|visitors| |Issue 1| |Issue 2| |Issue 3| |Submit Yourself| |About The Caretaker| |Where Credit Is Due|

Welcome to Quiver

What Is Quiver?

Quiver is intended as a service to lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgendered students and their friends in hopes of providing a space for community voices.

When Did This All Start?

I discovered Quiver in 1997-1998 through a search engine on a journey to find something 'different' that showcased an artistic group of people brought together through identity as lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgendered.

Why Do You Own It Then?

After showing a great interest in Quiver, the creator, Fronny Plume, contacted me asking me if I would like to keep it alive. I was thrilled as well as overwhelmed which will explain my attempt at Issue 2 in May 1998 and then my 3 year decline of making another issue.

Why Is It So Pink Here?

Various shades of pink and purple are described as lavender. Lavender is associated with GLBT all over the world and is recognized as cooling and calm yet happy and comforting. I have chosen this shade of pink because it is somewhere in the middle, an even gray, but in this case an even pink!

When Did You Decide To Make A Third Issue?

I have always wanted to make Issue 3 but have had little contact with the great writers from Issue 2 as well as slow submission from readers like you. It literally took three years to obtain enough material to continue with this new issue (released May 2001).


>If I Am Not 18, Do I Have To Leave Now?<

Although I do not have a magic button that will disconnect your computer from my site, I would suggest sensitive viewers (as well as younger viewers) be very aware of the material before continuing. Some poetry, literature, essay's, and photography may be sexual or explicit in nature and is not approved by myself for the sensitive or 'under 18' crowd. If you have any further questions, please send them to me.