully at the rider.

A groggy little head pokes itself into the Living Caverns, amber-gold optics half-way between open and shut as they slowly rove over the occupants of the room. Yawning, Hyzen steps the rest of the way in, offering the ones she knows a crooked smile before she makes her way towards the food... most importantly the klah. Grabbing a mug for herself, she doesn't even wait to find a table and sit down before she gently blows upon the surface then takes a large drink. Ahhh... much better. Lowering it, she again looks about but her eyes are completely open now. "'lo all," comes her sweet, soft little voice.

Ragis nods at Thesy with a smile. "My pleasure, sweets. Still don't know how you can eat that......but if you want it...." he murmurs taking a sip of klah. He blinks at Lis in confusion but shrugs his shoulders, he's not getting into another debate with the greenrider.

Instead of sending a glance to Pyrene sideways, Lis turns her head towards the nanny now. "Really, Pyrene, you talk about them like they're some kind of breeding studs." That might not have been the /best/ choice of words... A grin, however, spreads over her lips as she watches Pyrene's expression turn positively evil - and, better yet, leave her and go after Thesy.

Thesy's frown deepens, finding herself so suddenly in the center of attention. For a moment she stops spooning her sweet dish, casting Lis a puzzled look, "And what happened to you? I mean what happened that required you drinking peppermint tea?" She reaches for the mug. Since she's mentioned it, she can drink some just as well. Shrugging at the nanny, she says lightly, "And what's wrong with being hungry? I'm working hard enough, no? Dunno, pet? I just feel like sweets at the moment." What, on Pern, is the matter with them all? She's a little confused now and poor Hyzen gets ignored completely.

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, Lis," Tyara states dryly, a sneer spreading on her face. Probably to cover up the slight blush Pyrene's words provoked from the nanny.

"I slept with D'renn," Lis chirps back at Thesy before rolling her eyes and answering, "I started getting sick in the morning, not too soon after I found out I was pregnant. You... you don't think you /are/, Thesy?" The greenrider's brows go farther and farther upwards in anxiety.

Pyrene spots Hyzen and waves distractedly to the girl, spots Tyara's blush and subconsciously files it away for future reference, but concentrates on the bluerider for a moment longer. "Oh, nothing Thesy.... it's just that lately there seem to be a lot of hungry women around here lately... Or what Lis said." She almost sounds grateful to the greenrider. It's not just her being paranoid then.

Ragis laughs behind his mug and shakes his head. "That's fine with me, leaves more meatrolls and klah for me....." he says. He waves slightly to Hyzen and turns back to the conversation at hand. He recrosses his legs, this time left knee over right and settles back in his chair so that he can watch most of them at the table. At Lis' words, a small frown of worry creases his brow as he looks at Thesy.

Tyara quickly sets down the cookie she was going to eat before /she/ too is claimed to be.... ungh, can't even think the word! Hyzen is spotted by this nanny too, but since she doesn't fall under the category 'bad brat', she's not evfen scowled at.

Hyzen takes another drink of her klah as she listens to them, head cocking slowly from one side to another. Still tired from her endevours last night, she moves towards an unoccupied table and sinks into a chair, slumping slowly down into it and taking tiny sips of her still hot drink. Being spotted by a few in the room, she offers them a still slightly wavery grin... especially the nannies in the area. She was being good! Really! Yeah. Running her small hands slowly over the mug, the child blinks at Lis's comment, but says nothing. She doesn't really understand what in the world they were talking about anyway. Good thing too, considering... young ears here!

Zali arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

Lis returns to her own quiet world of food-eating. It's better than all the blushing, frowning and waving going on around her. "So, Thesy, /are/ you?" the greenrider demands hurriedly, eyes sparkling with that same need to know that no doubt spurs on her various gossip sessions.

Oh dear! Why did Ragis have to mention those meatrolls. The small bowl, empty now, is set down. "Be right back," and Thesy's on her way to the larder table, only to return a couple of minutes later, the plate she's bringing, nearly heaped with the tiny spicy ones, some of the pickled veggies and .... a bubbly pie. Returning to her chair, Lis gets a curious glance, "Am I /what/?" Zali is graced with a finger wiggling and then the first of the little meatrolls is attacked. "And what ... what Lis just said?"

"Pregnant." Pyrene states, ignoring Zali's entrance in her intensity on Thesy.

Ragis watches the bluerider return to the hearthside table with an air of confusion about him. He's never seen her eat this much in one sitting, and drinking tea? He shakes his head and sips at his klah wondering why they'd even think his friend pregnant anyway. He sighs and slumps a little into his chair, relaxing while he can.

Of course, it could be something altogether harmless. Like worms.

Or the bluerider-syndrome.

Thesy chokes on the meatroll and has to cough heavily to get all the little crumbs that have found their way into the bluerider's air tube out again. A fierce flush colours her cheek a deep pink, "I should be /WHAT/?" Wiping away the tears her coughing caused, she simply stares at one after the other. And suddenly the flush's gone, her face paling and she says in a very small voice, "Oh dear!"

Patting her hair down as she walks, Zali wanders in. Listening with half an ear, the candidate makes her way toward Thesy. Or, more specifically, the food. "Hmm, mind if I have one?" She asks, fingers hovering above a meatroll. Glancing up at the rider's coughing, she wrinkles her brow. Entering half way into the conversation, the poor apprentice is lost as usual.

Pyrene swallows. She doesn't like 'oh dear!'s in response to that sort of question. "Thesy, you're a /healer/.... You /can't/... You /know/ better...." She peers up at Zali and snaps: "No you can't!" before registering her knot. "Oh, you meant the food...."

Lis starts to look mildly annoyed, brows pulling together to crease her forehead lightly. /She/ didn't get her answer. "Well, Thesy, are you or aren't you?" Exhasperated, she rocks back in her chair and uses her lump as a shelf for her folded arms.

