The Black Star Crime Organization

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…You awaken from a long, drug-induced sleep and find yourself lying on a bunk in what appears to be a shuttle. You look up and notice a tall, strange-looking, black droid in the corner of your cabin. The droid looks up from a data pad that it's reading and says in an emotionless voice, "Hello, I'm X1-3G, I'm Roman Lynch's majordomo droid. Your mouth drops open and you exclaim, "Roman Lynch! The crime lord!" then you get more serious. "What's he want with me," you ask. The droid puts the data pad down and walks over to you before answering, "Mr. Lynch has become aware of your superb combat and flying skills. Once the shuttle lands, I'll take you straight to him for your interview. You glare at the droid and ask, "Why'd you have to drug me?" The droid answered quickly, "We couldn't allow you to know where Mr. Lynch's hideout is, in case you refuse his offer to work for him." As the shuttle slows for a landing you wonder if you really have a choice…


…You step out of the shuttle, onto a landing pad surrounded by water. You look everywhere but see no signs of a hideout. Off to the left you see a small entry pad encased in the duracrete. X1-3G motions for you to stay put and approaches the entry pad. He keys in a code and a monitor rises out from the ground. X1-3G speaks to the monitor in his normal voice. "X1-3G, code number 4563859-472894G, requesting entrance." You stare at the droid as if his gone nuts. Entrance? What's he talking about. There's nothing within ten miles of this pad… Just then a large plasteel tunnel rises out of the water. It's entrance rises up to where X1-3G is standing and stops there. X1-3G motions for you to follow him and you enter the tunnel…

…The tunnel you're traveling in takes many twists and turns and then starts to lower into the water. After walking for what seems like at least two miles, you come to a door. X1-3G repeats the same code as before and the door slides open. Inside is a huge chamber that appears to be made of some kind of transparent material that makes it possible to see the ocean and an assortment of beautiful colored fish. As you gaze around you notice a chair, no more like a throne, along the far wall. The "chair" slowly turns to face you and you 're suddenly looking at one of the most powerful men in the galaxy. He looks up at you and smiles, "Well, what's your decision?"……….

Do you:

Agree to work for him and sign a contract

Tell him there's no way you'll work for him.


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