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These are the poems I wrote for my college applications.
They are all based on famous poems

  1. Shakespeare Based Poem
  2. Based on The Night Before Christmas
  3. Based on Jabberwocky
  4. Based on The Listeners

Shakespeare Based Poem

If my essay has offended
Think but this and all is mended
You have almost finished here
Then this page can dissappear
Then my weak and idle theme
Can be replaced by a dream
Gentles, do not reprehend
Please, accept what I do send
And, as I am for a ryhme stuck
If I have some unearned luck
Now to 'scape rejection's song
You will find your choice not wrong
Else to me a liar call
So good night unto you all.
Give me your vote, if we be friends
And, 'ceptance will restore amends.

This is based on Shakespeare.
The very last speech in _A MidSummer Night's Dream_, given by Puck, is my favorite Shakespeare quote.
I love the way it sounds. So I based this poem on it.

Based on The Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before deadline and all through the world
Every senior was writing and essays unfurled
The essays were read by the parents with care
With hopes that their children to college would fare
Children were writing as they lay on their beds
While visions of ivy leagues danced in their heads
And I with my computer and head full of murk
Had just settled my brain for a long evening's work
When inside my head there arose such a clatter
I stopped all my work to see what was the matter
Opened my window with a push of my palm
With hopes that the night air would soon make me calm
The stars in the sky caught my eyes with their glow
And the trees so beautiful here down below
When what to my wandering mind should appear
But the one thing that always brings writers such cheer
With a sudden rush I did hastily write
A parody poem quite nice and quite light
I knew in a moment it must be my Muse
That had troubled me earlier, as a ruse
More rapid than light speed the words then they rushed
And I wrote them down as my face nearly flushed
Now, Talent! now, Knowledge! now, High G.P.A.
On Board Scores! on Luck! on What Your Teachers' Say!
These are the bases of a college's choice
Plus the addition of the student's own voice
As shown in the essay the one chance I get
To impress some people I've not even met

(unfinished) and it always will be

It is obviously based on "The Night Before Christmas"
I thought it'd be cute, I personally like the "reindeer" :)

Based on Jabberwocky

'Twas school time and the seniors rant
And gyre and gimble in the wade
All mimsy is the applicant
And the teachers outgrade

Beware the college essay child
The trite response, the drawn-out tome
Beware the boring and the mild
The overdone trip to Rome

She took her ballpoint pen in hand
Long time the right topic she sought
So rested she with a cup of tea
And sat awhile in thought

And as an uffish thought she wooed
The right idea with birsts of flames
Came whiffling through her muddled mood
And burbled as it came

One, two! One, two! And through and through
Her ballpoint pen went snicker-snack
She had it writ, she thought a bit
Then went gallumphing back

"Though hast wrote thy college essay?
Come to my arms, my beamish girl!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
He chortled in a whirl

'Twas school time and the seniors rant
And gyre and gimble in the wade
All mimsy is the applicant
And the teachers outgrade

This poem is based on Lewis Carrol's "Jabberwocky"
It is one of the earliest poems that I ever really liked
I have had it memorized since Elementary School (the original)

Based on The Listeners

"Will I get accepted here?" asked the Hopeful,
In her application sheet;
Her pen continued writing in the silence
Of the summer's sticky heat
And her cat jumped on her college essay
Below the Hopeful's head
And she called into the darkness a second time;
"Will I get accepted here?" she said.
But no one responded to the Hopeful
No head from ivy-covered halls
Leaned over and looked into her brown eyes
Where she stood perplexed and stalled
But only hosts of admission officers
That dwell in the college see
That query from the college application
That so oft repeated plea
Stood reading the many essays from the big pile
That goes up to the high ceiling
Stop to think in an air stirred and shaken
By the frank Hopeful's feeling
And she felt in her heart their distance
Their stillness answering her cry
While her pen moved to end her poem
'Neath the starred and leafy sky
Then she suddenly wrote on the page, even
darker and lifted her head;
"Tell them I wrote, and no one answered
That at least I tried," she said.
Never the least word said the officers
Though every word she wrote
Was so plainly on the paper for all of them
From the girl who wrote the note
Ay, they saw the ink upon the paper
And the hope that they'd accept
And how the waiting is so painful
When all these doubts are kept

This is based on Walter de la Mare's "The Listeners"
I heard this poem in sixth grade, and it sort of stayed with me
So I used it as a bases for a poem of my own

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All poems are the property of the author Debra Schwartz aka Rachel
They may be copied with the author's permission