Tobi~Dawne Yandt
~*~*~* Kinepik Iskwew *~*~*~
Welcome and Blessed Be !!! The title of this page, a Cree phrase, means Snake Woman. My Chinese zodiak being the snake it seemed an apropriate heading. This is my first page in two years (I will include a link to my older sites) and much has transpired in as much time. The most fundamental change, I found a name. Not for myself, but for the religion I have been practacing since childhood. That name is Wicca, commonly known as Witch craft. It is a beautiful religion. The most financially challenging change, I have moved away from my parents home. I miss my many siblings at times, but I value the time I spend with them all the more. The most self gratifying change, I have met a man (his name is Damon). We are currently living together. I am very much in love with him, and he with me. Semper amemus = Our love is forever. Dodi Li V' Ani Lo = I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine. Just by the by, Damon is the one in the pictures with me. If you like, you should feel more than welcome to email me. My address is located at the top of this page, directly above the pictures. I hope to add many photograph links to this page, including some of my pets, my friends and my family. But, untill that day. . . . I wish you joy without end, blessed be.
Thus far, as of August tenth 1997, there have been
Just a few links . . .