Purple is my virtual name. Anne is my 3-D name. People call me "Purple" more often, because I don't often speak with 3-D people. This is the virtual world. I am in it more actively than the 3-D world.

The virtual people know I am disabled, if they know me at all. I must use a quad cane to walk only short distances--my cool Hoveround powerchair for more than a block. My left hand hangs useless.

In the virtual world, it is said, no one is disabled. Wrong! I am disabled by a traumatic brain injury. It has done strange things to my memory. My memory failures are evident in this virtual world. I'd cite some examples, but I can't think of any. Oh, yeah, that was one. :)

I have Web TV. It is perfect as a computer for me. I could never remember all the intricacies of up- or downloading, or the function keys. (See this for great news about my computer abilities.)

But Web TV has helped my memory to improve. Go to my Condo homepage where my "Home on the WWW" leads you to much information about brain injury. Since I sit home all day, happily spending time on the internet, it is constantly being updated. I also write for Net4TV, a fun and helpful site for WebTVers. Check it out here.

This image is called "Mars." I don't know why, I just think it's neat--we landed there again in 1997 185T 16:56:66 LST (Data from NASA.)

  This ON THE PATH site is owned by
Anne Watters

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I saw one of these when I lived in the desert outside Yuma, AZ.

I love the desert!

No humidity.

I really enjoy seeing entries in my guestbook, so have at it!

people have been here since February 15, 1998.
This counter made by LE FastCounter. If it works, use it!


My Home on the WWW.
Always being updated.
An on-line smokers' group--I smoke and love it!
Joe and Stacy
Dedicated to 2 guys I depend on!
Anne's Writings
Stuff about me post-injury.
My Totally Bogus Incident
More stuff. Interesting stuff!
Disability Studies Info
Information for students in the field of disability.
Another virtual friend with TBI. He has a really cool page!
Specialists in long-term supported living for persons with acquired (or traumatic) brain injury.

Anne Watters

I Love E-Mail, too!

Springfield, MO
United States

Planet: Earth