Thomas Tredway Deed (two parcels of land) - 1757
Donated by Jared Treadway

Baltimore County Land Deeds
Liber B#G, pp. 47-48
R 116

Pg. 47

     This Indenture made this tenth day of June one thousand seven hundred and fifty seven Between William Smith of Baltimore County in the province of Maryland of the one part and Thomas Tredway of the County and Province aforesaid Innholder of the other part WITNESSETH that whereas Daniel Deaver late of Baltimore deceased did on the seventh day of June one thousand seven hundred and fifty three [?] and truly convey unto Wm Smith his heirs and assigns forever one hundred and sixty acres of land being part of two several tracts of land called and known by the names of Turkey Hills and Strawberry Hills lying and situated on the Head of Bush River in Baltimore County which said One Hundred and Sixty acres of land the aforesaid Daniel Deaver did covenant both himself his Heirs Executors or administrators to warrant and defend the said one hundred and sixty acres unto the aforesaid William Smith his Heirs Executors Administrators or assigns against all and every other person or persons claiming by from or under him the said Daniel Deaver or his heirs and did further covenant and agree both for himself his heirs Executors or administrators that if the aforesaid land and Premises or any part thereof should by any cause or means whatsoever be taken away from the said William Smith his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns by some other write [sic] or claim from any other person to return the said Smith the sum of Fifty seven pounds ten shillings Sterling the consideration money or aratable? part thereof for what shall be taken away NOW THIS INDENTURE Witnesseth that the aforesaid William Smith for and in consideration of the sum of twenty eight pounds fifteen shillings Sterling money to him in hand paid the receipt thereof is hereby acknowledged and thereof doth fully clearly & absolutely acquit & discharge the said Thomas Tredway his heirs Executors or administrators and by these presents hath given granted bargained sold aliened Enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents --- DOTH Give Grant Bargain Sell Alien enfeoff and confirm unto him the said Thomas Tredway and to his Heirs and Assigns forever Two parcels of land part of the aforesaid tracts of land called Turkey Hills and Strawberry Hills, Beginning at two marked or bounded white Oak Trees standing on each side of a small branch the said branch desending [sic] into Binums Run a little above the Furnise [sic] Dam and running thence North eighty one degrees East thirty eight perches North Eighteen and a half degrees West two pr? [perches?] North thirty three Degrees West forty perches till it intersects the Eastline of that part of the Land now in possession of George Bradford then with the said land South twenty six perches to the NorthWest line of Turkey Hills then South East One Hundred & twenty one perches to the aforesaid Branch then bounding on said Branch to the first beginning for fifty acres.  

     The Second Parcel beginning at the Beginning of the Land condemned for the Mill (belonging to Jacob Giles, John Hall & Isaac Webster) and running thence South forty nine Degrees West fourteen Perches South twenty four Degrees west forty one Perches till it intersects the [?] of land the aforesaid Daniel Deaver reserved in his sale to William Smith & bounding on said land South Sixty Degrees East to James’s Run then bounding on the Natural [?] thereof to the beginning for ten acres together with all the writes  profits benefits privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or any ways appoint(?) To have and to hold the aforesaid Bargained Land and Premises with the appurtenances unto him the said Thomas Tredway his Heirs and Assigns [?]

Pg. 48

may forever hereafter hold use occupy possess and enjoy the said bargained land and premises without Clt (?) suit trouble Denial or Interruption of him the said Wm Smith or his Heirs and the said William Smith doth hereby for himself and his Heirs covenant and agree that the aforesaid bargained Land and Premises and every part thereof unto the said Thomas Tredway his Heirs and Assigns ------ against all and every other person or persons claiming by from or under him the said William Smith or his Heirs shall and will warrant and forever Defend by these presents

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & affixed my Seal the Day and Date above written.


William Smith {seal}


Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of {memm the Word, Seven, in the first line was interlined before signed sealed and Delivered}


John Hall

Mary Arnet


     June the 10th 1757 Came William Smith before me one of his Lordships provincial magistrates and acknowledged the within instrument of writing to be his act and Deed & the Land and Premises within mentioned to be the write [sic] title and estate of Thomas Tredway his heirs and assigns forever according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and at the same came Elizabeth Smith the wife of the aforesaid William Smith and being secretly examined out of the hearing of her husband did of her own free will & without the Threat or fear of her Husband acknowledge her write [sic] of dower to the within mentioned Land and Premises to be the write [sic] Title & Estate of the aforesaid Thomas Tredway his Heirs and assigns forever.


John Hall


June the 10th 1757 Recd of Mr Thomas Tredway the considerat.e Money within mentioned


William Smith

Testes  John Hall


     June the 10th 1757 Be it remembered that the within named Thomas Tredway and William Smith did jointly by [sic – “buy”] a tract ap.t of two parcills [sic] of land called Turkey and Strawberry Hills of Daniel Deaver / deceased and we do hereby certify that it is our mutual agreement and we do each of us and ourselves our Heirs Executors or administrators to each other or our Heirs that in Case Any p.t of the aforesaid tract or parcills of Land should be taken away by any other write or lawful claim that each partie should be at an equal loss therein.


In Witness whereof we have hereunto sett our Hands and Seals the Day and Date above written.


Tho.s Tredway  {seal}

Will.m Smith {seal}


Witness p[re]sent John Hall Mary Arnet


Received October 10 1757 two shillings and five pence Sterling on account of a Fine due to the Lord Baltimore on this abenation (?) of the within Land


Recorded the Eighteenth Day of October 1757 and Examined

B Bordley CLK