historic preservation | museums (history & art) | public history & other Historic Preservation While I could post information for weeks about the ups and downs of preservation jobs, I think this Survey of Historic Preservation Jobs is a great site and does the work for me. It was written by the folks at the Savannah College of Art and Design. This website from the University of Maryland gives you a good overview of the job areas. Mary Washington College's List of HP Jobs (This is my favorite listing of jobs. I don't know if they have someone working full time on this, but it is the most up to date and well organized site outside of NTHP Forum.) University of Vermont's preservation program (Good jobs listing, not too out of date, but its somewhat Northeast focused.) University of Virginia (Seems like a good site, haven't been working with it for long though...) National Main Street Center Jobs Listings (Main Street is part of the National Trust for HP, but they give their job listings away for free. NTHP Forum requires you pay about $115 to join Forum - a professional network of preservationists. Your school may already be a member.) Preserve/Net - Historic Preservation Source (Preserve/Net has been around for a long time and its the one people think of first for jobs. Occasionally it is out of date and has few listings. The internships, however, are worth the visit.) The National Council on Public History (Same thing here for NCPH as NCPE. However, they do have more specific job listings and a link to the ethical guidelines for public historians.) National Park Service (The NPS often has job listings, although they are found through the US Office of Personnel Management - Current Job Openings.) HABS/HAER Summer Jobs (This is a subset of the NPS. The summer jobs are in areas such as architecture, history, etc. They are better treated as internships. If you are looking for one, and you are a strong architect, historian, archaeologist, etc., I would apply.) National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (The site has lots of interesting information, a great design, and grants that you might be eligible to apply for...and make your own salary!) The History Factory (I just through this one in to show how consulting groups are often hiring. This place is a company that creates corporate history and exhibits. Its interesting, but you have to decide if you like business that much. Another one of my biases.) URS Corporation (Same as the preceeding note.) See also - EBI Consulting and Louis Berger Group to name a few. Global Museum (This is the definitive site for jobs in museums. I hope they do a bit of work on the design of it, but it is pretty easy to search and is mostly international. The guy who works on this site is right on top of things.) Museum Employment Resource Center Museum-L list serve archive (I used to belong to this group and would always have discussions about jobs. I would join today if museums are your thing because you will make connections and find out about jobs pretty easily.) American Association of Museums (The main organization for museums. They have a really great job listing on the job seeker listings. I think this is another expensive group, but they have lots of information on their site.) New England Museum Association (Great listings, updated regularly for those in New England - or interested in relocation.) ECulturalResources.com (A great site with lots of "cultural resource management" listings - which tend to be archaeologists, but can be a wide variety of non architectural historian type jobs.) Shovel Bums (A comprehensive - and fast - way to get an archaeology job. You have to join the e-list though.) Society of American Archivists (The SAA is the prime connection for those looking for jobs with old documents. I worked in an archives, and it wasn't for me, but if you can deal with libraries much better, I would go for it. I have heard there is decent pay in it.) American Association of State and Local History (AASLH is the key site for jobs in anything else public history or related to history museums. They are sort of the AAM for history and house museums. They have a good job listing they have started to put on line. Look under Dispatch for more information. There are always a few interesting ones.) Jobs for Living History Specialists (from ALHFAM) (ALHFAM does work with living history specialists and outdoor museums, like farm museums. They are concerned with historic costumes and the various aspects of the living history professional. They have several good job listings worth checking out. According to their president they have over 1000 members throughout the US.) H-Net Job Guide (H-Net is the main source for anyone looking for a job in higher education. They also run several dozen e-mail discussion groups. All of them are worth joining to find out more information or to meet others interested in the areas you enjoy. The job listing is amazing. Start off with the full list, and then use the new listings part to see what else is out there. The e-mail lists all publish the text version of the new listings every week.) PLANETIZEN: Planning & Development News, Jobs, & Events (I enjoyed this site for its news about planning. It also has several listing for planners. Again, though it isn't specifically preservation, planners are important to our work. I would check out this site for the news, if nothing else.) PhilanthropyJobs (The Foundation Center is America's main site for grants and grant related information. The jobs listing is for development types. If you are good with money and networking, I would look into development. Nothing like landing that six million dollar endowment. Yikes!) |
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