Chapter 1 "Thanks for agreeing to the terms so quickly Karanya." His voice only slightly slurred. "Pietro, could you help. . ." starring at the ceiling made him lose track of what he was saying. "Can I help with what?" he asked slightly annoyed. "What?" "You were asking for my help, because?. . ." "No reason, I just thought Karanya would love to sleep in a bed and not the floor, and since I'm too drunk I thought you would help?" *At least that's what I think I was going to ask?* "Where's her room?" "Why do you ask?" he replied. "Look, if you want me to carry her then you'll have to point out her room because she's not sleeping in my rooms." "I wasn't thinking your rooms," "Oh really, and just what were you planning on doing, you can barely hold your head up let a lone other parts of you body." "As my father always said to Joshua, what drink clouds it also enhances." "You mean even though you're foggy most of the time you still have a working brian under all that praying." "Shut up, my rooms the closets to the bottom floor, I don't think you want to climb two floors to hers when mines just around the corner." "True, but if she points fingers I had no part in it." "She'll have too much of a hang over in the morning to realise that she's not in her own room. And by the time she does we'll be out in the desert doing manuvers." "Well anyways she's the one who lost the bet!" he shrugged his shoulders and continued drunkenly to his room. Pietro hefted Karanya over his shoulder and carried her like he would a duffel bag. "God in glory for a small half-elf, she certainly knows how to pack as much food as she can in her." Pietro heard Surin's wicked laugh, "I hate to be the one to tell you this Peitro, but if you grab her the wrong way you may end up with a bad case of dead." "Oh thank-you!" he yelled back. Pietro dropped Karanya on the bed with a little thump, the bed squeaked it's protest but Surin was already encompassed in trying to get his boot straps undone to notice, "I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your bed squeaks." "What?" he asked with a dreamy look on his face. "Your bed makes noises when you sit on it." "I'm not going to be sitting on it," he replied, with a sardonic smile. "Stop smiling, it takes away from your levelheadedness." "Levelheadedness? Does that imply I have a flat head in which books are placed for stacking?" he asked. "No, I'm just saying that when you smile you don't have that stern demour anymore. You look like your that cat that got caught for licking the butter cream." "If you don't leave anytime soon, I'm going to be the cat who fell in the crock." "Leaving, but aren't you forgetting something?" "Really? Go to sleep and let me worry about her weapons, whatever they may be." Pietro walked out of the room without another word, Surin looked around wildly for his pack, reaching in his sacred pouch of herbs he pulled out a tiny vial, "Just enough for two, well, to help one and make the other semi-conscious." he put the vial to his lips, shuddering he walked slowly back over to Karanya, he poured the sweet liquid down her throat, he didn't recommend this remedy, the after effects left something to be desired. "Surin, I feel horrid." she slurred. "It's the after effects of the drink that put you under the table." "Does that mean I lost the bet?" His chuckle rang out in the small room as he placed his finger through her hair, "Definitely," leaning forward he pressed his lips against hers, she was shocked at first but then she seemed to meld against him, her body responding to him in a way she had never felt before, she felt on cloud nine, but the only problem was the cloud left a bitter taste in her mouth, or was that the drink. His lips moved against her cheek as he asked her the only important question of the night, "Do you want this?" Her eyes were unfocused for a few moments but they quickly cleared, "Want what?" she asked innocently. "You can't tell me that in your twenty years you've never. . .?" "In my society I'm still considered a child Surin." "Do you want me to lay beside you tonight?" "Did you really ever have to ask me if I wanted you Surin?" "Yes, because you're not really in a family I want to mess with unless the person I'm with wants to do something that involves a little more then friendship." She reached up and pulled his head close to hers, her deep soulless green eyes were covered by her thick black lashes and the slight tilt to them gave her the appearance of something unnatural, exotic. Surin gave her a beaming smile as he began to peal away years of protection. "I'm not. . ." he quieted her with a