Alexander    James    McLean

Full name: Alexander James McLean

Nicknames: AJ , Mr. Cool , Bone

Birthplace: West Palm Beach, Florida

Home country: Kisimee Florida (in an appartment with Brian and Kevin)

Hobbies: writing and reading poetry, drawing comics, swimming, playing basketball, playing pool, buying clothes

Favorite music: Boys II men , Silc , and Blues music

Musical instrument: saxophone

Favorite colors: purple,black,blue,yellow....

Favorite food: #6 Extra value meal from MacDonalds: Double 1/4 pounder with cheese, Large fries, Large coke and an Iced tea, NO LEMON!

Family: his parents got divorced when he was 4 years old

Love: Christy his girlfriend when he was 13 died in a car crush his second girlfriend Jennifer left him coz she thought he was boring Marissa another x-girlfriend is his close friend now but some say he still loves her!

House: HUGE HOUSE!!! A huge swimming pool! Very contemporary with a lot of white statues all over. Nice Grand Piano (yeah Baby!).

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Was Brown, but then it was blue, red, gold, bleached, AHHH! WHO CAN NAME THEM ALL??

Why is his hair always different: He likes to change his hair alot, because once people finally gets use to his hair, he has to change it to get the people's attention.

Pets: A dog named Toby Wan Kanobi

Fact: He can play the bass guitar

Past Acting: He played Dopey in Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs

Ideal lady: One who has nice, beautiful eyes and long hair, regardless of height & weight

AJ's tattoos: All have meanings that speak very much of his personality.

(Here is a quote from his Yahoo Chat on July 28th, 1998)

"Let's see. Currently I have five of them. They all have a meaning to me. I'm not quite done with them yet. The one on my left forearm is a comedy mask which represents comedy and tragedy because I grew up doing theater which is my first love. Right above that is the statement "Laugh Now". Right above that on my left shoulder is my name written in tribal. On my back left shoulder is a dragon, since I was born in the year of the dragon. On my right shoulder is my nickname written in a cross. We have a show coming up in LA on the 8th, and I want to get a panda bear on my right forearm. Reason being is because in my eyes it combines a non-racist image, black and white together, in a uniform symbol. That's all I have so far!"

Interesting Fact: He's most likely to dare you to wear that dress! His sense of style is absolutely outrageous!

Most likely to Say: It's gonna be funky!

Past Goals: He wanted to be an actor or dancer (Singing never even entered his mind!)

Goals: Get a college degree

Another Interesting Fact: His favorite foreign city is Paris

Surprising Fact: He likes to go shopping! In fact he shops a whole lot around, and he likes to wear outrageous things!

The sexiest parts in a woman's body: lips, eyes and hair

His dream date: Gwen Stephani (He's obsessed with her!) AJ Quotes "Forget Gavin, I luv her!!!"

The way to the top: worked as a model from the age of 6

You should know more: he says he is the worst at keeping secrets, which is why blabbermouth might be his nickname

He's the Boy to mostly likely to: AJ's definitely the most outgoing in the group-and he's the wildest dresser!

Accessories: Big hooped silver ear-rings on both ears, rings on almost all fingers, lots of chains (neck and wrist!), and sunglasses, and the list keeps getting bigger every second!

AJ- He is THE flirt of the group (or so I've been told), and he brings the funky spirit into the Backstreet Boys.

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