"She still hasn't woken up?" asked David fitfully, wringing his hands. "The others have recovered, even Tuxedo Mask. It's just that she took the full brunt of that powered up attack," said Ami, "Jupiter and I only got enough to knock us out, but Terra is in another coma." "How does it look?" "The coma seems stable. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was healing herself." "Has her Uncle Hank been in yet?" "Yes. He was in for quite some time this morning. He wouldn't leave for his trip before he made my mother promise to look after her. She told him this was probably triggered by something psychological. I didn't bother correcting her." "Can I go in to see her?" "Only relatives can visit at this point, but I'm sure I can squeeze you in Cousin David. Terra's sister Mina will probably be up later today, after school," Ami smiled and opened the private room's door, "Rest your mind, she's in no danger." "I just hope she wakes up soon," David sighed and entered the room. Ami silently shut the door behind him. "So do I, friend. So do I." Opening Song (Moonlight Legend) Series Title, Sailor Moon Remembered Senshi Episode Title (6) Dreamscapes and Sailors Princess Terra climbed the rowan tree deftly. It was the highest tree on the castle grounds and she wanted a good vantage point today. She also wanted to stay scarce. If she watched from the east tower, no doubt Celeus would find her and escort her off to diplomacy class. Cat though he was, he would not dream of looking for Terra in the Lord Rowan. He thought she was afraid of heights and could not even climb trees, an ignorance Terra cultivated. The reason for her excitement was that Aspen was finally returning to the palace. Aspen was her childhood playmate and best friend. That was another reason for avoiding Celeus. Celeus did not like Aspen because Aspen was only of low aristocratic birth, not fit to play with the princess. Aspen's return marked his successful completion of Knight training, making him now, almost her protector. The only task that remained before he would be dubbed Lord Knight of Ceres was the token quest of the Queen. More pomp and ceremony than a true quest, the Queen's quest consisted of a request for some simple object. The Knight presented it, the Queen received it, and dubbed the Knight. It was as easy as falling off a log. Terra was happy for her friend. It would be years, or never, before Terra became Sailor Ceres, now that Ceres had withdrawn from the Alliance of the Moon. Terra had been schooled in the art of diplomacy for years, yet she still could not fathom why her mother, High Queen Iris, had cut Ceres off from the other planets. She personally thought it was because Ceres was getting too arrogant for it's own good. Everywhere one looked on Ceres, one was confronted with perfection. Ceres was easily one of the richest, oldest, albeit the smallest, planets in the solar system. Despite the fact that Ceres was far away from the rich energy of the sun, (the sun appeared to be about the size of a human thumbnail) the abundant life on Ceres flourished without the interference of magic. This was because that Ceres was a living, breathing planet in every way. Instead of having a molten core like Mars, or an icy, rocky core like Jupiter, Ceres's core was pure energy. The scientists of Ceres even theorized that it possessed rational thought capabilities. All aspects of nature on Ceres seemed to point to that conclusion. Ceres was incredibly fertile, and the plants that needed to grow always seemed to prosper in the areas they were needed most, whether or not the climate suited them. None of the predators of Ceres ever killed so many of a species that it was endangered, likewise, the herbivores never ate too much of a certain type of plant to threaten it. Hunting for sport was unthinkable to the Ceretians, it was the same as slaughtering a neighbor, for all life was of equal weight. Thus, Ceres had a near-perfect ecosystem flanked by crystal clear rivers, streams, and lakes. Ceres had very few seas, and all of them were fresh water, so that even though only 30% of Ceres was water, all of it was constantly being replenished in their perpetual water cycle. Ceres monarchs had always had a reputation of being wise and just. Quite willing to share their wealth with others because that is what the Goddess Demeter taught. 'Share the wealth you have with those that do not. Always be humble and serve the land and life. Never attack, always defense.' Terra had learned all these verses from the Book of Corn when she was a small child. The trouble she saw, was that many of the people of her mother's court, even her mother herself were no longer abiding by them. Terra knew from her early trips to the court of the Moon (before the blockade) that the people of the other planets were not contaminated with the 'seed of discontent' as her mother's chancellor, Thornbrush put it. She also knew that the people of Ceres were like all people elsewhere, neither better nor worse than anyone. Yet High Queen Iris now claimed that the people of the alliance of the moon were inferior. She said that they did not see the true light of perfection. Terra thought