After much searching and tips from many people, I have finally found a reliable source for copies of Wings of Desire.....Video

I am now a part of the association program, which means I will receive commission from each movie that is sold by clicking on the links below. Please buy through these links, I would like to get WOD it's own domain name but alas, I am broke. Thank you.

I have provided links to my favorite movies by Wenders. If you would like a link to any other movies, just email me.


Video Flicks.Com

Wings of Desire ....that which we all desire! When I ordered this movie from VF, it was backordered but I still received it in two weeks. Excellent service.

Far Away, So Close ....before now, one would have to scour Ebay or used video racks for this movie.

Until the End of the World....another classic by Wenders.

The Scarlet Letter second favorite Wenders film, it is shot beautifully and remains true to the original story. (Well, it's closer than most.)

Other movies by Wenders that are available through Video Flicks: Alice in the Cities, The American Friend and Paris Texas. Some of these movies are not available but VideoFlicks offers a search list where they can track down a used copy for you.

Nosferatu, Phantom Der Nacht ....a version of Nosferatu from the early 70's with Bruno Ganz as Jonathon Harker. I highly reccomend it, the scenes are beautiful.


Amazon.Com offers the Wings of Desire soundtrack and many books on and/or written by Wim Wenders. Please click on the links below to purchase these items. I earn comission for each purchase, and that money I earn will go towards getting Wings of Desire it's own domain. Thanks.

The Wings of Desire Soundtrack

An imported version of the soundtrack

A re-release of the Wings of Desire video

The recently released DVD of Far Away, So Close
The VHS Version

Until the End of the World - VHS

From Alice to Buena Vista: The Films of Wim Wenders

The Films of Wim Wenders (Hardback)

The Films of Wim Wenders (Paperback)

Once - A Book of Photographs by Wim Wenders

The Cinema of Wim Wenders ....highly recommended!

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