The Unmitigated Ego Of Picaloo

Picaloo is of the opinion that everyone has an ego. Some are surpressed, while others fly to the highest heavens. The rest make up the great majority of individuals.

Dreaming while one is awake is an ego trip, and who has not dreamed? Ergo, everyone has an ego!

Picaloo lives in the mind of the writer of this trivia. He has taken on a life of his own in the chat rooms on the internet, especially the ones on Talk City, such as Jesus Cafe, Literazi-Lobby, Geneology, Women-Spiritual, and Women-Stress. He has been scolded, from time to time, for being in those women's rooms but, for the most part, seems accepted.

As he chats, he takes on the personality of three other egotistical entities: The Mountain Muse, Slum Gullion, and The Preacher. He uses their manner of thinking at different times to respond to the chat in a particular room. For a look at those three "persons", follow the links listed.

Picaloo's hobbies are: writing, (songs, articles, novels), playing the guitar, woodworking, traveling, and now, chatting on the internet! By the are invited to sign the guestbook on any of the pages where it's found. Thanks!


You may ask how Picaloo got his name. His "growing up name" from 1 year to about 12 was "Sonny". Along about 12 years of age, when he got his first guitar, his black companions started calling him "Picaloo", connected, presumably, with the picking of the guitar. Where the "loo" came from is anybody's guess! Picaloo used that name through the rest of school, even taking it to Auburn University, (where he attended only a quarter and a half). The name followed him through several jobs and was especially useful in four years of black-faced minstrel shows, (a-la Al Jolsen), where he teamed up with a partner called "Aloyoicious". During his time as a banker, 1959-67, he packed the name away while wearing a coat and tie. It was only when he bought a webtv and got on the internet that he dusted the name, "Picaloo", off and began using it as he tested the waters. The rest is history! Picaloo grew up in the Southland and graduated high school in 1952, (before integration). Some of his fondest memories, however, are of escapades shared with black boys of his own age as they sorted out their paths in an age of relative innocence. He loves to look back on those times and draws from the experiences, using long forgotten perspectives and expressions to illustrate and punctuate his comments. Having held a wide variety of jobs throughout his working career, (some 19 in all), he is quick to say that tenacity and persistance in a vocation usually results in stability. The most important ingredient in a satisfying job relationship, however, is liking what you do. Fired only once, Picaloo never missed a payday. During the most important formative years of his 4 children, he was absent during the week, only home on the weekends. Consequently, the values, manners and personalities of those wonderful children were shaped by his wife, Mrs. Pic.


Picaloo retired from Norfolk Southern Railroad on January 1, 1991. He took an early buyout, (he took the money and ran!).

In 1993 he suffered a mild heart problem and was given the treatment known as angio-plasty, where a balloon is inserted into the arteries of the heart and inflated to open blocked, or partially blocked passageways. Fortunately, the main arteries were not affected, only the secondary ones. The procedure apparently worked, because he has passed the yearly "stress tests" with no problems. Nowadays they insert a "stent", a coiled wire spiral at the point of blockage and leave it there. Works better.

I have to add, with a small degree of sadness, that the angio-plasty failed the last part of May, 1999. Due to the aging process and the effects of diabetes, the doctors say that he can't have a by-pass and they cannot insert a stent.....all of his heart's arteries are too small. Medicine is the only way to maintain the status quo, or so "they" say. He says, however, that he WILL strengthen that ol' heart and will be around at least another 30 years. Who knows what'll be available then?

Picaloo worked as a railroad bridge supervisor in portions of nine states and came to know many people in his travels. Unique sayings from both north and South became his stock in trade. He also saw how the emotions and habits of others can overwhelm them.

He met his wife of 44 years when she was just 14 and married her when she was 18, just graduated from high school. He was 22 at the time. They have four grown children and eight "great" grandchilden. (He frowns on the use of the word "kids", because that's what they call baby goats where he comes from!)

Links To Those Other "Entities"

The Mountain Muse
A Sort Of Homepage
The Preacher
Slum Gullion
Low Country Philosophy
The Drift Adjustor
Answers Personal Questions
Picaloo's Sideline

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