perfection was boring. The wind ruffled Terra's braided hair as the sun outlined the form of a gallant horseman approaching by the south path on a familiar bay stallion. Above his head he carried the standard of the Knights of Ceres, a green chevron in the shape of leaves. Terra grinned and almost shouted for joy. She hadn't seen Aspen for four years. The Knight training was extensive and occupied most of his time. He could not spare the time it took to traverse the half of the Great Forest that separated them. Neither was Terra aloud to stray far from the castle. Casting another look downward in anticipation, and to make sure Celeus was not patrolling the courtyard, she began to pick her way down the immense tree. ~*~ Aspen led his horse up to the center cascade of the palace. The waterfall that actually fell through the upper ballroom and into a crystal pool in the southern courtyard. He could remember playing in the pool with the young princess, in the fog of the past. He also remembered the far more secluded western pond, where he had dared thirteen-year-old Terra to swim with him, knowing full well that she couldn't swim a stroke. The plucky royal had accepted and dived in before he could stop her. After a few harrowing moments, Terra popped up above the water again, sheltered in the comforting arms of her protector, freezing cold and wise enough not to try such a stunt again, or so Aspen hoped. The memory remained one of the clearest ones he could call on whenever the Knight training made him wish for home and quiet and his books. To reaffirm his commitment, he merely had to remember the reason he had started on his journey in the first place, Terra. When a call had come out, seeking ten for the position of Lord Knight of Ceres, Aspen had presented himself immediately. He could never forget the feeling he had experienced when he had pulled the over-enthusiastic princess out of the frigid water. He wanted to do that for the rest of his life. He was quite willing to devote his life to the protection of the woman-girl who pervaded most of his thoughts. However, she had not taken such a compliment so well. "Why do you want to leave?" she had asked fitfully, "Don't you like being around me?" He had tried his best to explain to her his reasons, but she had refused to understand them. "You know that there is to be only one Ceres Knight out of the ten candidates, the others will return to be merely palace guards. Is that the kind of life you want?" "I am not going to be a palace guard. I will be Ceres Knight, or I will not return to this palace. Understand princess, this is a test I must give myself. If I fail, I will not deserve to see you again. I will not be worthy." "Stop talking nonsense. You will always be worth my time, you're my best friend." "But someday, I hope to be more, my princess, " he had thought to himself as he rode off to the training camp. Now, he was, at least to a certain degree. Being Ceres Knight meant that he would always be near the princess, ready to protect her, if need be. If nothing else, he would never be separated from his princess again. His mind turned to the unfavorable rumors he had heard about the court while he had been training. Their isolation had shocked Aspen, as it had many of the other nobles. Ceres had been the last of the inner planets to join, but after their commitment, they had been one of the strongest supporters of the Alliance. They had been, until recently. During the past few years the High Queen had broken a number of precedents so sacred, it was as if she were butchering the Book of Corn. Aspen sincerely hoped that Terra was not following her mother's example, but he had a feeling that wily, rebellious Terra the Terror was not about to do anything her mother recommended. He had no reason to doubt that the princess would retain her vibrant and truly original consistency, because she chose that particular moment to tackle him from behind. "Oh Aspen, I'm so glad to see you. It's been so long!" He managed to pull her off his back, and then deposited her in front of him, so he could see her properly. She would have nothing of his, she had soon tangled herself back into a mass of limbs, hugging him tightly. Only after she had given him, a 'proper' hug would she loosen her grip. As soon as she did, and retreated far enough off for him to get his bearings, he was once again mesmerized by the sight of her. He had left behind a sprightly girl of thirteen only to return to find an enchantress of seventeen in her place. She had grown taller, and if possible, more slender. Her childish looks had been replaced by a beauty he couldn't even begin to comprehend. No more royal smock dresses covered her, she now wore the signature dress of the princess of Ceres, a gown of palest green gossamer-silk that brushed the slender ankles with bird's wings and encircled her small waist with oak-leaves. Her hair had grown long, until it nearly brushed her knees, braided as it was. And then he had spied something in the top of her hair, it was a quadra-jadestone rimmed in gold. Its four facets gleamed in the light as it held Terra's braid high. That stone was the heirloom of his family. It