brash kiss on her revealed shoulder. "Hush, lips are for one's kiss to anothers, words are only for the true test of love, sound is to reflect ones inner daemons, hands are for worship of the others body." she brought his face up and kissed his lips. "Then worship my lord." "I'm not your lord, you outrank me." "This night, you are the only one who matters, my love." "That's a better word." he mumbled as her starred in open wonder at her pale ivory breasts. Pain clouded her face only once that night and the rest went by in a blur of emotions and colours. She ran her fingers over the smooth silk of the covers and smiled, her arms dragged around his warm body and she snuggled closer to his body. Her voice was quiet and smooth, "How can one moment bring so much joy. You sure your not the good Surin I was lead to believe you were, my lord six times." "Seven," his sleepy voice commented. "Whatever, that was one great night." "As long as nothing develops from it I'll be safe." "Develops?!" she yelled, snatching the blanket around her body, exposing him to the coold morning air. "Well I'll make it simple for you, I'll leave so you won't ever have to look at me again!" she began to run for the door, her eyes clouded with tears and her shoulders shaking with held rage. His smooth finger moved up her back and he laid his head against her neck, wrapping his arms tightly around her body he brought her swiftly down to the floor, "Karanya, what are you so uptight about." "You don't. . .you don't love me." her lips trembled. "Karanya, I loved you since the day I kissed you on the lips in the park." She bowed her head and blushed, "I didn't think you would remember something like that, it was only a game after all." "Honey-love. . .I don't think there's any word that gives you justice, I do love you, my dreams have given me a window to your face every year we didn't see each other. They say a palladin is given one love, but normally the palladin dies before his one love is ever touched. You are that love Karanya, you'll always be that love." Tears fell down her already wet cheeks, "Surin, you are my love. You fill my waking moments with the sight of your eyes, and your spirit, never leave me. But if you already love me, what do you hope doesn't develop?" "A child," he said plainly. Her eyes became hidden by her brows as she scrunched up her face in concentration, "That happens when the woman's at the peak of her cycle right?" "Yes, and if the man can have children." "Can you have children?" she asked promptly. He gave her a stern 'what going on look' and answered, "Of course I can." "Opps." she said quietly, "Well I think it's about time to go down and make some. .. That hurts." she said as his hand clamped down on her strong arm. "What do you mean opps?" he said angrily. "Nothin'! Not a thing." "Karanya, your lying is worse then a bite from one of those snakes we keep running into." "I am not lying, me saying opps has nothing to do with you," she snapped struggling against his hold. His forceful hand locked on her hips as he flung her gently on the bed. Before looking at her again he pulled on a pair of dark coloured breeches while she watched the light play on his darkly tanned back. Turning around, he approached her, the anger had melted from his eyes and reaching out he clasped her hands gently as he brought her body up gently against his, her eyes danced merrily as he ran his fingers gently down her back. The tiny sheet lay twisted between their two bodies but heat passed strongly through it. Running his hands back up against her sides he clasped one of her hands in each of his, their fingers were locked together and their eyes matched in urgency when a golden light poured from his hands to hers. After the light had faded the palladin fell from the bed with a sickening snap. Wrapping the sheet around her body she jumped off the bed to him only to stare in amazement at the symbol on his cheek. She brushed it gently and it glowed it's response, her hand hurt where the light had passed through it, she looked down at was amazed to see the same symbol on her hand. Surin's eyelids opened to reveal to her a deep blue, "My goddess has chosen to except a half-elf, today is a day like no other." "Surin, when you fell off the bed, you broke your arm," she told him slowly. She helped him back to the bed, looking at the limp wrist and swollen arm he smirked, "So I did. Oh well, two years in hiding should give it time to heal." "Why two years?" she asked suspiciously. "Legitimacy reasons, I have no great desire to lose my place at my gods side because my father called me home. He