Primavera blinks in from ::between::!

Hyzen finishes off her klah in a final, breath-sucking gulp of scalding liquid before she quickly scrambles to her feet and moves back towards the food. Placing her mug where it is supposed to go, she hrms softly as seeking gaze locks upon the awaiting food. Which should she have? Some meatrolls? Nah, seems the riders were really liking those and she didn't wish to deplete there supply. So she takes a few pieces of sweet bread then wanders slowly towards the gathering, offering Zali and wide and happy grin. Since her mouth is full of food, she just leaves the greeting at that.

Ragis glances at Thesy in alarm as she chokes and almost starts to thump her on the back when she stops coughing once more. He blinks in confusion between the Thesy, Lis and Pyrene as he wonders why they are so upset, can't someone have an upset stomach and be hungry without people thinking their pregnant? Sheesh! He returns to listening and sipping his klah as he settles back into his chair again.

Catia arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

Pyrene is at least /hoping/ the case is otherwise. "Oh, Thesy.... if you're really pregnant, I swear by Faranth, I'm going to hand Tyara my knot and retire to assistant again. I can't take this."

Oh shards... Tyara just stares at Thesy. "You too? Faranth, Thesy...." The nanny practically moans, slumping together in her chair. Ths means more work, and.... "Please tell me it's not D'renn's?!"

Thesy stares at Lis, "I don't know?" she whispers, her eyes suddenly wide. "It .. it is possible?" And she starts counting her fingers. Once. Twice. Three times. And looks back up at the greenrider, a stunned expression on her face. And nods. "Very possible?" Pyrene gets a brief, wry grin, "What has being a healer to do with it? CATIA!" Never before Thesy has welcomed her former boss so enthusiastically.

Catia strolls into the caverns, making it as far as halfway to the food before she stops. "Pregnant?" Did someone say pregnant?

Is Lis the only one who's acting somewhat sane in this situation? "It could be, Thesy, if you've been fooling around and not taking your green stuff." Say hello to the poster child of /that/ mistake. Turning to Pyrene, the greenrider eyes the nanny before snorting critically, "Now, Py, I'm sure that's not necessary..."

Ragis gulps down the klah as he hears Thesy's word of a possiblity. He suddenly finds the tabletop really interesting and tries to fade into the background.

"What?!" It takes Tyara exactly two seconds to explode, her chair falling to the floor as she jumps up and stalks towards Pyrene. "You're not serious! I'm /not/ to be in charge of Swawa, and Eneryp," at this point, the boy in the corner gives an indignant squeak, "and... /Pyrene/!" The /assistant's/ voice rises until muted hysteria can be heard. "I won't do it!"

"You wanted me, Thesy?" Catia stays nonchalant, despite the worrying words she's overhearing. "Lis, are you alright?" After all, she's the pregnant woman in the vicinity...

Lylia goes home.

Sasha arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

Sasha smiles at the large number of people she has stumbled across. "Hi"

"Oh, Catia ... I'm so glad you're here," Thesy nearly pounces on Cat, "They're all saying or asking I'm pregnant just because I've had peppermint tea instead og klah and a couple of creampuffs." Erm, three to be correct. "And a few of those meatrolls and pickles." For the first time the bluerider's voice gets all but shrill before dropping to nearly a whisper again, "And ... and," yeah, the blush is back! "And I'm ... ummm ... overdue?" The last word is hardly audible.

"I'm fine, Catia," Lis assures the dragonhealer with a broad grin, jerking her thumb over her shoulder at the bluerider. "It's Thesy with the problem." As Pyrene's words sink in, the greenrider brightens almost blindingly. "Pyreeeene. If Thesy really /were/ pregnant, would you really make Tyara head nanny?"

Cordelia arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

Pyrene glares at Tyara. "Oh, fine, just because I'm the only person who can do it, I get stuck with all..." arrogance is broken off to stare at Thesy, ears straining to catch that last word and failing, adding frustration to her problems. Which are nicely topped off by Lis, "What?" When talking in the heat of anger, one really should /never/ swear by Faranth.

Sasha quietly procures a mug of klah for herself, and her eyes widen at the overheard conversation.

Cordelia hmms a moment as she slips in, and then she sneaks over to the table to find some cider, and well mayber a cookie or too.

Ragis just tries to stay out of it all, as the only male in the cavern he's an obvious target for their anger and he's just a bit too worried about his friend right now to respond properly. He watches Thesy and Catia have a whispered conference a short distance away.

Zali goes home.

Hyzen is... surprised at this turn of events and she takes a few quick steps backwards and away from the others. Pregnant? Like Lis? Her eyes dart towards said greenrider and the child gulps. D'renn? The weyrlingmaster person type? She hasn't met him before, but she's heard of him and seen him about. Eating her bread, she scuttles towards Lis and comes to a stop a few feet away. "What's going on, Lis?" she asks softly, not expecting to be heard but still wanting to know.

"Lis, shut /up/!" Tyara hisses to the greenrider. "You shouldn't just.... oh, so you think you're the only one who can do it properly?!" That's it. The nanny stares at Pyrene, blinking slowly. "Fine, fine, maybe you don't even /need/ assistants then! Maybe you should just get this..." After a few moments of fumbling, off goes the shoulder knot of an assistant nanny, and it's extended towards Pyrene with a haughty look. "Here - you can just find another assistant!"

Lis cocks her head innocently up at the nanny, as if Pyrene had just suggested the sky were green. "But... you said, by /Faranth/, you'd give Tyara your not and become an assistant if Thesy was pregnant. And she is - aren't you, Thesy?" Singleminded as ever, it just now occurs to Lis that she never got her answer. Finally, attention gets diverted to Hyzen: "Thesy's pregnant. I think."

