Don't Let The Cat Out

It's a fact that an inside cat lives a longer healthier life than the puss that puts paws on the pavement. An indoor cat never faces the dozens of dangers waiting outside your front door like cars, other cats ready to fight for love or territory, exposure to diseases and parasites, and sickness or death from eating spoiled food or poison.
A cat let outdoors will need to see the veterinarian a lot more often than an indoor cat, and that means higher vet bills. Fleas, ticks, worms, abscesses, cuts, diarrhea, a dull coat, or weight loss are all signs of trouble and are most often seen in outdoor cats.
Outdoor cats are more prone to get lost, too. Searching for a lost cat without an identification tag is a time-consuming and often disappointing effort, and there's nothing more heartbreaking than wondering for years If your missing kitty is alive and well, or suffering, abused, or dead.
Cats raised indoors are perfectly content with their world. Cats who have experienced the outdoors will need some time to get used to an upgraded indoor status, but eventually they will learn to relax and enjoy the comforts of home.

(Quoted from) The American Humane Association