was always a pain anyways, my God's presence isn't what you would call exciting, but it's worth the wait." "Once you are blessed by a god, your duties to him become paramount, nothing can stop you from serving him." she stated confused and appalled that Surin would talk so casually about his god. He look directly into her eyes and was shocked at the response he got starring back at him, "After all the time my grandfather spent bouncing you on his knee at the council meetings, you never paid any attention to what he said did you." "I take that as an insult and I'm leaving," she huffed. "I don't think you'll be leaving without these," he commented, holding up her disguarded clothes. "Give me those!" she demanded, taking them from his hands she dressed quickly and was about to leave, all the while, Surin smiled fondly at her when Pietro came running into the room with a frightened look. She glared at him and walked back to Surin, ignoring Pietro's hasty screams she sat down on Surins lap and kissed him long and deep. When the door creaked open behind Pietro all hope of him covering up their association was a total flop. "My Lady Karanya," the young voice intoned. Surin broke contact with Karanya to give the young man a dreadful look, he paled and started to shake, "Prince Avery, I had no idea that you were here. News came to our kingdom that you were cloistered at your temple house Rannon in Vale." he bowed respectfully and began to turn around. Karanya looked like a frightened cat, Surins' hand closed loosely around her arm only to have her jump several feet in the air, "Whoa Karanya, what's wrong?" "Why did you not tell me that you're a prince?" "Does it really matter, now that I'm a paladin all ties to my past are brush under the carpet for the greater good of my god. I'm no more a prince then my younger brother is married." he looked sharply at the page, "He didn't get married did he?" "Well, now that you've brought it up. . .my lord, why are you sleeping with your father's ally's daughter? As soon as you go back home you'll be crowned King and Chidya will be waiting for you with open arms." "Chidya?" Karanya said coolly, "she's a little far from home don't you think Surin?" "It's a very long story that I don't want to continue with. After you my lady, it looks as if we'll be leaving fairly shortly." looking at the messenger he opened his mouth to speak, "Why were you running an errand for King Dalen, Joshua?" "Well I went to him with a message from your father, because he was worried and looking for you. But then the Dalen went nuts saying that he's coming after his daughter and that she has to ride as quickly as possible. Now, you know me, and any day away from your sisters attentions is great for me, so I took on a role as one of the people who was to spirit The Lady Karanya away from Alexander Shotachic as fast as possible." "And how did you acquire one of those positions?" "Even developed a sudden urge to visit his mother by walking, giving me the best horse in the land." he smiled innocently. "Meaning that after you got him severely drunk and he had lost all of his money to you, you stuck a knife to his throat and said that if he didn't give you his horse you would slit his throat and tear his body up in so many little pieces that you wouldn't be able to recognise the bones." "Yes, you're point." Taking Karanya's arm with his good hand he led her quietly down the stairs, "What are you doing, unhand me this instant!" "Karanya, this man sounds like he had it out for you, until you give birth we're going to be hiding somewhere safe, if we leave now we can leave enough false trails so no one will be able to find us and our journey will be a relaxed one. I don't want to have to push my horse until he's dead, I'm very fond of my horse." "Fine I'll go with you." she said calmly. "He gave her a wicked glance and she turned her head in shame, "I thought that you had already decided that last night?" "What about last night Milord?" Joshua asked. Karanya already a deep red shouted out in anger, "Nothing!" storming out the door she went to her horse and began the routine of saddling her. Surin followed with a weary step, Joshua noticed that when he touched her his hands encircled her waist very gently and he brushed his lips against her cheek as a lover would do. *So, the young prince has finally chosen someone to bed with. It's about time!