(Nota: os press releases abaixo foram actualizados dia 10 de Agosto) Vai decorrer até 4ª feira, dia 12 de Agosto, a divulgação internacional deste protesto em revistas e sites de grande dimensão, para além de newsgroups. Tudo isto a apelar à comunidade online internacional para condenar a forma abrupta com que o Senhor Ministro da Cultura nos privou do Terràvista, e fez perder milhares de horas de trabalho a 25.000 webmasters. Este está a ser o maior protesto online alguma vez feito em Portugal. Se quiser ajudar nesta campanha, abaixo seguem os press releases (em inglês) que estamos a usar. O press release "A" deve ser distribuído nos newsgroups que achar adequados. (nota: peço-lhe que não faça a distribuição em grupos cujo tema não esteja minimamente relacionado com o nosso protesto) O press release "B" deve ser enviado a sites/revistas/jornais de grande divulgação, para os emails dos editores. REGRAS: Dê às mensagens *exactamente* os títulos sugeridos, para obtermos maior impacto, e use como conteúdo o press release adequado. Não altere o texto do press release, por favor. Use copy+paste. PARA FACILITAR: 1. Para descobrir os emails das revistas ou outros, procure nas secções "Contact Us", "Email", "Feedback" ou títulos idênticos. 2. Se sabe de vários sites/publicações para onde mandar o press release "B", crie *uma nova mensagem*, copie para lá o press release e no campo do destinatário introduza *vários endereços* (normalmente, será necessário separá-los com , ou ;). Se puder, mude a prioridade da mensagem para "Prioridade máxima". Agora é só enviar. NÃO ESQUECER: Se receber alguma resposta a anunciar a publicação de um artigo sobre o nosso protesto, excelente! Peço-lhe só que me envie o endereço da página ou o nome/número da revista onde vai sair. Em conjunto, teremos muito mais impacto e cobertura. E você, está realmente disposto(a) a arregaçar as mangas e a ajudar a sério? Se sim, gostaria de um dia lhe poder agradecer pessoalmente (no mundo real :-) pelo apoio que está a dar. Ricardo Silva. ------------- PRESS RELEASE "A" - PARA NEWSGROUPS --------------------- Título para a mensagem: ## URGENT: Portuguese government prosecuted for Net censorship Conteúdo para a mensagem: Portuguese government prosecuted for Net censorship (update: 10th August 98) Last 29th of July, the portuguese Minister of Culture, Manuel Maria Carrilho, closed the Terràvista (www.terravista.pt), a public service to offer free web hosting space for portuguese homepages, blocking the access to more than 25000 homepages. Maria Carrilho shut down Terràvista after knowing the existence of one homepage containing some DragonBall's pornographic "softcore" material. Every homepage in Terràvista was to be reviewed by the government to eliminate improper materials. This was the third time in one year that improprer materials were referred by the media, after two previous scandals envolving gay and nazi homepages. Last Friday, to avoid further scandals, Maria Carrilho gave up on Terràvista, leaving its management to a newly created independent Terràvista Association. The service was reopened last Saturday, at midnight, with a little bonus: each webmaster's has now 7MB available, instead of the previous 2MB. The closing of Terràvista is still being harshly criticized both in TV and national newspapers, and an official (bilingual) homepage in: http://come.to/protesto will be collecting names for the worlwide protest against the portuguese government decision until 12nd August. It states that 25000 webmasters lost thousands of hours of work when their homepages were "desindexed" in the international search engines like Altavista and HotBot. Search engines eliminated 25000 links from their indexes when found Terràvista, the hosting service, to be closed. In the protest page, visitors have the opportunity to join the growing list of supporters, simply by giving their name, email and country. The emails will be available in a daily email sent to the Minister, and will not be published online to avoid spamming. The page also contains a timeline of recent events connected to the protest (portuguese version only) and relating the media reaction and support. The portuguese branch of the Electronic Foundation Frontier (http://ffe.ml.org), fighting for freedom of speech in cyberspace, will prosecute the portuguese Ministry of Culture because of the "desindexing" of those 25000 homepages. This has been the largest and strongest online protest ever in Portugal, showing the public opinion that the online community is fully aware of their cyber-rigths and that it can fight for them in a civilized, organized manner. The Terràvista service was opened in 25th March 1997, with the support of the Ministry of Culture (now responsible for the closing), aiming to promote the portuguese culture throughout the online world. It is used by webmasters scattered by many portuguese-speaking nations, including Portugal, Brasil and several african countries. TO THE MEDIA: Please send your questions to: Ricardo Silva (email: ) Coordinator of the online protest in http://come.to/protesto ------------- PRESS RELEASE "B" - PARA REVISTAS/JORNAIS/SITES --------- Título para a mensagem: ## URGENT: Portuguese government prosecuted for Net censorship Conteúdo para a mensagem: Portuguese government prosecuted for Net censorship (update: 10th August 98) Last 29th of July, the portuguese Minister of Culture, Manuel Maria Carrilho, closed the Terràvista (www.terravista.pt), a public service to offer free web hosting space for portuguese homepages, blocking the access to more than 25000 homepages. Maria Carrilho shut down Terràvista after knowing the existence of one homepage containing some DragonBall's pornographic "softcore" material. Every homepage in Terràvista was to be reviewed by the government to eliminate improper materials. This was the third time in one year that improprer materials were referred by the media, after two previous scandals envolving gay and nazi homepages. Last Friday, to avoid further scandals, Maria Carrilho gave up on Terràvista, leaving its management to a newly created independent Terràvista Association. The service was reopened last Saturday, at midnight, with a little bonus: each webmaster's has now 7MB available, instead of the previous 2MB. The closing of Terràvista is still being harshly criticized both in TV and national newspapers, and an official (bilingual) homepage in: http://come.to/protesto will be collecting names for the worlwide protest against the portuguese government decision until 12nd August. It states that 25000 webmasters lost thousands of hours of work when their homepages were "desindexed" in the international search engines like Altavista and HotBot. Search engines eliminated 25000 links from their indexes when found Terràvista, the hosting service, to be closed. In the protest page, visitors have the opportunity to join the growing list of supporters, simply by giving their name, email and country. The emails will be available in a daily email sent to the Minister, and will not be published online to avoid spamming. The page also contains a timeline of recent events connected to the protest (portuguese version only) and relating the media reaction and support. The portuguese branch of the Electronic Foundation Frontier (http://ffe.ml.org), fighting for freedom of speech in cyberspace, will prosecute the portuguese Ministry of Culture because of the "desindexing" of those 25000 homepages. This has been the largest and strongest online protest ever in Portugal, showing the public opinion that the online community is fully aware of their cyber-rigths and that it can fight for them in a civilized, organized manner. The Terràvista service was opened in 25th March 1997, with the support of the Ministry of Culture (now responsible for the closing), aiming to promote the portuguese culture throughout the online world. It is used by webmasters scattered by many portuguese-speaking nations, including Portugal, Brasil and several african countries. TO THE MEDIA: Please send your questions to: Ricardo Silva (email: ) Coordinator of the online protest in http://come.to/protesto