Behavior problems are often a message to their owner. But sometimes there are more serious reasons behind their actions. Knowing why your cat behaves the way it does is crucial to a healthy pet.


Scratching is a normal behavior in cats, in fact it's necessary to a healthy feline. Make sure your cat has a scratching post available in a convenient location; don't make it difficult to access or hide it away. Rubbing catnip on the post will encourage your pet to use it. Also, make multiple scratching posts available in each area of your home. Placing tin foil over the area the cat is scratching will discourage them.


Cats are often fascinated with house plants. Many house plants are poisonous and could cause serious harm to your cat, even death. They may dig in the dirt or chew on leaves. For chewing, try spraying the plant with bitter orange or dusting it with cayenne pepper. Offering an alternative such as a catnip plant or grass may help. For digging or urinating, cover the dirt with aluminum foil - you'll find most cat behavior problems can be solved using tin foil.


Cats normally mark their territory in the wild, so instinct may often drive them to spray in the house. A more natural cause for spraying though, is an unclean litter box. Beyond the importance of a cat's health, a dirty litter box is annoying to cats. They will avoid it. A good tip is to have a box for each cat you own. Cats instinctively are territorial, and will avoid sharing litter boxes. Try using a variety of litter for each box: such as clay, clumping, crystals, and saw dust, especially for more than one cat. Texture and smell will help them designate who's is who's.