* he looked over the horizon and saw a cloud of dust coming towards the tavern and he signalled for his lord to approach him, "I don't know about you, but that's normally a good sign to run in a hurry." Joshua ran for his still packed horse and jumped up in one stride, Karanya was already up and turning her horse in a circle. "Aren't you coming?" she hissed. "Meet me at the cavern, beside the stream which runs through the woods. I'll lay one false trail here and then catch up with you, Pietro go with. I promise I wont be far behind you, should I not make it by sun up you know something's wrong, but you still have to make it to my fathers land. Elves will not follow on pain of breaking the treaty our two nations have at this point." Jumping to her horse he rose up in her stirrups and kissed her warmly on the cheek, only for her ears did he speak, "I love you Karanya, marry me!" he jumped down and hit her horse before she could even think of replying. She turned her head once as she rode away, her eyes answering him even when she had no voice, his white cloak billowed behind him and the star sapphire which mounted what she now realised was his crown sparkled in the new days sun. He bowed deeply and then left the back gate. She cursed his name under her breath, "The fool, how dare you leave me." her eyes glinted dangerously, "But you'll never be able to leave our child, I'll make sure of that." Taking off his band Surin sat down slowly at the table, with a tall glass of Cactus wine in his hands he kept his back firmly towards the door. When the familiar rush of hot air came spilling into the room Surin slowly turned his head. Drunkenly he lifted his glass to the three new people who stood stiffly in the doorway. A bit bruntly he yelled, "Either come in or stay out the weathers to hot for youngens like yourselves to be lettun in the hot airy like a'that." "Youngens my drunken sir you happen to be no more the twenty yourself. I happen to be one-hundred and twenty seven years old." "And by the looks of things you haven't spent any of that time with a woman in bed either." One of his guards pulled out his knife and silently charged Surin, just as quickly the guard was writhing in the corner with his knife stuck through his drawing hand. Surin was re-seated without the trace of exertion. *At least ten years of training with elves and other fighters pays off for something.* The obvious leader of the group sat down across from him and starred into his eyes. "Things aren't always as they appear are they stranger?" he stated. "Now Dormain, we're not really strangers are we?" he smiled and Dormain flinched. Surin definitely had an unforgettable smile, his blue eyes shone from under his mask of a cloth. "Sir Surin, what are you doing in these parts of the desert?" another of Dormain's guards asked him, helping his friend to a sink. "Getting drunk away from fighting and away from my father. What does it look like to you?" Dormain's eyes closed slightly in thought, "I know you Surin, and I know you wouldn't get drunk without a reason." "Drunk is a state of being, one which I would love to be able to get at, if you three would be kind and leave me in peace." Dormain's arms clamped down on his wrist just as he was about to take his first swig of the night, "Surin, I was a fighter under your father before I became a soldier for hire. I know you. . ." he leaned forward and spoke quieter, "Now we both now that you're not drunk, I've seen you when you are, you probably just started to drink a few moments before we walked in, but something tells me that you've been drinking pretty hard the last few weeks." "What makes you think I would do a thing like that?" "The coronation for one thing. Surin your father will find you no matter what sewer you decide to hide in, he's like a blood hound when it comes to finding his heir. Besides, why do you think I'm here?" He swayed his head to look into Dormain's eyes, "Alexander Shotachic hired you to find Karanya for his wedding. She took off before he could nail her down, and now that her little quest is over. . ." "Wait her job is done? Then how come Chidya didn't tell us?" "Chidya has her own set of priorities, I don't think informing my father is one of them." Surin made a motion with his hand and the owner of the house came forward, "I think I'll be paying my bill now good sir." He stood up from the table and began to walk away with the owner. "Prince Surin, know that if you leave us now we'll take you to your father in chains later." Surin turned to face him, smiling he let the full array of his body play tricks on the other female guards at the other table. "I'm well aware of your situation, but I'm afraid I'm late for a very important meeting. I know the lady in my favour wont stay there if I make her wait too long." "Hold on Surin, I was ordered to bring