"Half the weyr eats creampuffs, and they're not all pregnant," Catia picks on the least important aspect, before giving Thesy a long look. "I see... so a consultation is in order, you think?" She neatly manages to ignore everyone else, even Tyara's knot-offering.

Pyrene glares at Tyara, glares at Lis, glares at Thesy who's the obvious source of /every/thing wrong in the weyr and tears off her own knot, snatching Tyara's and placing both on the table. "There. And let Catia tell us whose shoulders they return to!" If every bluerider in the weyr is going to have children, it doesn't really matter any more.

Sasha looks over to Thesy feeling for her, being discussed by so many people. Then she looks alarmed at Pyrenes outburst.

Cordelia just stays near the drinks, thinkng this might be as bad as slipping into the caverns during a flight

"Fine!" Tyara shoots Thesy a dark look - she might just end up developing a bluerider-phobia after all. Now they've gotten her in trouble twice in a day! Hrm. "Just like you, Pyrene, to let someone else handle the problems once you find out there's going to be more bluerider spawn!" the nanny snarls, crossing her arms.

Hyzen bites on her lip as she watches the nannies, bread forgotten in her small, clenched hand. Well, this was a sight to see, surely. "But why is it so bad? Why is everyone so mad at her?" comes the small question as she watches the others yell at each other, her small head shaking and sending the auburn locks dancing about her neck. "That doesn't seem right... it's not her fault is it?" Left in the dark... children asking questions that can come to no good end. Whee fun.

Ragis blinks from Thesy to Pyrene and then to Tyara and Lis, wondering if it's really safe to be so close to the bickering women. He takes a sip of his klah and shrinks farther down in his chair, watching and waiting.

"Wait wait wait," Catia attempts to calm the situation, reaching out to give Thesy's shoulder a little pat. "Shouldn't you two" - glares go to Tyara and Pyrene - "be waiting till we know for sure?"

Lis subsides into idle smirking, and looking quite proud of the mess she's made of things. "It's only fair, Pyrene," the greenrider hisses back at the knot-less nanny, "after those comments of yours about D'renn." Hah.

"I ... I think so?" Now Thesy herself wants to be sure and jumps to her feet, nearly dragging the other dragonhealer along. But the hissed nanny remarks make her stop in her trakcs, "And you two /don't dare/ to leave here before Catia and I will be back, is that understood?" Sometimes it has it's advantage to be a wingleader, even if it's a pretty confused one right now.

Pyrene flushes slightly, but remains defiant at Catia's and Thesy's reprimands. Lis' words however make her swing around to the greenrider in dawning horror. From this angle, revenge isn't so sweet....

Catia's dragged? In turn, she beckons Thesy into a dark corner of the living caverns for a whispered consultation. That should be enough to ascertain the likelihood....

Sasha watches Thesy and Catia go and then turns back to watch the reactions of the others.

"I won't budge a handspan," Tyara assures Thesy, keeping up her staring at Pyrene. Hrm.

Ragis watches as Thesy and Catia move away and blinks warily at the three women, thanking his lucky stars that the table is between them and him. It'll give him a head start if they try to come after him, don't you know. He sips nervously at his klah, never having had this problem in the whole turn he's been in the weyr, he doesn't know quite how to handle it.

"Now you've done it, Pyrene. Thesy's pregnant and you'll /have/ to give Tyara the knot of Head Nanny." Lis is shameless about gloating, a broad grin emblazoning her smugness with a happy show of teeth. Silly nannies.

And, right!, after a short yet intense conversation a rather dazzled THesy returns to the table and slumps into her chair, hiding her face in her hands.

Tyara finds herself clutching the material of her dress, staring at Catia as if she alone will determine her fate - which isn't all that wrong off. "Ca... Catia? Thesy?"

Pyrene glares at Lis. "As if I care? Now /she/ can do the hard work. /If/ she can." Please Faranth... Tyara will crack under the pressure and swap back.... And her eyes swivel desperately to Catia.

Ragis cocks his head at the bluerider as she returns and asks, "Thes? You alright, love?" He lays a light hand on her arm in concern, not liking the way she's acting. He sets his mug on the table so that he can turn his attention to his friend.

Catia slides into a seat next to Thesy, and just shrugs both shoulders. "Well, there you go. At least I don't have to tell /your/ Wingleader..." And the healer gives Lis a hard stare.

Pyrene stares at Catia for a moment and then draws herself up with as much dignity as she can under the circumstances. She picks up Tyara's knot, and flips the new head nanny her own. "Well, consider yourself promoted." And another glare for Lis for good measure.

Zali arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

Eventually the hands come down but there're not tears just a dazzled, sheepish grin. Ignoring all others, her glance, tentatively, almost reluctant, her glance shifts to Ragis, "I think I am?" His hand is grasped tightly and she whispers, her eyes not leaving his face, "Oh shells, pet!"

Oh Faranth... Tyara looks pale enough to faint. ut she doesn't - as if she'd let Pyrene have that pleasure! "Oh shells, you have to be kidding," the nanny groans, deftly catching the knot in her hand, holding it as if it'd explode. "I won't do it!"

Zali exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.

Thesy * acks. Mine! That pose was mine! Ummm, I had to tell you, no? ;)

"Wait a minute, Pyrene... I'm not sure that's your decision to make," Catia admonishes the ex?nanny. "Just because Thesy's going to have a baby in another 7 or 8 months doesn't mean you have to give up your job...."

But before Ragis can react, her other hand shoots forward and grabs /that/ Assistant Nanny Knot. She'll deal with it in a moment

Thesy * whines. I did it again

Pyrene sends Lis a careful glance. "If she can't handle it, then I give it to..." She trails off to blink at Thesy and Catia. Oh well, whereever rescue comes then.

