When was this site created?
Glad you asked.
It was found on December 30th, 2000.
It was made on the day that everyone was snowed in and there was nothing to do.
So in a way, being snowed in wasn't so bad.

What is this site?
This is site is about everything that we find interesting.
It has movie reviews, games, pictures, bios of bands like NSYNC, No Doubt, Backstreet Boys, and of artists like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Eminem, Limp Bikitz, D-12, and lots more, music downloads, It's not just a pop site or a teenybopper site.
It's not just news, it has jokes and chain mail letters, and lots more. Check it out. It has EVERYTHING.

Who is this "we" we're always talking about?
The creators of this site.
We're Kimberly and Jessica.
I think you should always know the creators of sites, so here's our bios.

This site should have 3 screens.
The one on the left should have a background pictures of Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears and it should have a menu.
Click on the down arrow to pull down the menu and just click on anything that does not have * * around it and you'll go there.
The middle screen is what you are reading right now.
The right screen should have a background image of Justin Timberlake and Marshall Mathers, aka Eminem/Slim Shady.
If you only see this screen or if you see this screen and some OTHER screens, then something is wrong.
Click Here or highlight this:
and paste it in your address bar and push enter.
If you do not see this screen after you do these steps, then please push the back button.
For futher problem, please sign the guestbook and tell me.