you to your father drugged, tied or wrangled." "So, drug me." The dart hit him so fast his head hit the floor in seconds. When his eyes opened slowly it was to a glaring sun and the soft jolting motion of the horses stride. His head felt like it had been through a blender backwards and he felt horrid. "Am I allowed to hold my own riens or do I have to be tied the whole way to my father?" The youngest man looked back at Surin and blushed slightly, Surin raised his brow and locked up his horror. Dormain turned his horse around and rode up beside Surin, "Don't get any ideas, I know your reputation but don't go after that boy. Had I known, he, would never have come. Do you understand me Surin? I know your tastes don't lie in that direction but I've seen you make gay guys faint with some of your smiles. A bright smiled played across his face, "Would I do a thing like that?" his smiled broadened, "I've served my god faithfully for six years. I've remained righteous good. . ."he paused, mumbling, "Most of the time. . .and besides, what business is my smile of yours." The young man's blush deepened and he turned his head away from his commander. The officer glared at Surin and pulled the reins of his horse to trot it into motion. "Aren't you going to untie me?" he called Dormain. The officer moved more rapidly away. "Asshole, if I break my neck then my father will. . .will. . .probably thank you." The sun set and the group of guards sat about in a circle, placing silk blankets about their camp in protection against the deserts unwelcome inhabitants. Surin sat with his back to the group, gently knawing on his ropes. "Sir Surin?" somebody ventured. Taking the rope out of his mouth his lifted his head, "Yes?" The young man lifted up a plate of steaming food, "Are you hungry?" "Well, now that you mention it. Food might taste better then hemp." "What?" "Nothing." Surin turned his head toward the group and noticed that nobody else was up. "What is this? Sleepers'r'us. In the desert you're supposed to travel during the night and sleep in the day." "I could wake up the Commander if you want." "No," he said hastily, "I like your company a lot better then his." The blush was evident even in the dark. "Thank. . .thank you sir. It's an honour to hear it from you." "Why?" he asked pained. "Well my sister said that you were very generous. Do you know what that means?" "Sisters name?" "Sarrah, Sarrah Cortail." "God, not her. Anybody but her." "What is it sir?" "Let us just put it this way. If I was to become preferable to one sex, your sister would have been the one to make up my mind." "How sir?" "Bad, very bad. Extremely bad!" "In what sir?" "Have you ever had sex?" "Yeah, with a young woman about my age. It wasn't very good." "Anybody else?" "Justin. . ." the voice trailed off. "Justin. . .Justin who?" "Avery sir." "Justin Avery. . .?" his eyes went wide, "My. . .oh god. . .I think I'm going to be ill." "Don't do that sir. If the commander caught me talking to you he would have my badge." "Why?" "Well, being gay isn't frowned upon, but if you're with a unit which holds only men, it sort of ruins the moral of the group." "Sort of? I would think that it would turn the group into stark raving loons." "Keep your voice down sir." "Why don't you call me Surin?" "I couldn't do that sir." "Why the hell not?" "Because you don't know my name." "Then tell me you bloody idiot." "Jack Bix sir." "You're still calling me sir." "I know, I will only call you by your name if you have no ropes around your wrists." "Well untie me." "For a price, sir." "What price?" he asked, worried. "Justin said that he once saw a woman faint after you kissed her. If I leave the knife by your side, I'll make it seem that you overpowered me. Instead of kissed me." *Shit!* "How about you untie me first?" The smile played across his face this time, "I don't think it works that way sir. You see, I know you can call your goddess, and your horse with your wrists free. So I want the kiss first." Surin turned his head back to the group, "Who are you?" "Just somebody sent to free you. Is it my fault that my services don't come free?" "What?" "I was sent by Motiva and her priestess to free you. I told them I had a price. She said she would pay it, but I said she wouldn't be able to. I ask her if you could pay it instead." "Did she know what you wanted?" "Maybe, maybe not. But she said you would have to pay." "Why me?" "Because sir, you're not really into guys, and I want to see if you can invoke the same feelings in men as you do women." "I have this really bad feeling I've slept with you before." "Maybe, maybe not." "No, I've