was the one treasure an orphan marquis possessed in remembrance of his family, yet he had gladly given it to Terra with the simple inscription, 'To my princess,' before his pilgrimage to Knight training. It gave him hope to know that she still wore it, even after his absence of four years. Suddenly, a throat cleared itself, and Aspen and Terra both turned their attentions to a small long-haired black cat who had appeared on the green beside them. "Ha! I thought I'd find you here. Princess it's time for your Lunari lesson. You've already missed your diplomacy lesson and you harpsichord lesson today and the court musician, and the secretary of the embassy, are very angry with you. I wouldn't be surprised if they told your mother, her excellency, High Queen Iris. This is the seventh instruction of the harpsichord you've missed in a fortnight and the third diplomacy lesson. If her majesty should think that princesses are above school work so that they can come out and make eyes at courtiers on the main lawn . . ," He stopped as he realized who was standing behind the princess. "Oh, it's you. I might have known riffraff like you would always be the bad influence on the princess." "Mind your manners Celeus, Aspen is going to be Ceres Knight. Then what will the humble cat advisor do?" "Well he's not Ceres Knight yet, and neither are you in any position to command me, majesty, until your twenty-first birthday, you are not the crown princess. However if you do not come at once, I will be forced to alert your mother." "Tattletale!" she replied in perfect Lunari, "I don't know why I have to learn a language of a planet that we're contrabanded from, even if it is stylish." "The moon has always set the vogues, you know that. It doesn't matter that we're not on friendly terms with them, all the best people speak Lunari. As I was saying, if you do not pick up your feet majesty, I will be forced to tell your mother, and she might not allow you to go to the ball tonight." "Oh, I'm crushed," she replied dryly, "I've been waiting for this ball all year. Oh darn." "Well, then," said Celeus, "She might just revoke your access to the library and stables and double your etiquette lessons." "You wouldn't dare!" cried Terra. "Watch me," said Celeus as he got to his feet and casually sauntered off toward the audience chamber. "I'm going, I'm going!" she cried after Celeus, running off, she called back to Aspen, "Please be at the ball tonight! I have a feeling I'm going to be there, thought not by my choice!" Aspen smiled. He'd be there. ~*~ "So you're like Luttra's sisters?" asked Serena, looking the two girls over. She had called another emergency meeting in Rei's temple. The girls were all gathered, looking at the two newcomers. They were dressed in outfits similar to Luttra's, only in different colors. The taller one was in pale green-grey and had olive hair in a neat bun. She carried a long staff with what looked to be a tuning fork on the end. The smaller one wore pale yellow-grey and had blonde hair plaited in piles on her head. She also wore a cloak and there was a small yellow bird perched on her shoulder. "Correct, I am Sailor Eternity also know as Meattra. I am the Scout of Eternity, from the end of the time-stream," said the one in yellow. "And I am Sailor Chronos also known as Jettra. I am the scout of Chronos, swimming in the time-stream," said the other. "And we are here to retrieve our truant sister," said the one in yellow, "She ran off without telling anyone where she was going. However this isn't the first time she's come down and pretended to be mortal, so we knew where to look for her." "So you guys aren't here to help us?" asked Mina. "We didn't say that. We've always been on good terms with the Moon Kingdom. If you need our help, we'll stay and help," said Jettra, flashing a smile. "But then who's guarding the time stream?" asked Ami. "Our old friends, Daemeon and Setsuna, are. Don't ask," replied Jettra, "And don't worry, it's in good hands." "Wicked cool! New friends!" said Serena. "But you guys really ought to de-transform before Chad and Grampa get too curious, " advised Rei. Suddenly, a wolf whistle from behind startled Jettra, and she turned 'round and found herself face to face with the cutest guy she'd ever seen. "Too late," groaned Rei. "Where have you been all my life, gorgeous?" asked Chad. Jettra blushed, "I could ask you the same, cutie!" All the other Scouts sweatdropped. "You think he's cute?" asked Rei, unbelievingly. "Just one question, beautiful," asked Chad as he stepped back to look at her, "Why the outfit?" Jettra blushed again and looked for a way out, Ami provided one. "They're idol singers, and our old friends. They're in town this week and decided to come see us." "Really, Dude. I was an idol singer, maybe we know some of the same people . . ." "Sorry, Chad, we gotta go. We've got a lot of catching up to do!" Rei quickly jostled the other girls out the temple courtyard and into her bedroom. "Whew," sighed Ami, "that was a close one!" "How come we had to leave the cute guy out there?" asked Jettra. The others glared at her and she sweatdropped. "We have got to get you in some normal clothes, girl," said