This is just
me making fun, not to offend anyone. ]
You know you
are a Seiya fan
2. In High School, you make
every one pick a character.(I
was Shiryu, my
3. You watch it so much, your
mother gets so irriated
she shouts "OH!!
4. You watch it so much, your
get into a gender
argument with your
"The male is
stronger. Look at the
Saints. They risking their butts off."
5. You see Andromeda Shun and
Silver Saint Misty
and Gold Saint
6. Going to your graduation
prom, your friend
sees a girl wearing all white
7. You calculate the average
time Ikki comes out
and save Shun.
8. With all the four movies
ending the same way,
Seiya's arrow killing
9. You are thinking, the Gold
Saints look like
30 but are actually 20
10. You are watching the Bronze
boys getting beat
up. You say to them
11. You are watching the bronze
boys with their
normal clothes, you wonder
12. You are watching Gold Saint
Milo kicking
Hyoga's butt with his one