slept with a shape shifter and I didn't know it. Gross, sick, disgusting, and think I'm going to puke, again!" "I thought I pleased you pretty good the first time." He raised his arms trying to block the sound of Jack's voice. "Trying to prostrate yourself in worship only makes me want you more." "This is a nightmare right?! It's a side affect of the poison, I'm not really captured and you're a figment of my repressed feelings for my brothers non-existent love life." "No, your brother is very good in bed. You slept with Synthia when you were eighteen and now your going to give me my kiss." "Can't I stay a prisoner. I'll buddy up with the girl dressed as a guy would rode in the back of the line today." "Oh, you noticed her." "Of course I did." "Well, Motiva said she wouldn't get involved until you called through the proper channels." "Damn you!" he screamed, "You fucking WHORE!" "Now, now, no swearing, you're supposed to be righteous good." "If I'm so pure then why the hell did you sleep with me for two weeks straight?" "Everyone has their little needs." "Fine, get it over with." He closed his eyes and his first emotion was, revulsion, but. . .one strange emotion was the feeling that he was only kissing a woman. *Repressed emotion, steer clear!* his brain told him. The bonds slipped away and he reached his hands up through the thick hair. Surin, forgot the reason why he had his eyes closed and simply deepened the kiss. He pulled away from the kiss and looked into the others eyes. His face paled and an ear piercing scream was emitted from the lips of the right-winged paladin. "You stupid bitch. I'd say oh my god, but she set me up!" The man opened his eyes and swallowed hard, "I feel a whole lot better now. But I think you'd do better sticking with the women Surin. Less people would get killed fighting over you." "It was that good?" "Don't get cocky. I just mean that even though you have no intentions in that direction, doesn't mean that the men wont mistake it for true feelings." "I get your point." a sardonic smile played across his face, "Do you know, Dormain warned me against you. Do you think he knew I would do it?" "I think he knew what I wanted. And I always get what I want." "Your troupe must get a lot of sleep." "Depends on who I am at the time, and who the prisoner is." he paused. "Tell your brother that he was right." "Right about what?" "If he laughs, then I'll tell you." "I think I'm keeping it a secret now." "Then I guess I'm going to have to tell him in bed. When I see him." "Now you have grossed me out again." "Live with it." He clicked his bracelets together, "I want to leave. I want to leave now!" "Fine, just tell me one thing." "What?" he asked pained. "Was it good for you? I can get you more if you want." He jumped on his horse screaming bloody murder all the way to the woods. When he was out of sight, Jack turned to Motiva. "Thanks, I couldn't have done it without you." Motiva's body shifted to that of Jack. "I loved it. When do you think he'll realise that he was kissing you the whole time and not me." "I don't know." the real Motiva answered the real Jack, "Probably when he figures out that jack is really Damian, and that his brother is a paladin under him." "Wouldn't it be better to tell him before that?" "Probably, but surprise is the key." she smiled, remembering the first time Surin walked into her temple. "Will I have to sleep with you if I serve you?" "What?" "That's what Surin said to you when he first joined my service." "Yeah, and then I said probably, which lead me into the statement that as long as he was in your service. . .ah see. Great plan. Can I watch him scream?" "Before or after Karanya?" "Are we going to play some more mind games?" "Maybe, maybe not." "That really is annoying." "Your point." "Nothing." "Shall we go to Peitro next?" "Why not." "Why not indeed." ****God I know this is an awful place to finish this part but, as Highness said. END IT HERE! I hear and obey Master. If you've read the story this far then we're doing something right. Does anybody think that Surin's master is a bitch? Comments please. I still haven't edited so oh well. Life's a bitch and then you marry one. The saying works with Bastard too. My email is if you want to talk. I have another person to congrat. Lady M. Harris, like she says she writes for the Hentai in all of us. Don't get me wrong, Hentai is just like reading those enormously gross love, super love stories, except there is more to the stories then blatant sex. Those I can clearly say never rent Dragon Knight! I can stomach a lot but that was over the edge. Ja ne :-). Goddess.