David stared at his hands in shock, "What did I just do? What just happened?" He turned and blankly stared at Sailor Ceres. She was watching him in amazement, as were the rest of the Scouts. He looked at her in pain and fear, but mostly in betrayal. "Terra," he whispered, the sound barely audible. Jolted out of her trance by the pain in his voice, she started towards him. Celeus saw, and did not approve. "Excellency, come back!" called Celeus, in a most dignified and authoritative tone. "I most certainly will not, you pompous windbag. Last time I checked I was still the royalty and the heir to the throne, and you were still the cat advisor!" she snapped, a fire kindling in her eyes that Celeus had not seen for a long time. Although offended on the surface, he was much gratified by her flare in temper. It showed that her spirit had not been broken by the destruction of Ceres, as he feared it had been. She stepped toward David again, and he shied away, like a fearful animal. She stretched out a hand to him, but he pulled away faster than before. More quickly than anyone would have predicted, he ran out of the library, with surprising speed. Without a second thought, Sailor Ceres took off after him, and Celeus followed suit, yelling for her to come back in his regal tone running at a slow lolloping gait (this is as fast as he can run, let's face it, he's no cat-hlete). Running as if possessed by some demon of hatred or anger, David quickly out-distanced them both. In hopes of catching David quickly, Sailor Ceres sprinted after him, leaving Celeus in her dust. Disgruntled and unable to keep up, Celeus, sat down on the pavement and watched Sailor Ceres get smaller and smaller as she faded into the bustle of the city. As he sat, he began to bathe his tail to keep himself from looking silly. "Well isn't this a lovely kettle of fish." Opening Song (Moonlight Legend) Series Title, Sailor Moon: Remembered Senshi Episode Title, (4) Peacemaker After the Scouts had de-transformed, Luna called a Sailor meeting at the Cherry Hill Temple to discuss the recent developments. Luttra invited herself because she was rather curious about the others, especially Ami. None of the others protested because they were rather curious about her as well. The scouts, Luttra, and Tuxedo Mask settled on the temple stair. Muttering to herself, Luna paced circles around Artemis, as he laid back and yawned. Serena located the triple fudge cake and helped herself to a piece. Always the generous soul, she offered one to Luttra as well. "So," asked Serena, around the cake, "Are you my new, wicked cool idol, Cherry Usako in that ultra hot new manga, Child of the Star Rabbit? What's the buzz?" Luttra smiled and thought a moment before replying, "Actually I did do some modeling for that artist before I popped up at school. He was really mondo cute. Anyway, my name is Sailor Infinity, other than that it's plain old Luttra. The last name Mobius is something I invented for my visit here. Mobius, Infinity, get it?" Ami and Luna were the only ones who got it. Luttra continued, "Anyway, in case you're wondering, I'm not an alien. I'm almost closer to this reality that you are. (she giggled) I'm a child of infinite realities, and a child of none. I was born before time and my life will extend after it. I am Infinity truly and wholly, the scout from the beginning of the time stream. I am Sailor Infinity, and I know a lot of stuff. Like the answer to the question, how in physics is it possible for Sailor Moon to spend ten minutes on speeches and windups and not get toasted by baddies that are faster than her," She giggled again. Luna was blown away, she opened her mouth like a drowning fish and asked, "Well, what are you doing on our Earth?" "How much of a brain-less-ter are you Luna? She's obviously here to warn us of some big bad thing coming, like those twisted sisters, right Luttra?" Luttra blushed and replied, "Actually I'm on vacation and guy hunting. It get's really lonely in the time stream." "That's all? Then those Twisted Sailors had nothing to do with you?" asked Luna. "Never seen them before in this reality, or any others," shrugged Luttra helplessly. "Well," asked Artemis thoughtfully, "If they didn't have anything to do with you, who, or what are they after?" ~*~ Chaos paced the floor, staring vehemently at a piece of furniture that happened to be in her way. With a flash of anger, she kicked the unfortunate table to pieces. Void sat up weakly in her bed, on the couch across the apartment, and spoke in the soft hissing whisper that Chaos thought was very comforting, "Patience, my sister. I know that we had to forfeit the energy we had thus far gathered to heal my weak body, but we drained that energy easily. In addition, we have located our target. I believe we can still easily capture the last piece of the Jadestone. However, our target will be most vulnerable if we attack it now, when it is still confused and alone. I think that you should be able to take the crystal fairly easily. However, my sister, you must rely on your own discipline in this case, because I am afraid I will not be with you. Despite the energy you gave to me, I am still not strong enough to face those warriors in battle. It is up to you Chaos." "Void, I cannot do this alone," Chaos cried, wringing her hands. "Yes, you can, and you must. Do this and you will make Kazracite and Qintozite proud of you. That is what you have always wished, is it not?" Void knew her sister's heart, and this promise of the attentions of Qintozite gave Chaos strength and made her willing to brave the fight. "I will, my sister. I will make them pay for what they have done to you." Void smiled fondly at her sister. "You will make him proud. Now, take this crystal and the stick and find the Jadestone." ~*~ Terra soon lost David in the bustle of the city, but she was fairly sure that she knew where to find him. After ducking into an alley to de-transform, she took the quickest route she knew to McKenna park. The park was filled with small children playing hopscotch, riding bicycles, swinging, sliding, yelling, and generally, having a good time. Young couples traced the sidewalks, oblivious to