Shoutouts and Thanx to Everyone Who Helps Me in Life

This section of the page is devoted to my friends and family who have helped with this web page! Thanx again to all of you!

Aaron-who tries to help me with HTML and leaves weird messages in my 

Sarah R.-who tries to give me suggestions for my page, and let's me 
         borrow her CD's.

Charise-who gives me advice and helps with guy of the week.

Jackie-she's a good friend who helps me a lot.

Arod's Rec Room-Thanx to everyone who voted in my surveys and gave me
                suggestions to make my page better. You guys are 

Meghan-who gives me something to laugh at in study hall.  "Don't go 
       bananas if you can't find your book, just ask the librarian!!"

My Mom, Jessie-I wouldn't be alive without her even though we don't 
               always get along.

My Dad, Tom-who paid for this ultra expensive computer!

Shawn-you're the BEST!!