"If Tyara was head, and you were assistant, she could /order/ you to look after Thesy's child," Catia then points out, ever-so-rational.

Lis brushes of Catia's stare with a shrug of her blue-clad shoulders. "You /did/ offer, Catia," the greenrider reminds the dragonhealer kindly, trying to keep her grin from spreading any at Tyara's sudden promotion.

Lis gets a very evil glare from Tyara, her hand still clutching the knot of the head nanny. "I'd rather have her look after Swawa," the nanny gasps, still looking quite confused.

Pyrene isn't going to admit that it was a stupid thing to do of course. "Fine, she can order me... but at least I won't be the one worrying about rosters, and explaining to parents, and pregnancies... and everything else, any more!" she snaps back at Catia, ever-so-unrational.

Ragis frowns slightly as she grasps his hand and asks, "What's wrong? You should be happy....." His tone is rather worried since he doesn't know if she's reacting quite as well as he thinks she should.

Hyzen exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.

"Just a moment, dear," Thesy says, squeezing his hand. Turning to Pyrene, now former head nanny, she loundes deeper into her chair and smirks, "Well, I wouldn't be too sure about not having to worry anymore ..." the bluerider doesn't finish the sentence but squints at the girl, the smirk still lurking around the corners of her mouth.

Pyrene stares at Thesy and shakes her head slowly. "If you /dare/ tell me it's D'renn's now.... I'll quit completely. I'll leave the weyr.... I can go and stay with Jesha at Ista. She's always been grateful to me...." She's babbling, but hey, she's had a shock.

"Maybe Pyrene does have a point there, you know. " Catia starts.... then stops abruptly. "D'renn's!" Please, no.

Wait... Thesy must be trying to get Pyrene to take the knot back. Tyara sends the pregnant (eek) bluerider a hopeful look. "Th-thesy?" The nanny tries a smile, even though it looks more like a sick grimace. "What do you mean?"

Thesy laughs and shakes her head and idly plays with the knot before pushing it into the pocket of her trousers, "No, running away won't help either, Pyrene ... and you better stay used to chores. You'll be up in them to your little ears. If you agree with what I'm going to offer you."

Pyrene sighs helplessly and collapses into a chair. "What? You can't keep me here. I have friends. Rider friends. I can leave anytime I want," she rambles, largely to herself. She doesn't care any more.

Tyara's eyes widen as the knot disappears into Thesy's pocket. She really has to do /all/ the nanny-administration by herself?! "Thesy!" The name comes out in a plaintive whine. "I'm /not/ doing this on my own!" It's the closest she ever comes to admitting that she needs Pyrene - relish in the moment.

Lis has only been paying the important bits of the conversation - like whether her child is going to have a half-sibling - and therefore misses most of it. "Aw, Pyrene, you can't leave me..." Doesn't getting someone drunk on their Turnday count for something?

"Shhhh, Tyara! You will do just as nicely cruel as Pyrene," Thesy grins, her words going to the new head nanny, but her eyes stay fixed on Pyrene. "I guess you won't find it totally unreasonable." Once more a hand disappears in a trouser pocket, this time returning with another knot. White. "Well, as it is ... Sardrinth informed me that he and a lot of others would like you to Stand for Tiareth's clutch. So you think you could do it again?"

Cordelia frowns a moment at this change of events and then grins, it has potential. And with that thought she slips under a table to emerge on teh other side, just what potential though...

Heero blinks in from ::between::!

That's it. Tyara stares at Thesy, then Pyrene, then at the knot. "What? You can't just leave me with this!" the new head nanny squeals, waving her not-wanted knot wildly in the air. "That is /not/ fair! /Pyrene/!" Someoen has to stop this madness. She'll resign. Let Vanessa do all the dirty work!

Pyrene sits where she is and blinks at Thesy for a long moment. "What? I.... /Again/?" It suddenly sinks in and she shakes her head darkly. "Oh, don't you dare.... not again... I mean, I'm over all that now. I'm fine with not being a rider and everything... It's downright cruel to get my hopes up again." Her hand belies her words though, half-raising towards the knot.

"At least that way you may never have to be a nanny again..." Catia offers Pyrene, lips quirked in what's probably a smile. "Although D'renn /would/ be in charge of you..." Pros and cons.

Ragis gasps. "Pyrene? In the barracks? It's bad enough with only one other male in there.....but Pyrene?" he amost cries in despair. His eyes sparkle even though his words say he's upset, having Pyrene around to pester might actually be fun.

Probably more cons but anyway. Thesy dangles the knot enticingly within rreach of Pyrene, "C'mon now, Pyrene. You know you're going to do it." For now she has forgotten what led to all this, she'll cope with it later. "And, who knows, you could be D'renn's bos some day? Like I am now?"

Lis attempts to brighten Pyrene's spirits somewhat, but, like most of her good-natured actions, this one may hinder more than help: "And you won't have to take care of my child when I pop!"

D'renn strides in from the Central Bowl.

Pyrene considers. "In a couple of months there's going to be a lot more children around..." Fortunately she doesn't notice D'renn's entrance, instead reaching out and taking the knot. "Oh, why not? A change from one set of drudgery to another. Still a break, of sorts."

D'renn arrives, heading straight for... Lis, as it happens. "Hello dear, how are you?" Eager blue eyes look the pregnant rider over and over, although D'renn's gradually becoming aware of a certain tension. "Erm.... what have I walked into?"

"Good girl, Pyrene," Catia congratulates, glancing up and frowning at D'renn. Why break the habit of 10 Turns, after all? "Oh, just interesting things, D'renn."

"Thanks for reminding me!" Tyara groans, staring at Lis. But she's too confused to snarl at the greenrider like she did a little while ago. "I'll have to take care of your sharding child..." And there comes the father, to make it even worse! D'renn gets an outright dirty look from the nanny, her face a sulk.

