This is my web page!! Welcome!! I'm not very good at this, so forgive me if something looks stupid! Since you're at this page, you probably already know me, but I'll tell you a little bit about myself anyway. I'm 15 years old. I live in Wisconsin. I'm a freshman in high school, and I LOVE to play sports! I'm not really sure what else to say, so BYE!! Enjoy my page!!
Oh, I almost forgot! If you want your link added to my list E-mail me at:
Misty's Links
Mariners fan forum: If you like the Mariners, and want to share your feelings, check this site out! I go there regularly. Carolina Panthers: I love the Panthers! I love this site! Go to it! Ice & Diamonds: This is a really great site!!! This girl really knows what she's doing!! Go here if you like hockey or baseball!! Arizona Wildcats : I love college basketball!! Arizona is awesome! Grant Hill's website: I LOVE Grant Hill! This one is pretty self-explanatory! North Carolina Tar Heels: I LOVE the Tar Heels too!! This site has TONS of links, so if you don't find what you're looking for, try again! Official Site of the San Francisco 49ers: 49ers are my favorite pro football team! Sure they got knocked out of the playoffs, but there's always next year, right? (I hate the stupid Packers) Sign My Guestbook!!!: Send me comments or suggestions!!! (please!)