Nick    Carter

Backstreet Boy - Nick

Full Name: Nickolas Gene Carter

Nicknames: Nick, Nicky, Frack, Mr. Nintendo, Chaos (coz he's a prankster) Messy Marvin, and Mr. Hyper Man

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Baby Blue

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160 pounds

Age: 18

Birthday: January 28, 1980

Birthplace: Jamestown, New York

From: Tampa, Florida

Star Sign: Aquarius

Family: Mom - Jane, Dad - Robert, 3 sisters - Bobbie Jean(BJ)15, Leslie 11, Angel 10 and 1 bro - Aaron 10.

Fave Food: Cheese Pizza

Fave Snack: Coke and Twix

Fave Color: Green

Fave Actress: Sigourney Weaver

Fave Actor: Jeff Goldblum

Fave Movie: Aliens and Braveheart (He cried in Braveheart (!) But the Theater was so Dark Nobody Saw)

Fave TV Show: Mad about You

Fave Bands: Journey and Nirvana. During concerts, Nick usually sings his favorite Journey songs, like "Open Arms"

Fave Musician: Steve Perry

Fave Deoderant: Speed Stick

Fave Song: "I Will Always Love You" by the Cure

Fave Car: Camaro

Fave Cologne: Gravity

Least Fave School Subject: Math (Algerbra)

Fave Book: Living Free

Fave Holiday: Halloween

Pets: 3 cats named Sugar, Bandit and Lucky; 4 dogs named Simba, Salty, Pepper and Samson and some fishes

Musical Instruement: Drums

What he Wears to Bed: boxer and a t-shirt

Biggest Indulegence: Buying sneakers and gold jewerly

Hobbies: Drawing comic book characters, playing (His friend Brent got him addicted) video games (his faves are "Alien" and "Mortal Combat" Trilogy), playing basketball, scuba diving, giving his drums a workout, football, fishing, family speed boat, and poetry

First Jobs: Nick appeared in commercials for the Florida State Lottery and the Money Store. He was also the featured vocalist for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers pregame show for two years. Nick's vocal stylings also won the New Original Amateur Hour in 1992 Almost Job: Mickey Mouse Club, he audition and they accepted him, but he went with the Backstreet Boys instead (phew that was close!)

He's Most Likely To: Draw your picture. Nick's rarely seen without a pencil in his hand

What He Looks For In A Girl: Nick says he's often been attracted to girls with brown hair, but adds "It really doesn't matter to me as long as they have a good personality and they're really nice."

Favorite Saying: "It's a Good Thing!"

Accessories: Nick doesn't wear ear-rings, but he sports a gold chain

Most Embarassing Moment: The Band Guys kicked him out of the chamberoom in his underdrawers, and that's not all, outside standing were a whole bunch of gal fans! Why? Kevin quotes, "Because he was being obnoxious".

Favorite Possesion: His Siblings, he loves them.

Fear: (I think he use to be afraid of the dark at age 16, not sure if he still is, though) He's afraid of parachuting, helicopting, and sharks.

Nick is the most popularest Backstreet Boy, as it seems, or he seems to be the one girls themselves on most. This 'innocent' guy has been the oldest in his family, but now he's the youngest in his group. "These guys are the only friends I have." Nick Quotes.

Nick - Nick is the 'cute one' of the group, and he's also the most popularest, and he is the prankster of the group. Here's an example, Who stole all of A.J.'s clothes one night from his hotel room? Nick, yep, that's Choas, the BSB's little prankster.

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