The Rest of the Story

We didn't know if we would ever have another great dane. We decided not to even talk about it for several months. But one Sunday only a few weeks after Hal's death, as I was flipping through the paper, this ad caught my eye -- I NEVER read the pet ads, but somehow found myself reading this one intently. I showed it to Roz, whose first reaction was, "Are you nuts?" But I called and made an appointment to go out and see this "overgrown baby boy," and Roz went along, too.  We decided to "sleep on it" and when Roz awoke the next morning, he said, "I think Jake needs a home and we need Jake." 
Jake has been our friend since August, 1997. We're his fourth (and LAST) home. He was used as a stud dog for a breeder; then he was given to a family, who loved him dearly but lost their home and couldn't find another that would allow them to bring Jake; then he was saved by Tidewater Great Dane Rescue (thank you John & Sheryl!), but because of his size and age, was in rescue for 10 months. He is a wonderful animal, loving and responsive. It has been incredible how well he fits in. In some ways, he's like Hal, but in many others, he's just himself, a unique and wonderful companion. And while one animal can never replace another, having a new animal to love and learning his personality is such a good band-aid for a broken heart. We were concerned about Jake's age, afraid that just about the time we grew to love him, we'd lose him -- but we agreed that there are no guarantees in life. We'll love Jake as long as we have him to love, grateful for every day we have with him.

Thanks for reading my story; I hope it's helped you to make your decision. May God richly bless you and your animal companions.

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