In 1938, the A.M.A.,newly formed, made it illegal for the mouth end of silver ware to contain silver. New alloys were used for eating utensils. Almost all leak a variety of toxic metals into your mouth with every bite. A number of illnesses have been linked to the presence of these metals in our bodies, including senile dementia, alzheimers and migraine headaches.

BrainGarden offers a 4 piece set of non-toxic table ware for your use.

Made of dishwasher and human safe poly carbonite.

More people are becoming aware of possible harmful effects from too much metal used in cooking and eating. Heavy metals are being linked to senile dementia, Alzheimer's, and migraine headaches. For metal-free eating, order ImpleMENTALS - durable, dishwasher-safe polycarbonite utensils. Try them for a month and you will not return to metal.