This is what I think about our Government

I think that all those wonderful guys and gals over at dateline should
do a hidden camera investigation of our beloved government, much like
they did with budget Air conditioning sales.  This investigation would 
turn up so much corruption it would scare you.  The people's voice would
be heard and all the corrupt leaders would be replaced.  Next week 
Dateline could follow up with a hidden camera journey into capitalism.
This one would be just as shocking and Capitalism would be replaced by 
a socialistic system not based around $$$ but around the people.  This new 
would be even more democratic then ours is now, giving people the right to not 
only elect their leaders but to vote on other important decisions.  
My Opinion is that if this stuff actually happend the USA would be much better of.  
                       What do you think?  

Open Minded: This is where I got the Che pic.

RED lynx

Leninism Site: All Hail Lenin!
REDnet News: Don't confuse this one with Readynetnews
Iowa Socialist Workers Campaign: ISWC, sounds like a good one... Ha I ought to join.
Communist Party USA: Another one i should join.