The Rangers Libary

Hola and welcome to the libary! I'm Penny, i'm the leader of the rangers and I come from Dalmacia, which I think you haven't visist, as you can see i'm a Dalmatian :) I'm charge of the libary, so feel free to read any book you want but be quiet there are other rangers trying to read here!! And if you just want to wonder around feel free to do that too. In this libary we have only a few books with our stories, yes a few I said, because we haven't gone to much mission's yet but with the time, we will have tons and tons of books! Welp, Hope to "spot" you soon!

The Ranger's book's (fiction)

A New Team is Born!
Huntress has been dognaped! She is somewhere in Tibet, the rovers go to Tibet but they get trapped too! They have no way to go to MC again, the master then send's a new team THE RANGER ROVERS!!! Penny is the leader, Cricket and Suky are in the team as well!! now is up to them to save the rovers, but will they acomplish there first mission alive? *NEW EDITION COMPLETLY RE-DONE*

The Libarian's Line (Penny)