The Cape Cod Adventure....

  The pictures below were taking during a slope soaring pilgrimage to Cape Cod during May.  The slopes were beautiful, as usual, but the wind was less than exciting.  Just goes to prove that two things are definetly needed on a sloping trip:  A bungee for when there's no wind, and a handlaunch plane for when there's light wind....

 If you recognize any of the faces or planes in the pix, please let me know so I can give proper credit to our 

Joe Wurts flying at Longnook Ingo Donasch's 747 Turbo over the water... The slopes of Longnook 747 & Turbo
 Dual fly-by Mosquito A gaggle of Zagis Electric entertainment More combat on the slope
 Mayumi and Codi (wife/son) at Longnook John Appling's plane on fly-by.... Shark on the beach!!!! Joe Wurts at the hotel Enjoying the flying at the slope behind the hotel.