"/I'm/ fine," Lis informs D'renn, eyes darting carefully between Tyara and Pyrene. Any minute, her head is going to be bitten of by one or the other, she /knows/ it. "Don't ask," is all the greenrider gives in murmured advice.

Edaeyn stalks restively in from the Central Bowl.

Thesy grins up at D'renn, "Help me coax Pyrene into saying that she'll Stand?" Turning back to the former nanny, she dangles the knot again, closer to the girl's hand. "Pyrene!"

Pyrene *took the knot?

D'renn's face falls. "Pyrene? Stand? NO WAY!"

Thesy * epps and didn't see it, sorry.

Catia snorts with laughter. "That's the way to convince her, D'renn... well done."

"D'renn, don't leave me in charge of the brats!" Tyara turns her pleading to the weyrling monster - after all, think of how mean she'll be with /his/ child if she's left in charge.

Pyrene swings around and stares at D'renn. Oh... yeah. This means troubles. "Oh, no... wait... I--" she pauses and looks for a moment at the consternation on the bluerider's face. "Of course, D'renn! I can hardly wait to be washing your boxer shorts again." Smirk.

Thesy rises to her feet, winking at her wingmate, "And Sardrinth and Trydanth didn't even try to get in here. All right, Pyrene. Lets get you settled in the barracks." She laughs, "Well, we'll have to put that on the chore list. Washing D'renn's Boxes." She starts heading out, glancing back at Pyrene. "Coming?"

D'renn says a rude word. Quietly. Though half the caverns probably heard it anyway. "Thesy, how /could/ you?" he appeals to his wingleader with a look of utter dejection and betrayal, dropping into a seat and burying his curly head in both hands.

Catia *blinks. Washing D'renn's /Boxes/?

Tyara **chokes.

Thesy * gives up. Not my day, sorry. :)

Cordelia * covers her eyes :P

Thesy * thwats y'all

Pyrene's head raises higher than it has done for a good long while. Some things are worth a few sevendays of slavery and an hour or so of burnt feet. Just about. "See you later D'renn," she trills, following Thesy out.

Thesy exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.

Pyrene steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.

"Oh, /shells/!" Tyara watches Pyrene go with a look of utter horror on her face. Still not accepting reality she sinks into a chair, just placing her new knot in her lap. Whimper. Which dragon should have the honor of flaming this one? Hmm..

D'renn just shakes his head, sitting there in absolute misery.

Lis bites her lip as she tries to watch Pyrene, Thesy, D'renn and Tyara all at the same time... and fails in watching all but the latter, patting a hand on the 'lingmaster's knee comfortingly. "It won't be that bad, you'll see." After all, there can't be /that/ many horror's one's underwear can endure.

Catia chuckles, and gets up to fetch the klah she originally came in for. "Well, there we go," she mutters vaguely, heading back to the infirmary.

Tyara **notes that she was the latter, but who cares ;)

Lis * ain't the brightest crayon in the box. ;>

Edaeyn steps into the living caverns, hesitating on the threshold as Pyrene and Thesy vanish within. Brows arch as she regards the clustered weyrfolk. "Do I even want to know?" she murmurs with a trace of resigned humor.

D'renn pats Lis' hand in return, just shaking his head as he looks around the caverns. "How could they do that to me?" he begs.

Ragis chuckles softly as Thesy leads the ex-head nanny toward the barracks. He picks up on D'renn's distress and grins, wondering if he should even pick at that thread and decides he'd better not. A brief wave goes to the guard as she enters.

Proof blinks in from ::between::!

D'renn goes home.

"Well if you ask me," No one really did, but Lis will have her two-sixteenths anyway. "I think it makes good enough revenge, after what she was saying earlier." Snort.

Miny walks in from the Central Bowl.

Miny steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.

Thesy arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

Edaeyn leans against the table with paired, spread hands. "Revenge for what?" she inquires. "What exactly is going on?" She doesn't intend to sound concerned, but that's how it comes out.

Ragis slumps back in his seat as D'renn leaves him alone with all these.....females and doesn't really notice Thesy's return as he's sipping at his klah and staring at the tabletop, a slight frown creasing his brow.

Tyara doesn't really notice D'renn leaving or Thesy entering. Instead, Pyrene's old knot is eyed warily, the nanny fingering it carefully. It /looks/ like it's going to explode.... whimper.

As soon as Thesy's in the cavern, Lis fires a question at Pregnant Bluerider #3. "Alright, /why/ does D'renn hate Pyrene so much?" And vice versa? Frowning, the greenrider folds her arms across her chest /again/.

Thesy catches Edaeyn's words as the returns to her former place and settles beside Ragis, "Well, Tyara and Pyrene both stepped down, so we - or Pyrene rather - made Tya head nanny and became a Candidate herself." Though when the bluerider takes another sip of her tea, those other, way more nerve wracking news, return to her conscience and she sighs. Pregnant. Oh dear!

"Hrm, don't step in it, Thesy," Tyara mutters, her head tilting upwards in a weak resemblance of her usual haughtiness. "Why me...." Probably because she's Pyrene's oldets assistant? Still, Pyrene should just haev kept her mouth shut and Tyara'd still be an assistant. Snort.

Ragis sighs softly as he feels the blueriders presence next to him and leans over to whisper to her, " you know? Whose it is, I mean?" He says it as low as his nervousness will allow and it can still be overheard, though he can't over the pounding of his pulse in his ears.

Edaeyn shakes her head, starting to pull out a chair, then abandoning a seated position in favor of hovering. Questions are sorted through in the back of her mind. "Stepped down? Why all of a sudden?" The query is directed over her shoulder to anyone, no one, as she drifts over in search of something to drink and can't seem to find anything quite to her tastes.

