Have you ever
searched the web for a great site and wished you could
make one for yourself? Perhaps you want to advertise your
business or band or an interest you'd love to share with
the world! Or perhaps you tried to make a web site but it
just didn't look good enough? Have you ever wanted help
making one? Some kind of uncomplicated
tutorial? Well, you've come to the right place! Here you'll find a collection of tips (in the HTML Help section) where I cover the basics from text and pictures to embedding music and adding tables and changing colours. I also get into the more advanced such as Image Maps and Frames in the Tutorials! Plus I also supply tools that you can review that will help you in your endeavor to make a good Web Site such as the Colour Cube, and the Web Promotion page. Anyone can make a site on the Web. It may take time on your own but with help you can have one up in no time! But after you make your site, how do you publish it? Well there are numerous free sites on the World Wide Web that offer this but at first you may only find two or three and find them unsatisfying (many only offer 1 Mb of space and many only allow you to have one page and little room for editing and personalizing). So I have also added a Web Master Links list of all these sites along with other useful sites I'm sure you will find as useful as I have - faster and more productive than spending hours in search engines! Also a list of Search Engines! The best part is that all of this is absolutely free! I feel a good way of helping others is by sharing what you have learned. If you have anything YOU'd like to add, go ahead and use my email form!! |
Past Sites done by
( Apr. 26, 1999.)
Get search @ Bravenet! |
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