Smart Clicks


Hello. My name is Anime Al and this is my Tenchi Muyo! page. Tenchi Muyo! is an animated show made in Japan. It's about a guy named Tenchi and all the girlfriends that live with him. Of course, chaos ensues, and Tenchi finds out he's not so normal after all. Mix Ranma 1/2 with science fiction and that's Tenchi Muyo! This is my first attempt at a webpage, so bear with me. Enjoy! All pictures are property of AIC and Pioneer.

Don't know what anime means? Then click here for a definition and explanation.


A Random Tenchi Muyo Quote!

Let's shake the dew off this lily, shall we? -Washu

To get a different quote, just hit reload or refresh.

This webpage is made with a Philips Magnavox WebTV Classic. You can view my webpage with either Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Always under construction. Please sign my guest book.

A Random Tenchi Picture!

Forging on....

Tenchi Muyo! Image Shrines

Tenchi Themes and Songs
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The Tenchi Poll Results
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WebTV users only! A newsgroup where you can talk about anime.
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Anime Al's Tenchi Voting Poll

Date current question created: 1/21/99
Date new question will appear: 2/21/99

My Tenchi Web Poll
Which Tenchi Muyo! continuity do you like the most?

Current Results

NEWS!!! 9/29/99 I'M BACK ONLINE! I finally got me a kick butt Pentium III computer that I use for everything. Now after 7 months of nothing, I'll start working and updating on my 2 year old webpage. I'll start out slow, but you can expect new things. Thanks to everyone who still come to my site. If you need to reach me, contact me at and I hope to hear from all my friends. Thanks for your patronage.

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