Morna: Roarior Princess

My teacher, Galen, and Conor discuss his future.

"It's time to forget your own selfish need for revenge. You were born to a greater purpose. Listen! Listen with your heart. Remember all that we are and all that's come before. And hear the ROAR!" "The what?" "The Roar, my boy. The voice that echoes through every living thing."

The Roar

Roar is a new new television program from Fox starring young Australian actor, Heath Ledger. Conor (Ledger) and his small band of homeless warriors fight off invading Romans while he tries to unite the clans of his homeland. Holding them together is a mysterious power called the Roar. On the the other side of the coin is Queen Diana and her 400 yr. old Roman Centurion lover, Longinus. While outwardly their goal is to conquer the Celts, they have a hidden agenda. Longinus seeks the spear that he used to kill his god on the cross. Without it, he believes he cannot die.

Celts and Romans
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