Cordelia goes home.

"I don't think D'renn hates Pyrene? They're just too much alike, that's all, Lis." Thesy grins wryly for a moment, her own mind reeling, though not with Pyrene or D'renn or Tyara. So the new head nanny gets only a swift glance, "And why not? You seem to fit perfectly, Tya. And the brats fear you nearly just as much as Pyrene. Lis, could you explain to Edaeyn, please?" She has to do some explanations herself, you see. Regarding Ragis with a bright glance though still the same wry grin, she reaches for his hand, I think so, pet?"

"Shells," mutters Tyara again, sending Thesy a blank look. That was a /great/ help. Snort. Lis gets a blank stare as well. It was all her fault. Her and big-mouthed Pyrene. Shells!

Ragis cocks his head at the grinning rider and prompts, "Well? Who's the father?" He squirm in his chair, for no apparent reason other than a female is holding his hand in public, no matter she's his best friend.

Best friend. Hmmm. Thesy smiles at the squirming Ragis, giving his hand a little squeeze, "Can't you guess?" Briefly distracted by another creampuff, she nevertheless returns her attention to him as soon as it's gathered, "I think you know already, don't you?"

Pia arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

Ragis blinks at her for a moment and is suddenly quite pale beneath the golden color of his skin. "Me? It's mine?" he gasps, almost squeaking with surprise. He gulps and flashes a swift glance at the other three before his eyes catch the deep blue ones regarding him. "You''re sure?" His hand trembles in her grasp but he doesn't move, not to mention that he -can't- move.

Lis' jaw just /drops/. To her chest. Practically. "For the love of proddy greens," whispers the rider in an almost reverent manner, "I didn't even know you to were seeing each other!"

Pia slinks into the caverns, hugging the edge of the walls. You don't see her, you don't see her.

Thesy can't help but laugh at the reactions her words cause. Quite a little bombshell, no? "Positive, dear." At least he didn't run away, screaming. Lis is eyed with amusement, "Well, very few people did know? Only the ones that needed to. And, c'mon, Lis, this ain't no more shocking than having D'renn's child, no?"

Pia exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.

Hyzen meekly steps in from the Central Bowl.

Hyzen calls to Proof, who flutters over and curls up on her shoulder.

"Yeah, but D'renn's not - " Lis curtails her initial comment short, but, with a sigh, she lets it out anyway. "D'renn's not... weyrmated," the greenrider finishes in a softer tone. "Unless..." And now Lis' gaze slides over towards Ragis, brows starting to rise.

Tyara scrambles to her feet - she can always listen to gossip later - and disappears out, without a word, knot still clutched in her hand.

Searcher> Ragis reaches blindly for his klah mug and lifts it to his lips for a long gulp before he returns his attention back to the bluerider. He slumps down in his chair and stares at Thesy for a few moments, gaping at her. "I can't believe it.......Mine? -I'm- going to be a.....a....f-father?" he whispers. He catches Lis' words and frowns at her. "Khay knows all about it......"

Searcher> "As does Leth?" Thesy shrugs, more worried about Ragis than anything else at the moment. She's not sure what to make of his reaction yet. "Ummm, looks like it, no?" Her hand gives another, reassuring squeeze to the trembling one, clasping it. "Unless /what/, Lis?"

Searcher> Lis gives Thesy and Ragis a tender little look before her slow rise to her feet is stopped short. "Well, I dunno... I just figured weyrmated was like being 'fasted. I'm sorry if I'm taking things the wrong way..." The greenrider moves to her feet, edging towards the door.

Searcher> Ragis shrugs at Lis. "I don't know.....Khay didn't seem to mind when I told him about it. And besides, riders can't be faithful all the time, unless you have a green and blue or gold and bronze pairing.....and not even then." he murmurs. He can smile now that his brain is working again, a bright one going to the bluerider now that it reaches his lips and the silvery depths of his eyes. "You don't have to leave, Lis......-I'm- not upset about it." He leans over and pulls Thesy into a tight embrace.

Searcher> Lis can only shrug her shoulders in answer, her face becoming a mask of utter confusion. And, with that, she eventually makes her ambling way outside, shuffling slowly.

Searcher> Lis exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.

Searcher> Miny arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

Searcher> Khloe arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

Searcher> Thesy nods, agreeing with Ragis, "Yes, Lis. Stay with us. Or is it that shocking?" Thesy suddenly looks a little pale. This reaction she hasn't really expected and she looks a bit hurt as Lis leaves. However, when Ragis' arms draw her to him, here, in front of all the people, it's easily forgotten. Miny even gets a nod and a smile before the rider turns to her friend and smiles a tad shy, "So you're happy?"

Searcher> Bryn flitters in from the Central Bowl.

Searcher> Edaeyn shakes her head in mild bewilderment as she watches the two, still standing as if she expects to be called - or chased - out of the living caverns at any moment. She nods at Khloe's arrival, still balancing an empty mug.

Searcher> Hyzen walks in as Lis leaves, her eyes following the greenrider out before she turns back around. Offering a slight smile to those still here, she moves back towards the food and takes a meatroll... whether they like it or not! Heh... she was hungry. Nibbling on it, she swallows that mouthful before coughing softly into her mitten. Ugh... need to stay out of the cold. Shaking her head, she moves to a table and plops into a seat, sighing deeply as she continues on her food.

Searcher> Ragis nods against the blueriders shoulder. "Very happy, dearest.....very happy." he murmurs. He pulls away just enough to place a light kiss on Thesy's lips before glancing around the caverns, blushing slightly at the people gathering there.

Searcher> Khloe quietly walks in, for once without the presence of Fudge. She nods to Edaeyn before sitting down and absently listining to the conversation.

Searcher> Miny waves at Khloe, and smiles back at Thesy. "Hi Khloe! How are you?" she says, and gets a mug full of klah, then sits down.

