from the journal of Brother Jorn Sargar. . .


3rd Level Priest ( Necro )

Range: 10 yards + 10 yards/level

Components: V,S,M

Duration: Instataneous

Casting Time: 3

Area of Effect: 20’ radius

Save: ½ Dmg. *

This spell is very simular to the Mages Fire ball ( range, ect. ), with a few very special exceptions.
Most importantly the spells effects only effect the undead, and anything that recives it’s power
from the Negative Plane. The spell causes 1d4 damage/level of the caster.

*Note: Only free-willed undead may recive a saving throw. It also leaves the air with a minty


Almost 10 years ago I met a Svirfneblin Rogue who went by the name Eyn 'Four Fingers'. He did tattooing, very nice work. Eyn also did 'Mattooing'. Mattooing, to the best of my memories is/was the art of magical-tattooing.

An item would be mattooed on a person, (dagger, dart, lock picks, ect.) and it would look/act as a normal tattoo. It did radiate as minor magic if checked. The person with it could later pull it
off/out of them, and the item would become a real dagger, dart, lockpick set, whatever.

While the person has the mattoo on them they do have to be carefull and aviod a ‘Dispell Magic’spell. If they fail there save the mattoo becomes a normal tattoo, and until the perfection of laser surgery very perminent.