LinkExchange Member

Welcome, good gentles to the Green Dragon Inn. I am the Innkeeper, the proprietor, or whatever else you'd like to call me of this tavern. This inn is a refuge for all adventures whose feet weary of the road. Pull up a chair and sit down. My inn serves the best ale this side of town. Unfortunately, I've never had a customer who could actually taste it. Heh, heh.... just a little joke of mine. Didn't think it was funny eh? Well that's why I'M the innkeep and YOU'RE the patron. Now be satsified with your imaginary ale.

At this point you may be asking yourself, "what in god's good name is the point of this page?" Well, I just happen to have an answer for you. This tavern is the medieval home of Ralamean, myself. Among other things I consider myself to have a somewhat limited knowledge of the middle ages, and I like to think of myself as a decent fighter. No, I don't mean fist fighting. I'm speaking of swordfighting. If you've any interest at all, i suggest you go find the Mercenaries of Shadow and Light section. Or if not, you can pass the time by perusing my limited collections of medievalish music and links.

So, feel free to look around and have a drink or two, just don't harass the barmaids and for lord's sake don't spill your imaginary ale all over my fine tables.

By the way, You are patron number to have a drink here since, since.... well, I'd rather not admit since when.

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