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  Welcome to our website.

My husband is currently stationed at Camp Stanley in South Korea. Click here for another site about Camp Stanley.   I am pursuing a degree in Nursing.    Taylor just started Pre-K. He loves it!   Tanner is doing great.  He idolizes his big brother and copys just about everything he does.  I hope you enjoy our site.  Don't forget to sign our guestbook !!  You can also view our guestbook.

Loving A Soldier

Loving a soldier is not always easy,
And loving him is a high price to pay.

It's mostly loving with nothing to hold,
It's being young, yet feeling old.

It's having him whisper his love for you,
It's whispering back that you love him too.

Then comes a kiss, a promise of love,
Knowing you're watched, approved from above.

Reluctantly, painfully letting him go,
While you're dying inside from wanting him so.

Watching him leave, with eyes full of tears,
Standing alone with hopes, dreams and fears.

It's sending a letter with the stamp upside down,
To a far away love, in a far away town.

It's going to church to kneel and pray,
and really meaning the things that you say.

And though you know that he's far away,
You just keep loving him more each day.

Being in love will merit your dreams,
With thought of heaven, where love's light gleams.

Days go by and no mail for a spell,
You wait for some word, to hear that he's well.

Then the letter arrives, and you're given to joy,
You're like a small child with a shiny new toy.

With fingers atremble and heart beating fast,
You tear open his letter, and read it at last.

Yes, he's well and misses you so,
And it's filled with love you wanted to know.

Weeks are a month, and months are a year,
You're waiting the days, you'll have no fear.

Time passes slow, yet it's gone very fast,
You're barely aware it is here, till it's past.

Remember, he's thinking of you ever day,
He's sad and he's lonely for being away.

So love him, and try to be bolder,
And always be proud of loving a soldier.

~Author Unknown

To my husband.....Heath, we are very proud of you!!!!!

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These pictures are of the Tennesse Aquarium, Taylor's first day of school, T-Ball and others!

Click on the thumbnails to see larger version of the picture.
Newest pictures will always be at the top.

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Our Camping Trip camping4.jpg (72330 bytes) camping.jpg (44042 bytes)

These pictures are of us at a Deer Farm. We are petting and holding baby goats. We got to see a lot of exotic animals and deer too of course! deerfarm.jpg (51817 bytes) deerfarm1.jpg (88999 bytes)  

During our trip to Gatlinburg we went to Ober Gatlinburg where Taylor and Heath acted like spider men and Tanner watched with envy! They let him crawl around on it after Heath and Taylor got off.

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We took Taylor to a Savannah
Sand Gnats game.His first real
baseball game. He LOVED it!!

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Taylor and Tanner riding their motorcycle.

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Tanner wrapped up in a towel after his bath.
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Tanner went to his first birthday party and obviously had a blast!!

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Heath, Taylor and Tanner at the Firestone's!
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More pictures from Memorial Day weekend at the Firestone's

Tanner and Taylor at Tybee Beach
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Tanner's 1st Birthday Party!!!

Tanner's 1st Hair Cut!!!


Taylor and Tanner

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Family Pictures

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Tanner 10 1/2 months

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Grandmother and Tanner-- both boys! 11/98

To save loading time I have removed most of the older pictures!

  The links with NEW beside them have been updated.  Taylor and Tanner's web pages are
still up and running because of web rings so feel free to visit if you want  but most of their
new pictures will be on this page. Thanks for visiting and check back soon!

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Thanks for visiting our web site!
Please come back again soon.