Searcher> Thesy blushes quite deeply, at his words and his caress. Still Edaeyn is invited to join them with a glance and a wave of hand to a chair. "Oh good, I wasn't sure." She's also quite surprised by the intense joy she's feeling now tha tthe initial shock has faded.

Searcher> Khloe looks up to see Miny. "Hi Miny!" she says, grinning at the face of an old friend. "I'm doing pretty good!"

Searcher> "Me too." Miny says back to Khloe, sipping her klah. "Only I've been bored, a little." She sips the drink again.

Searcher> Khloe raises an eyebrow. "Bored? I've been just the oopposite." she syas, smiling.

Searcher> Edaeyn gives up on the mug, setting it away and drifting over to the table by bluerider and candidate, though she still doesn't sit, leaning on the back of one of the chairs. "Congratulations?" Her voice is quite soft.

Searcher> Miny smiles. "I might go down to see the eggs, later, but I'm not sure if I will." She sips her drink a little more, and blows on it.

Searcher> Ragis smiles up at the guard and blushes. "Thanks, Edaeyn....." he murmurs. He looks at the bluerider and tugs gently on her hand to get her closer, difficult to do on these chairs after all.

Searcher> Khloe smiles, "I think you should. They're all prety."

Searcher> Miny has disconnected.

Searcher> Miny falls asleep.

Searcher> Thesy nods, the flush reduced to a soft glow now, "Thank you. Yes, I just found out a little while ago." She chuckles, the way she did just was a tad odd, no? "And it had a lot of immediate consequences as Lis already explained. But why don't you have a seat?" The tea is grabbed again, but now that it's cold it has lost all attraction. Instead she shifts in her chair to follow the tug on her hand as much as is possible.

Searcher> Ragis scoots his chair as close to Thesy as he can, an arm going around her shoulders as he leans his head on her shoulder. The fingers of his free hand twining with her left hand as he snuggles close to her. He's a sensualist, and he loves being close to people, especially his two favorites, Khay and Thesy.

Searcher> Hyzen's eyes fall upon Ragis and Thesy then quickly away. Geez, she didn't need to see that... for she felt as if she was spying. Eh. Stuffing the rest of the meatroll into her mouth, she dusts her hands together to rid them of clinging crumbs before head swivels about to notice Edaeyn. In all of the chatter and motion, she hadn't noticed the other here. "Hiya Edaeyn!" comes the happy cry from the child, eyes brighting as she sits up in her chair.

Searcher> Edaeyn shakes her head. "That's a scene I wish I hadn't missed ..." Her eyes unfocus slightly, staring off across the living caverns in search of nothing in particular. "No, that's all right ... I can't really sit still today." A smile crosses her lips at Hyzen's greetings. "Good day," she calls to the girl. "You're in a good mood ..." It something she constantly feels obliged to note when she sees it.

Searcher> Merra walks in from the Central Bowl.

Searcher> Merra walks in from her usual stroll, and smiles a greeting as she heads immediately to the hearth for a glass of juice. Wandering back towards the others, she actually speaks as she sits down awkwardly next to Edaeyn. "Heyla Edaeyn...Thesy...Ragis...Hyzen...Khloe. What's up?" She settles in the chair as comfortably as she can, which isn't terribly so these days.

Searcher> For a second Thesy's startled by his behaviour, not having expected him to act that way in public, but she's pleased to no end. "Oh, I'm sure you would have had enjoyed it enormously. But what's your problem? I mean, why can't you sit?" Even if she's just a dragonhealer, she can't help worry about people as well. "Morning, Merra." Then her gaze falls on Hyzen, the girl's embarrassement touching her, "Come on over, Hyzen. You can join us, if you like."

Searcher> Ragis shrugs from his position at Thesy's side. "Nothing really....." he murmurs, a sly grin curving his lips. He sighs softly as he squeezes the bluerider's shoulders. "How about you?"

Searcher> Merra shrugs slightly. "Dare I ask why you're looking so smug, big brother?" She glances up at the guard leaning on the chair she's sitting on. "How come you aren't sitting? 'Twould be more comfortably," she says to Edaeyn, before adding to everyone in general, "I'm pretty good for not being able see my feet anymore...Little awkward, but..."

Searcher> Edaeyn raises an eyebrow, a little puzzled by the implications into the question. "Problem? There's no problem. I'm just restless ..." She shrugs a shoulder. "I guess I'm having a touch of trouble relaxing." She squeezes Merra's shoulder lightly, absently. "You really aren't missing much, little one. I'm afraid there's nothing remarkable about your feet ..."

Searcher> Hyzen bites her lip as she beams at Edaeyn, nodding happily. "Yeah, I had fun out in the snow." She giggles softly before turning to stare at Thesy. Come... over there? Where they were -snuggling-? Are you trying to freak her out of her wits? But she just shrugs a bit, waving towards Merra as she slowly lifts to her small feet and inches along the tables towards Ragis and Thesy. Pausing, she gazes upon the male. Hey... wasn't he the one... shaking her head, she giggles softly and just stands there a moment. She doesn't wanna interrupt now...

Searcher> Ragis grins at Merra and chuckles softly. He places a light kiss on Thesy's cheek and cocks a shoulder before answering. "Because of something I just found out, 'little sister'. Which I'm thrilled to death about....." he says softly. He smiles at Hyzen and nods a greeting to her. Wasn't he the one what?

Searcher> Remembering how sore /her/ back was after her first riding lessons, Thesy wouldn't have been surprised, if Edaeyn had a physical problem. "Glad to hear it's not pain that's keeping you from sitting then," Thesy nods and smiles up at the guard, "I know, relaxing can be kind of a problem. So you're well, after all?" The smile gets shifted to Hyzen, "Really, you can sit down. It's ok." She laughs softly at Ragis' answer to Merra and leans closer to him, absolutely not aware that it's exactly what is embarrassing the child.

