Thank you for your time, interest and participation in the most exciting times we have ever seen.

We are gathering the most effective products and services together our time and budgets allow. These are all to help facilitate and ease the changes we are all experiencing. Many areas are still being developed yet a great deal of valuable information is available in the links above and below.

Evolutionary Assistance

We have researched and tested all the products links and found them to be of the highest qualities. All are carriers of very high frequencies and affect your body and mind beneficially regardless of your beliefs. These links are being updated and under construction, if you don't find what you are seeking please check back.

As a method of raising consciousness and improving ones mind and body, raising the Vibrational Frequency and lowering the Magnetic Fields around the body leads to a doorway. From that point you can consciously, with intent, modify yourself in any number of beneficial ways. These products will raise your bodys vibrational frequencies and lower the effect of electr-magnetic fields being broadcast by uncountable electronic devices world wide and in orbit.

The GodBox link is to a wonderful site that can provide you with a free program for your PC that will generate Energetic Holographic Wave Forms with miriads of beneficial effects.

Ravenwoods is a huge site. Dedicated to spiritual growth, information and education as well as a big dose of silliness. Many links to similarly intentioned sites are available there. It is one of the few forests on earth expanding as opposed to shrinking, so, look in often.
