A page devoted to the best actor in the world today!

Have you ever found yourself liking an actor and finding that none of your friends are even interested in him or her? This happened to me. In 1993 I went with my friends to see some movie and they had a preview for 'Remains of the Day'. I remember saying "Gee that looks like an awesome movie" and having my friends look at me like I had a third eye or something. This is the movie, that I consequently rented two years later, that made me realize what a truly gifted actor Sir Tony is. Here's the story. In 1995, I was running to the video store to rent 'Immortal Beloved' because I was going to be home alone since my parents were going to a wedding. I went to the local video store and couldn't find it so I began to wander around the store. Well, on the bottom of one shelf near the back was a tape that had a photo that I recognized. It was 'Remains of the Day'. I read the back and recognized it from the preview. So I rented it. 3 hours later I was running to the mall to by the book. A week later I bought Shadowlands for $10 dollars at the same video store. And thus my obsession with AH started. I now have seen 'Silence of the Lambs', 'Remains of the Day', 'Shadowlands', 'Legends of the Fall', 'Howards End', 'The Efficiency Expert', 'Dracula', 'The Elephant Man', 'Magic', '84 Charing Cross Road', 'A Bridge Too Far', 'The Road to Wellville', 'Amistad', 'The Mask of Zorro', and 'Meet Joe Black'. I have always been impressed with him as an actor and as a person. He is amazing! My room has become a 'shrine' of sorts. I have posters of Tony on every available part of wall, I have soundtracks to some of his movies, I spend most of my time on the web discussing him, or looking up information on him, it's a definite obsession. I'd like to tell all the people out there that I discuss AH with that I'm glad that they are there and that I'm not the only one! Especially to Andrea who keeps me on my toes with the tremendous amounts of questions she asks about AH. And to Tony, should he ever happen to stumble on this page, thanks for all the great movies you make that we enjoy so much and keep it up!!! If you are interested in Tony and like to talk about him with other fans, contact Ruth Sternglantz at rs35@is2.nyu.edu to join the Anthony Hopkins Mailing List.

"We read to know we are not alone." -'Shadowlands'

Please visit these other AH pages or Zorro will pay you a visit

Myrka's Old Blue Eyes AH page: Biography, GREAT pictures, everything AH
Sir Anthony Hopkins Fanatic Asylum: biography, AH hand wrting analysis, free wallpaper, more GREAT pictures.
Official Anthony Hopkins Home Page: pics, downloads, scripts, bio
AMISTAD America: Like the movie Amistad? Want to learn more about the actual story? Well here's the website to do it!
Exploring Amistad: Want to see the building of a replica of the Amistad and other exciting things about Amistad? Then check out this site. It even has a 3D tour of the Amistad.
Megan's Page: Anthony Hopkins, Ralph Fiennes, marine science and more

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