Searcher> Merra studies the pair thoughtfully for a long moment, before her jaw absolutely drops as she comes to a conclusion. "You're pregnant..." she breathes in amazement, looking at Thesy. She cocks her head slightly, waiting for an affirmation or negation from the rider.

Searcher> Hyzen's mouth squinches up into a raisen-resembling form as she watches Thesy and Ragis. They want her to sit down... while they were doing that? Oh dear. And he -was- the one... that one that had been talking to that new guy several days ago. Hrm. Flicking her eyes about, she finally slinks towards a chair at their table... as far away from them as possible, but she does sit down. Clasping her hands together, she looks at them... trying to seem as if she isn't staring. This was interesting stuffs here... "So... um... Thesy and Ragis, right?" She had gathered their names from the conversation before hand...

Searcher> Edaeyn offers a wry quirk of a smile. If it was pain, you'd never get her to admit it. She'd wince and quickly find an alibi ... or just smile slightly and bear it. "I'm doing well enough ... no startling surprises in my life ..." She shakes her head a bit, flashes an odd smile to Hyzen.

Searcher> Khalila arrives from deeper in the Weyr.

Searcher> Thesy nods at Merra, confirming her question silently. A rare sight, the bluerider usually not a quiet one, hardly ever at a loss of words or a quip. Interesting change, huh? But Hyzen gets an answer, "Yes, I'm Thesy. And you must be Hyzen, right? And don't look so startled, we don't bite." Usually.

Searcher> Merra smiles, and works her way out of her chair to lightly hug Thesy. "Congratulations, Thesy." She quickly moves over to Ragis, hugging him as well. "I'm so happy for you..."

Searcher> Ragis sighs softly and returns the hug. "Thanks, though it was a surprise. It was a pleasant one at least." he murmurs as he looks at the bluerider. He can't help the smile that has plastered itself across his lips.

Searcher> Hyzen nods her head, eyes widening slightly at the fact that Thesy even knows her name. It never occurs to her that she might have heard it in talk too... but that's besides the point. "I'm pleased ta meet you Thesy." Leaning forward a bit, she places her elbows upon the table and head into hands. Head slowly cocks to one side as she watches the two... snuggle. A shiver runs over her small form and she looks quickly away. "What wing are you in?" she asks softly, finding something very interesting upon the opposite wall to look as so as not to allow her eyes to drift back towards the two.

Searcher> Edaeyn tries not to look amused as she notes Hyzen's posture. "And those of us that do bite, tend to only do it when provoked," she adds absently, leaning forward over the chair a little further now that it's unoccupied.

Searcher> "Thanks, Merra. I am very happy about it." Thesy smiles and hugs the girl back. Settling back in her chair when Merra moves to give Ragis a hug too, she falls silent for a moment, Ragis' smile mirrored on her face. Snuggling, sheepishly grinning people, the Horror. Shifting her attention to the little girl, she smiles, "It's nice to meet you also, Hyzen. And my wing's Zephyr."

Searcher> Letting go of Ragis, Merra smiles at everyone again, before heading towards the dorms. "Sorry to come and go like this, but I really need some rest. Congratulations again, Thesy and Ragis. See you later, little sis. Bye Hyzen...Khloe." A parting smile and she's off.

Searcher> Merra goes home.

Searcher> Forcfully locked eyes slowly shift towards Edaeyn and a slight, mock-scowl races across her face before she quickly trains it away. "You bite?" she asks quietly before chancing a look back towards Thesy and Ragis. Was it safe to look? She deems it so and turns back, though keeping an eye on the guard if she replies. "Zephyr... that seems to be a popular wing from what I've noticed..." the child shifts in her seat, scooting towards the end of it.

Searcher> OOC: Hyzen sticks her name in there...

Searcher> Edaeyn sighs lightly, with a belated wave after Merra. She closes her eyes for a moment, reducing the filtering of senses by a single factor. "I didn't say *I* bit ... just that some do. When provoked." She is entirely unthreatening, leaning on the chair with an air that, despite her posture, entirely fails to be relaxed.

Searcher> Ragis sighs softly as he comes out of his reverie. He glances around to see if anyone noticed and smiles when it doesn't look like it, though Merra is gone now. He cuddles close to the bluerider once more and hugs her close, can anyone tell he's happy? "I love you..." is whispered into Thesy's ear.

Searcher> Khloe goes home.

Searcher> "It is, yes. Even though D'renn's a member." Thesy gives Hyzen a little conspirative wink. And whether the girl will be intimidated again by snuggling adults or not, she responds to Ragis' hugging with a vengeance. Eventually she tears herself out of the embrace, raises to her feet reluctantly and bends down to exactly repeat those words, audible for him alone or maybe not. Who cares. With a little sigh she adds, "I have to leave you for a while. Since I'm grounded for some time now I need to talk to Ciera so she can take over until I can go ::between:: again. But I should be back soon, okay?" Giving her goodbyes to Hyzen and Edaeyn, she then, unable to resist, shen bends again and places a light, tender kiss on his. "I'll be back in a jiff, love."

Searcher> Ragis nods and sighs reluctantly as she leaves. "I have chores anyway.....I've put them off too long now. I'll probably be up all night, especially if I don't get to them now. Take care, I'll see you later." he murmurs while she's close.

Searcher> Hyzen's face again wrinkles up at the kiss and she quickly turns her face away, closing her eyes. "That's -gross-," comes her comment, hands rising up to offer more protection to her delicate optics. When Thesy leaves, she offers a blind wave in her direction before reopening her eyes and diverting them towards Edaeyn. "Oh... then who does?" comes the curious words, always questions...