everything besides each other's company. People walked their dogs and played with them in the grass. Children fed the ducks. It was a wonderfully vibrant, happy day for all of the people, except for one. David was sitting in his favorite place, underneath a willow, behind the nesting place of a pair of cranes. The pond got thick and reedy at that end, so she couldn't see him, but she knew he was there. She could feel him. She slipped up on him the way instinct had taught her and gently laid a hand on his shoulder. He jerked to attention, jumping up, and facing her in a fury she didn't think he was capable of. "What do you want?! Don't you think you've done enough?" "Please David, listen to me. I want to help you." "Thanks, but no thanks, I think I've had enough help today," he said, bitterly. "Please, I'm sorry for whatever I did, but David, you have to tell me what I did before I can make it better." The bitterness was replaced by pain and sorrow, "I trusted you. I thought you trusted me. I thought, no secrets." "But David, it was their secret, not mine. If I had told you, you would have figured them out too. You're not stupid, and I know that. To keep their secret, I had to keep my own." "But it still hurts, Terra." "You don't think it hurts me when you don't tell me you have powers?" "Powers?" "What you did in the library today. I haven't seen anyone so powerful in a long time." "If you think I know more about this than you do, you're mistaken, because I have no idea how I did that today. If I hadn't felt the power well up inside me I would swear that one of your friends had done that." "Than you had no idea you had such ability?" "No Terra, I'm telling you!" "All right, all right, I believe you. We'd better get you back to the others so we can figure out what caused your awakening." He looked at her incredulously. "Trust me David. I care about you. They care about me. We're all friends and I just want to help you. No more secrets, I promise." She extended her hand. He just stared at it. As he looked into her soulful, childlike eyes his heart gave in and he reached out to take it. Suddenly, Celeus raced in screeching, "Excellency! Transform she's coming!" David's eyes widened, "That cat is talking to you! Your cat can talk! You say 'No more secrets, David' and poof, your cat can talk. Don't you think that's a secret?" "No questions! There's not time!" she pleaded raising the Ceres wand to the sky. "CERES POWER!" Almost before Sailor Ceres could touch down, a wild maniacal laugh was heard through the park. She raced out of the bushes calling for everyone to take cover. "David, please go get the others!" cried Sailor Ceres, facing down the dark storm before her. "They're at the Cherry Hill Temple, hurry!" added Celeus as the winds in the park began to pick up, blowing his long fur this way and that, "The princess is counting on you!" David nodded and took off with the same speed he had first discovered that morning. The sky darkened and filled with menacing clouds, and thunder boomed all around. The wild laughter was heard again and the warrior maiden touched down, in the center of the storm. "You will die today pitiable creature!" Ceres' eyes widened, then she set her jaw. "I am Sailor Ceres, and in the name of the new earth, I'll punish you!" "You are no match for me, Ceres. I am Sailor Chaos and my powers double yours easily!" "We'll just see about that! CERES VINES ENTANGLE!" The glowing green vines circled around Chaos and prepared to incapacitate her, when she threw he arms out and dissolved them with her Chaos Staff. "Ha Ha Ha!" laughed Chaos wildly, "Is that the best you can do? CHAOTIC BLACK TEMPEST!" The black swirl of clouds and lightning curled around Ceres, striking her where ever she turned. Seeing nothing else for it, Celeus leapt up and preformed and lopsided flip. At the apex, green light solidified into a golden wand with jade inlay in the shape of leaves and twin circles of gold around it. A small circle of golden leaves at the top made a place for something that wasn't there. "Take this excellency, it's the Ceres Power Key! Hold it up and cry 'Ceres Tremble'!" cried Celeus, tossing it to Sailor Ceres. Ceres held the Key aloft and called, "CERES TREMBLE!" The ground around Chaos began to shake and move. The tremble proved to be enough to knock Chaos off her feet. Undaunted, She rose to her feet and laughed, "That's all the mighty Sailor Ceres has to fight with?" Her black tempest darkened and Ceres collapsed. Suddenly another voice was heard behind Chaos, "No! She had friends that fight with her! I am Sailor Moon and I fight with her!" "I am Sailor Mercury and I do as well!" "Sailor Mars does too!" "Venus too!" "And Jupiter!" "I am Sailor Infinity, and I'm not about to loose a new friend!" "It's not right to pick on young girls after dark, in the park, and I, Tuxedo Mask will make sure you don't!" "And I won't let you hurt her!" yelled David and he stood in front of the collapsed Ceres. He concentrated, gathering his anger, to pull up the same powers he'd called upon that morning. "TACHYON CAST!" The blast blew Chaos off her feet again, but as she rose to counter attack a grey smoke that smelled of death erupted on the green beside her. A death knight, dressed in dark armor with a decaying skull for a face, appeared beside her, scooped her up and disappeared as fast as he had come, leaving the scouts, cats, Tuxedo Mask, and David astounded as they stood in the aftermath. After the initial shock wore off David immediately dropped beside Sailor Ceres and lifted her in his arms. "Are you all right?!" "Hmmmm. . .yes," she shook her head trying to clear it, "Boy, I'm glad you're on our side." End Fourth Episode Roll credits and play ending song (Forever) Final edit finished August 05, 1998 (5:30PM) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Mail comments (and flames, as you may wish) to lindseybrowning@hotmail.com or sailorceres@usa.net. Visit the mondo SMRS homepage and the homepage of Princess Terra and Celeus at http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/garden/8378 Please send me feedback!!! Smiles and Ceres Cosmic Power, Lady Ceres a.k.a. Lindsey Browning