Rocco's Cartoon Kingdom

Greetings and welcome one and all to my Cartoon Kingdom. My name is Rocco and I love cartoons, so, if you've come to this website in search of info on cool cartoons, then you are at the correct place. I'm just learning how to use HTML so this site isn't that big, but I'm hopin it will be. If your wondering why I chose to make a website about cartoons, well I'll tell ya. It's because there my favorite thing in the world. My one goal in life is to become an animator for DISNEY or Warner Brothers cartoons someday. I can't get enough of cartoons. If I ever get enough $ to purchase a scanner I'll put up some of my artwork here. But if that ever fails, I guess I'll go apply to the Muppet factory and design Muppets.

Now to introduce you to some of my best friends from over the net. First and foremost would have to be MUM-RAH. He's a big dork half the time but he is the funniest damn person alive. Next is DOOM. He's really into video games and cars, so check out his page if he ever finishes it. Go see there homepages even though they don't have a lot to do with cartoons, but there still cool!!

Click below to see info and pics on these cartoons!! (More will be added soon)

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