The Dialogue Webring

The Dialogue Webring was created for regulars of the Dialogue of Hotelchat and its members. I was inspired to do this after seeing Renee's (Sunset) page, decidated to the regulars of the Dialogue. Although the Dialogue can have its dead moments those who frequent the room in its better hours do chat in such programs as ICQ. Many of us have made really good friends there, whether we decide to keep the relationships to the Internet, or extend them into real life. The Dialogue and Hotelchat have been around 2-3 years, and soem of the regs have been around since the beginning if its existence. The room has obviously changed since, nore recently with the change of Hotel altogether, which the Dlalogue was reverted into the ever boring Conference Center. Near the end of June it became the Dialogue again, (for the most part, there's still some options I wish we still had, such as glancing quickly at and laughing with, and defiantly stating LOL). Doesn't mean the regs themselves change, whether we come in more or less or not.
Anyways, this webring is a something I can dedicate to the Logue, and a way to get to more of our pages easier, so the more of you who join, the better!

Rules & Qualifications

1) You must be a reg of the Dialogue. Or at least still be around somehow. This doesn't mean you have to come in 24/7, or even every day, but would you call yourself a reg if you only visited less than 5 times a year? Or, if you were invited to join by me :-)

2) You have to have a homepage. How else did you think you would get into a webring?

3) Your homepage must be at least SOMEWHAT personal. Or at least a topic you like. Personal is NOT an e-mail address on a business site.

4) Your site cannot have any porn/XXX related crap or anything like that. However I don't mind gothic/vcampire sites ^_^

5) You must add the HTML fragment to your site within 21 days of submitting your site to the queue. I suggest you do this ASAP before you forget. If you do not do this in 21 days, your site will be taken off the queue. This HTML fragment CANNOT be altered in any form unless you have permission.

6) If you have seperate webpages (liek you have one on Geocities, one on Tripod and one on Angelfire), you can submit them all into the webring. However you have to fill out the form seperately for each URL.

Submit your site!
What's your site called?:
What's the address of yo' site?:
who are you?:
Whatz your e-mail?:

Choose a password, and don't forget it either!
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Edit Your Site Info

Enter your site ID and password below:

Site ID:

Didja forget your Site ID? Take a look at the Index of sites for the ring to find yours (the Site ID will be the number listed next to your site).

Or was it the password?

Click HERE to see HTML codes!!

Thanks to BAKO who created the HTML code's images! =)

This webring is owned by me (all else fails)
Any questions? Comments? Suggestions?
E-mail me

Ring Mistress Ring

This Ring Mistress Ring
site is owned by
†£ãðÿ §çhã£å†.

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