A  Plan

(Antecedent Interventions)
Classroom Interventions for Children with Attention Deficit Disorder

Levels of School Intervention:

A variety of classroom intervention strategies and techniques have been found to be effective in managing the behavior and performance of children with ADD.  In designing an intervention plan for a student with ADD, considertion needs to be given to the severity of the ADD, consideration needs to be given to the severity of the ADD, the intensity of the intervention, and feasibility of implementation in various classroom settings.  One model for organizing the various interventions into an overall plan is to match the degree of educational impairment with the intensity of the intervention plan.

Level 1:  ADD with Mild Educational Impairment
For children with ADD and mild educational impairment, the following intervention approach could be recommended.

    Schedule a Section 504 conference (or pre-referal conference) to determine if a disability
    exists and provide the teacher with assistance in designing and evaluating a classroom
    intervetion plan.

    Provide educational information on ADD to those persons involved with the child; this
    could also include some school counseling to educate the child regarding the nature or
    his/her dificits

    The teacher and the committee design a regular classroom modification plan.  This could
    include several antecedant interventions, such as preferential seating, modification of
    lengths of tasks, provision of more prompts and feedback, etc.

    A Home Report Card Program can be implemented to provide additional incentives to the

It has been estimated that approximately 45% to 50% of the ADD population would require this level of intervention.

Level 2:  ADD with Moderate Educational Impairment
For children with ADD and moderate educational impairment, a more intensive intervention plan will likely be needed.  The following intervention approach could be recommended.

    A referral conference to consider special education services under the category of Other
    Health Impaired.

    Indirect special education services delivered in the regular classroom

    A classroom modification plan (antecedent interventions)

    An in-class positive reimforcement program (e.g.,  Token Economy)

    Up to one hour per day resourse time directed toward the child's ADD, such as study

It has been estimated that approximately 35% to 40% of the ADD population would require this level of intervention.

Level 3:  ADD with Severe Educational Impairment
For children with ADD and severe educational impairment, special education services delivered in a special education classroom will likely be required.  It has been estimated that 10% to 15% of the ADD population will have severe educational impairment requiring this level of intervention.

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