Mina, "Before this happens again!" Jettra looked embarrassed, Meattra bailed her out. "You see, since we spend all of our time in the time-stream, Jettra and I don't have any other clothes. We're scouts all the time. I'm afraid we don't have any clothes to de-transform into." "Grampa would love that," muttered Rei to herself. "No clothes?" asked Mina, "Come on Meattra, we'll get you something of Rei's to wear," She looked up at the tall, lean Jettra, "And maybe something of Lita's for you, then I bet Serena smells a sale! I'd like to take you, but one of the scouts is ill and Luttra and I thought we'd bring a little bit of sunshine in! I'm sure Serena wouldn't mind leading the expedition! " "We can go shopping?!!" cried Serena, "Point me to the store!" ~*~ "Two more Sailor Scouts. I should have been able to defeat them. I could have defeated them. The last attack was a failure due to my lack of power. Perhaps if I gather more energy, I will be more successful on my mission. One thing is certain, I will not go toe to toe with all those scouts again. They are many, I am one, despite my superior purpose. After I gather my energy this time, I will seek the carrier again, but this time I will not fight the others. Stealth is the key. She is now in a place called a hospital. I believe it is a ward for the weak and sick. I will report again when I have amassed the proper energy. Good day Mistress," Void finished speaking into the small red lava-stone that would relay her words to Kazracite. She avoided mentioning Chaos in hopes that Kazracite would not press her. She had enough to worry about without Kazracite fuming at her for losing her sister. As if she could do anything to stop Lord Dis. In fact she welcomed Lord Dis. He had been right, she was not ready for the confrontation Void was facing. It had been a wise decision to remove Chaos from the battlefield early, perhaps she would even return to help Void finish the job. Void smiled. She would like that. After changing from her fuku into 'normal' clothes, Void left their apartment swiftly and silently and headed for the closest center of human activity and bustle, the Crossroads Mall. ~*~ Chaos sat silently in the small room she was confined to. Lord Dis had cast a retaining spell that made it impossible for Chaos to leave the room without help and then disappeared. He had said that he had to pacify Kazracite, but Chaos had the sneaking suspicion he was not going anywhere near the fire-wielding emotional. More likely he was going to fetch dinner for the two of them. Wherever he was, she did not care in the least. Lord Dis was a mentor and one to be respected, but the way he looked at her sometimes gave her chills. She was glad when she was away from his hungry eyes. They seemed to stare into her very soul, and they wanted something. She was startled out of her musings by a familiar voice that both excited and confused her. "I see you are well Chaos," said Qintozite as he appeared from a simple blue shroud. Chaos smiled to herself, he'd never been one for pyrotechnics. "How did you know I was here, Master Qintozite?" "I make it a point to know where you are," he answered, "however, I am afraid this is not a social call, my dear." Chaos started. Endearing terms from someone, who lacked even slight emotional displays. It sounded strange, like he had a mouth full of foreign words and he was attempting to spit them out. "I am here to find out what news you have of the positive plane," said Qintozite, "I want you to tell me everything that happened to you during your absence. It is very important to me to know what befell you." Hope welled up inside of Chaos, she explained in a detailed, yet, rather stumbling manner, their arrival in the positive plane, their first attempt at gathering energy at the school, the crystal's major reaction at the library, Void's incapacitation, her attack on the human and his defense . . . Qintozite started immediately at the description of the human male, "Tell me again, the part after Void was wounded." Chaos complied in a halting manner. "Just as I thought," said Qintozite, he stood up and began to pace, lost in thought, "This will bear some further investigation." Suddenly as if struck by an impulse, Qintozite's finishing statement was quite out of character, "Possibly over dinner. Would you care to join me, my dear?" Chaos blushed in a manner that was quite out of character for her as well, "I would love too." Qintozite opened his cloak and Chaos stood very close to him. He enfolded her in the velvety robe and then teleported them both out of the small room. When he returned to his private room, it was obvious to Lord Dis who had removed Chaos, and he was not, by any means pleased. End Sixth Episode Roll credits and play ending song (Forever) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mail comments (and flames, as you may wish) to lindseybrowning@hotmail.com or sailorceres@usa.net. Visit the mondo SMRS homepage and the homepage of Princess Terra and Celeus at http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/garden/8378 Please send me feedback!!! Smiles and Ceres Cosmic Power, Lady Ceres a.k.a. Lindsey Browning