(from left to right)
Wes "Lucy" Borland - Guitar
Sam Rivers - Bass
Fred Durst - Vocals
John Otto - Drums
DJ Lethal - Turn Tables

Limp Bizkit is a band from Jacksonville
in Florida, USA. They started out sometime
in 1994. Their big break came when Korn
members Fieldy and Head came to Fred's
tattoo parlor to add some tats to their already impressive
collections. Fred gave them a copy of their demo
tape which they then passed on to their
producer. Their producer liked it and got them
record deal with Flip Records.


Band Members

Fred Durst - Vocals
Age: 26
     Singing Style: Rap/sing/scream n' yell. Similar sound to that of Chino from the Deftones.

Wes Borland - Guitar
Age: 22
   Guitar Playin' Style: Wes plays a 7-string Ibanez UV7 guitar like the boys from Korn. He also uses a washburn guitar strung with one bass string and 3 guitar strings. His sound is mildly similar to that of Korn also. If your lucky, you'll see Wes doin' some funky robot-like jerky movements when he's playin'.


Sam Rivers - Bass
Age: 19
    Bass Playin' Style: Sam holds his bass just like Fieldy from Korn. That is, he holds it upright parallel to his body.

John Otto - Drums
Age: 20
    Drum Setup: John's drum-set is set-up sideways to the stage unlike most other drummers. This way you can see alot of what he's doin'.

DJ Lethal - Turntables
Age: 24
       DJ Lethal?: Yes folks, DJ Lethal is the former DJ from "House of Pain". Suprisingly enough, his record scratching fits in perfectly with the band's sound.

Scott Borland - Keys on selected songs
   Wes's Bro: Scott plays keyboard on the demo versions of Counterfeit and Pollution. He is no  longer with the band, however. He is back to playing bass with another band in Jacksonville.

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